This document provides an overview of various renewable energy sources including biomass, hydroelectric, solar, wind, and geothermal energy. It discusses these topics in depth through multiple sections, describing what each energy source is, how it works, its benefits and drawbacks, and real world examples of its use. Key renewable energy sources covered are biomass/bioenergy from sources like wood, crops and waste, hydroelectric power from dammed rivers and run-of-river systems, and liquid biofuels like ethanol and biodiesel.
This document provides an overview of various renewable energy sources including biomass, hydroelectric, solar, wind, and geothermal energy. It discusses these topics in depth through multiple sections, describing what each energy source is, how it works, its benefits and drawbacks, and real world examples of its use. Key renewable energy sources covered are biomass/bioenergy from sources like wood, crops and waste, hydroelectric power from dammed rivers and run-of-river systems, and liquid biofuels like ethanol and biodiesel.
This document provides an overview of various renewable energy sources including biomass, hydroelectric, solar, wind, and geothermal energy. It discusses these topics in depth through multiple sections, describing what each energy source is, how it works, its benefits and drawbacks, and real world examples of its use. Key renewable energy sources covered are biomass/bioenergy from sources like wood, crops and waste, hydroelectric power from dammed rivers and run-of-river systems, and liquid biofuels like ethanol and biodiesel.
This document provides an overview of various renewable energy sources including biomass, hydroelectric, solar, wind, and geothermal energy. It discusses these topics in depth through multiple sections, describing what each energy source is, how it works, its benefits and drawbacks, and real world examples of its use. Key renewable energy sources covered are biomass/bioenergy from sources like wood, crops and waste, hydroelectric power from dammed rivers and run-of-river systems, and liquid biofuels like ethanol and biodiesel.
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Renewable Energy Alternatives
This lecture will help you understand:
The major sources of renewable energy
Biomass energy Hydo energy Solar energy Wind energy Geothermal energy Ocean energy Hydrogen fuel cells Central Case Study: Germany Goes Solar
Germany produces the world’s most solar power
Yet it is cool and cloudy Its feed-in tariff system requires utilities to buy power from anyone who generates it Homeowners and businesses have installed photovoltaic solar systems to generate energy Central Case Study: Germany Goes Solar
German industries are world leaders in “green
technologies” Germany produces the most renewable energy per person of any country German leaders see renewables as a great economic opportunity Bioenergy
Bioenergy (biomass energy) = energy obtained
from biomass resources Biomass = organic material that makes up organisms and contains energy that originated with photosynthesis Wood, charcoal, agricultural crops, manure It is renewable and releases no net carbon dioxide Carbon released by burning was pulled from the atmosphere to make the biomass We gain bioenergy from many sources
There is a diversity of sources and approaches
involved in bioenergy This give us many ways to address our energy challenges Over 1 billion people use wood from trees as their primary source of energy Wood is gathered for heating, cooking, and light We gain bioenergy from many sources
In developing nations, fuel wood, charcoal, and
manure account for one-third of energy use, and up to 90% in the poorest nations Fuelwood and other traditional biomass sources constitute 75% of all renewable energy used worldwide We gain bioenergy from many sources
Biomass is only renewable if it is not overharvested
Overharvesting causes deforestation, erosion, and desertification Heavily populated arid regions are most vulnerable When used in cooking, biomass produces indoor air pollution New biomass sources are being developed using a variety of materials Biopower = biomass sources are burned in power plants, generating heat and electricity Biofuels = liquid fuels used to power automobiles Biopower generates electricity from biomass
Many types of biomass are combusted to generate
electricity Waste products of industries or processes are used Woody debris from logging and mills, crop residues, animal waste, and organic waste from landfills Landfill gas is being captured and sold as fuel Bioenergy crops are being grown specifically to generate power Fast-growing grasses such as bamboo, switchgrass Trees such as specially bred willows and poplars Combustion strategies and Scales of production Biomass power plants are built like those fired by fossil fuels Many use cogeneration to provide heat and electricity Co-firing combines biomass and coal Gasification turns biomass to vapor in the absence of oxygen and can be used to generate methanol Pyrolysis produces a liquid fuel Combustion strategies and Scales of production At small scales, modular biopower systems can use livestock manure to power a farm or village Small household biodigesters work in remote areas In Sweden, one-fifth of the energy supply is from biomass The United States has dozens of biomass-fueled power plants Benefits and drawbacks
Biomass power increases efficiency and recycles waste
products It reduces CO2 emissions and dependence on imported fossil fuels It is better for health since it produces less sulfur dioxide Using biomass resources can support rural economies and reduce countries’ dependence on imported fuels But burning crops deprives the soil of nutrients Continued use will deplete the soil Relying solely on bioenergy is not a sustainable option Ethanol can power automobiles
