Introduction To Design Thinking Activity

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Introduction to design

thinking activity
Prepared by Group 1
9 Whys Activities
01 Why did your group choose SDG ______?

02 Why does this goal relate to you more than the other?

03 Why are you affected by the goal?

04 Why choose the solutions that your group have in mind?

05 Why did you choose them?

06 Why are you more certain about these possible solutions?

07 Why are other initiatives not working?

08 Why do you want to help solve that specific SDG?

09 Why are we not yet united in helping achieve the SDGs?

Why did your group choose
SDG 1?
Globally, the number of people living in extreme poverty is
already declining but the pace of change is decelerating because of
the COVID-19 crisis that we are experiencing today. This causes the
reversing decades of progress in the fight against poverty. The
economic fallout from the global pandemic could increase global
poverty, thus we students and members of the society must make a
change for this thing not to happen. That's the main reason why we
chose SDG 1. Developing countries like the Philippines, are most at
risk during – and in the aftermath – of the pandemic, not only as a
health crisis but as a devastating social and economic crisis over the
months and years to come. If we won't do anything to stop it, these
losses will reverberate across societies; impacting education, human
rights, and, in the most severe cases, basic food security, and
Why does this goal
relate to you more
than the other?
The SDG 1 No Poverty relates to us more than the
other SDGs because the majority of people living here in
Negros Oriental face some aspects of poverty from
economic poverty, physical poverty and, most importantly,
mental poverty, because not all people here in Negros
Oriental have equal access to a decent and stable job, good
schools, specialized health care, cheap electricity, clean
water, and other vital services which still remains elusive
for many people. Moreover, those who have been able to
move out of poverty, their progress are often temporary
reasons from Economic shocks, food insecurity and
climate change threaten to rob them of their hard-won
gains and force them back into poverty.
Why are you affected by the
We are affected by the goal SDG 1 because as a future healthcare provider Poverty
within our global community affects children and elders, nomads and urbanites, men and
women, and citizen of all colors, religions, and belief systems across the universe.
Overcrowded and poor living conditions can lead to the spread of airborne illnesses like
tuberculosis and respiratory infections such as pneumonia. Reliance on open fires or
conventional stoves can cause deadly air pollution indoors. This may have an impact on both
their body, and mind which may affect their adaptation to illness, become a reason for
increased of rate on malnutrition, sluggish response to unpredicted epidemics, and may affect
their literacy about health, since people need money to be able access health services that
would help them prevent and treat illness and disease, restore their optimal well being, and
educate them on illnesses or diseases that may exist in their communities.
Why choose the solutions that your group
have in mind?
We chose these solutions because we believe that this will buffer the effects of poverty. If we want to
improve life prospects for poor people, we need to reduce the number of poor people. This means increasing
their families’ incomes by creating a stable -easy to do-business that will support them. We aim to create
more realistic and better jobs, to offer an opportunity for the poor to lift themselves out of poverty. Specific
strategies must be implemented to reduce the number of poor people who are born or fall into poverty. The
economic consequences will be severe for future generations if we do not take swift action. With solid
economic fundamentals, the Philippines can overcome poverty. It is important to break the cycle of
inequitable investment in human capital, making the pattern of growth more inclusive and creating
opportunities for more and better jobs.
Why did you choose them?