Liquid fuels from biomass power millions of vehicles
Ethanol = a biofuel made by fermenting carbohydrate-rich crops Ethanol is widely added to U.S. gasoline to reduce emissions In 2012 in the United States, 50 billion L (13.3 billion gallons) were made, mostly from corn Ethanol can power automobiles
Congress has mandated increased ethanol
production Flexible-fuel vehicles run on E-85, a mix of 85% ethanol, 15% gasoline Brazil uses bagasse = crushed sugarcane residue used to make ethanol Ethanol is not our most sustainable energy choice Environmental scientists don’t like corn-based ethanol Growing corn impacts ecosystems Pesticides, fertilizers, irrigation Takes up land that could be left unfarmed As more corn is used for ethanol, less is left for food The drop in corn availability increased prices Mexicans could not afford tortillas, and so they rioted Ethanol is not our most sustainable energy choice Growing corn uses fossil fuel energy for equipment, pesticides, and fertilizers The EROI ratio for corn ethanol is about 1.3:1, so it is inefficient; Brazilian bagasse ethanol is more efficient Biodiesel powers diesel engines
Biodiesel = fuel produced from vegetable oil,
cooking grease, or animal fats Vehicles can run on 100% biodiesel Mixing petrodiesel with 20% biodiesel (called B20) is common today Biodiesel powers diesel engines
Biodiesel reduces emissions, and its fuel economy is
good It costs a bit more than petrodiesel Using waste oil to make biodiesel is sustainable Crops are specially grown (like in ethanol production) Environmental impacts like depleting land, deforestation Novel biofuels are being developed
Algae produce lipids that can be converted to
biodiesel Their carbohydrates can be fermented to make ethanol It can be grown in ponds, tanks, or photobioreactors Algae grows fast and can be harvested every few days It can use wastewater, ocean water, or saline water It can capture CO2 emissions from smokestacks to speed its growth Novel biofuels are being developed
Biofuels from algae are currently expensive
Cellulosic ethanol = produced from structural plant material (e.g., corn stalks) that has no food value Switchgrass provides ethanol, habitat, and high EROI Is bioenergy carbon-neutral?
In principle, biomass energy releases no net carbon
Photosynthesis removes carbon that is released when biomass is burned Burning biomass is not carbon-neutral: If forests are destroyed to plant bioenergy crops If we use fossil fuel energy (tractors, fertilizers, etc.) The Kyoto Protocol gives incentives to destroy forests for biofuel crops Only emissions from energy use (not land-use changes) are “counted” toward controlling emissions Hydroelectric Power
Next to biomass, provides more renewable energy than
any other source Hydropower = uses the kinetic energy of moving water to turn turbines to generate electricity There are three approaches to hydropower Storage technique = water stored in reservoirs behind dams passes through the dam and turns turbines The amount of power generated depends on the distance the water falls and the volume released Storage allows a predictable supply of water and electricity Modern hydropower uses three approaches
Run-of-river approach = generates electricity
without disrupting the river’s flow River water can be diverted through a pipe, passed through a turbine, and returned to the river A small dam that does not impede fish passage can also be used to divert water Useful in areas away from electric grids or where a large dam is impractical Modern hydropower uses three approaches
Pumped storage = water is pumped from a low
reservoir to a high reservoir when energy demand is low; uses it when demand is high Uses energy to pump water Hydropower is clean and renewable, but also has impacts Hydropower has three clear advantages over fossil fuels for producing electricity: It is renewable: as long as precipitation fills rivers we can use water to turn turbines It is efficient: it is thought to have an EROI (energy returned on energy invested) of 100:1 or more It is clean: no carbon dioxide or other pollutants are emitted into the atmosphere There are negative impacts: Fossil fuels are used in constructing dams Large reservoirs release the greenhouse gas methane Hydropower is clean and renewable, but also has impacts Damming rivers destroys wildlife habitats Upstream areas are submerged Downstream areas are starved of water Natural flooding cycles are disrupted Downstream floodplains don’t get nutrients Downstream water is shallower and warmer Periodic flushes of cold reservoir water can kill fish Dams block passage of fish, fragmenting the river and reducing biodiversity Hydroelectric power is widely used
Hydropower accounts for 16% of the world’s
electricity production Nations with large rivers and economic resources to build dams have used hydropower for their development Sweden receives nearly 50% of its electricity and 11% of its total power from hydropower Hydroelectric power is widely used
However, many countries have dammed their large
rivers People want some rivers left undammed The U.S. government built dams to employ people and help end the economic depression of the 1930s Engineers exported their dam-building techniques to developing countries Hydropower’s expansion is limited
There are massive dam construction projects going
on China’s Three Gorges Dam is the world’s largest dam Displaced 1 million people Generates as much electricity as dozens of coal-fired or nuclear plants Hydropower’s expansion is limited