Ensure significant mobilization of resources from a variety of

sources, including through enhanced development cooperation, to
provide adequate and predictable means for developing countries, in
particular least developed countries, to implement programmes and
policies to end poverty in all its dimensions. By measuring poverty we
learn which poverty reduction strategies work, and which ones do not.
Poverty measurement also helps developing countries gauge program
effectiveness and guide their development strategy in a rapidly changing
economic environment. Many of these people do not have insurance, and
efforts to help ... This is what we mean by structural causes of poverty
and inequality. Filipinos are having a hard time surviving in such
difficult conditions, and more and more are falling into extreme poverty.
According to the Asian Development Bank, the major causes of poverty
include: low economic growth, a weak agricultural sector, increased
population rates and a high volume of inequality. 
Why are you more certain about these possible
We proposed solutions that will certainly reduce the numbers of unprivileged people here in the Philippines. Before we
came up with these ideas, we already have this kind of eagerness to do the possible things that can push our limits, and make plans
into reality. Poverty cannot be eradicated if people are not focus in helping and eliminating this problem. This problem requires a
lot hard work, eagerness, responsible policies and responsible behaviour. Students like us can already take part of changing the
world. We, as students already saw this problem as a tough one. As early as now, we proposed solutions that can help the people,
and we are convince and more certain about these possible solutions. These are; Sea Salt Business, Head Lice Remover, Rent-A-
Chicken, Hangover Helpers, Boyfriend Body Pillow, Face Blanket, Home Based Catering Services, Rental Equipment, Recyclable
Materials, and For Hire Services. With the help of the public and private sectors every solution that we propose can already be
available to the low-income families. Supporting local farmers and shop directly at farmers market are a good start of helping
them. Like the Sea Salt Business, where they we can create employment for the poor. With the help of private sectors and our local
government, we can promote their local products for us to give opportunity to the salt farmers to continue their source of
livelihood. Open trainings, for example TESDA who offers free education and training for cookery, caregivers, home services and
others can surely help those people who got not enough education, families with have huge members, single mothers, etc. With this
small action that we make, we can already generate a huge impact to them. Making recycled materials into something useful can be
sold to local markets and the locals should also help in promoting these products around the country. We also have alternative
solutions such as organizing food business and bought at local markets, creating awareness of poverty problems, going to local
areas that doesn’t have any access to education and teach them for free, and supporting government feeding programs. We are
more certain about these possible solutions because we are confident that this micro action that we generated can surely give macro
impact to the community and can help eradicating poverty. By this setting in our minds, that these possible solutions can be a way
to lessen the growing inequality, dependency, social problem can positively improve the lives of unprivileged people.
Why are other initiatives not working?

Initiatives rarely fail due to lack of good ideas instead, they are stifled by
weak leadership, inappropriate organizational structures, and poor reinforcement of
positive behaviors. That initiative failed because we didn't focus enough on change
management." And it's often used as a catch-all for project activities that might
otherwise get overlooked. When we implement that new process, let's not forget
about the change management." But what exactly is it? Change management is a
structured approach for ensuring that changes are thoroughly and smoothly
implemented, and that the lasting benefits of change are achieved. The focus is on the
wider impacts of change, particularly on people and how they, as individuals and
teams, move from the current situation to the new one. The change in question could
range from a simple process change, to major changes in policy or strategy needed if
the organization is to achieve its potential.
Why do you want to help solve that specific
Extreme poverty is one of the most vital questions to address, and one that is
often ignored. Life as we know it, poverty exacts a heavy toll upon those who fall
within its grasp. One of which is health, which is negatively affected by lower
socioeconomic status, particularly impoverishment. This problem is also associated
with a host of health risks that could lead to death. One of the sole reasons why we
choose extreme poverty is that this problem affects us all because as human beings
and future health care providers, our wellbeing is linked to each other. Growing
inequality is detrimental to economic growth and undermines social cohesion,
increasing political and social tensions and, in some circumstances, driving
instability and conflicts. And in our generation of today (generation Z) our active
engagement in policymaking can make a difference in addressing poverty. It
ensures that our rights and also those poor people’s rights are promoted and that our
voices are heard, that inter-generational knowledge is shared, and that innovation
and critical thinking are encouraged at all ages to support transformational change
in people’s lives and communities.
Why are we not yet united in helping
achieve the SDGs?
Poverty is a social problem. One of the main reasons why people have difficulty in addressing
this problem is because it can only be achieved only through a social policy that enables it to eliminate
the main drivers of poverty; ignorance, illness, apathy, dishonesty, and dependency. The most
vulnerable groups of population on poverty are children, youth, and families with many children,
families where several members are unemployed, families engaged in agriculture, pensioners. Also,
one reason why people are not united in addressing this problem is that the Philippines is one of the
low-wage nations. That's one of the reasons why most people migrate to America. Another thing is our
family structure which plays a big role in poverty, like single mothers and huge families. Besides, our
public education system cannot entirely reach some children from rural areas thus, they can't have
access to it. Also, the continuing negative politics of race and gender contribute to why poverty cannot
be addressed if we unite. People who happened to be in a different ethnic group and gender are often
disregarded. Some politicians continue to demonize low-income young men and women of ethnicity
and also their culture, painting them with a broad-brush accusation that their poverty stems completely
from individual irresponsibility. Of course, personal responsibility is a basic, but the facts of failed
schools and mass incarceration and other instances of institutional racism and straight-out
discrimination are of no interest to the purveyors of the politics of bad choices. We need an honest
discussion of the pervasive role that structural racism and implicit bias play throughout our society.
Lastly, the gap between rich and poor has set the mindset of people to help the poor but not to
collaborate with them. These are the reasons why we, Filipino’s have difficulty being united in
achieving extreme poverty.

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