Most of the world’s large rivers have already been
dammed, limiting potential expansion 98% of the appropriate rivers in the United States have already been dammed People have grown aware of the ecological impact of dams and resist more construction Developing nations with rivers will increase hydropower “New” Renewable Energy Sources
The economic, social, and environmental impacts of
fossil fuels are intensifying “New” renewables are a group of alternative energy sources that include the sun, wind, geothermal heat, and ocean water They are referred to as “new” because: They are just beginning to be used on a wide scale Their technologies are still in a rapid phase of development They will play a much larger role in our future energy use New renewable sources are growing fast
New renewables provide energy for electricity,
heating, fuel for vehicles New renewables provide only 1% of energy Only 20% of our electricity is from renewable sources Four-fifths of that is from hydropower New renewable sources are growing fast
Nations vary in the renewable sources they use
Most U.S. renewable energy comes from biomass and hydropower Growth is faster than for conventional energy sources Wind power is growing at 50% per year Since these sources began at low levels, it will take time to build them up The new renewables offer advantages
Expansion of new renewables has been driven by:
Growing concerns over diminishing fossil fuel supplies Environmental and health impacts of burning fossil fuels Advances in technology making it easier and cheaper The new renewables offer advantages
Benefits of the new renewables include:
Alleviating air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions They are inexhaustible, unlike fossil fuels They help diversify a country’s energy economy They create jobs, income, and taxes, especially in rural areas Green-collar jobs = design, installation, maintenance, and management of renewable energy technologies Policy and investment can accelerate our transition We can not wholly convert to renewable energy overnight The infrastructure is not in place to transfer energy from renewable sources cheaply and efficiently Stimulus packages during the 2008–2009 economic downturn often provided funds for green energy programs Most renewable energy is more expensive than nonrenewables Renewable use has grown anywhere government policies supported it Financial incentives and mandated goals have helped Policy and investment can accelerate our transition Government support often results in private sector investment Advances in technology have accompanied national or state policy that encourages renewable energy sources Government policies regarding renewable sources have been erratic; therefore, so have the economics Policy and investment can accelerate our transition Subsidies have overwhelmingly favored nonrenewables Oil and gas have received 75 times more subsidies than new renewable energy sources in total In the earliest years of each energy source, oil, gas, and nuclear received far more in subsidy support than new renewables have Solar Energy
The sun provides energy for Earth’s processes
Each square meter of Earth receives about 1 kilowatt of solar energy = energy from the sun 17 times the energy of a lightbulb Solar Energy
Passive solar energy collection = buildings are
designed to maximize absorption of sunlight in winter Overhangs block sunlight to keep cool in summer Uses thermal mass = materials that store heat such as straw, brick, or concrete Active solar energy collection = uses technology to focus, move, or store solar energy We can collect solar using passive or active methods Flat plate solar collectors = dark-colored, heat-absorbing metal plates mounted on rooftops Water, air, or antifreeze runs through the collectors, transferring heat throughout the building Heated water is stored and used later 200 million households heat water with solar collectors Only 1.5 million in the United States and mostly for pools They can be used in isolated locations For heating, cooling, water purification It is not restricted to wealthy, sunny regions Concentrating solar rays magnifies energy
Focusing solar energy on a single point magnifies its
strength Solar cookers = simple, portable ovens that use reflectors to focus sunlight onto food Concentrated solar power (CSP) = technologies that concentrate solar energy The most widespread is the trough approach Uses curved mirrors that focus sunlight on synthetic oil in pipes The heated oil creates steam that drives turbines to produce electricity Concentrating solar rays magnifies energy
“Power tower”: numerous mirrors concentrate
sunlight onto a receiver on top of a tall tower Heat is transported by air or fluids (molten salts) to a steam-driven generator to create electricity Lenses or mirrors track the sun’s movement CSP facilities must be located in a sunny region CSP facilities on just 260 km2 (100 mi2) in Nevada could generate enough electricity for the entire U.S. economy Some people are wary of the impacts of the large- scale development needed for most CSPs to work Photovoltaic cells generate electricity directly
Photovoltaic (PV) cells = cells that convert sunlight
directly into electrical energy The photovoltaic (photoelectric) effect occurs when light hits the PV cell and hits a plate made of silicon Electrons are released by the silicon and are attracted to the opposite plate Wires connecting the two plates let electrons flow, creating an electric current Small PV cells are in watches and calculators On roofs, PV cells are arranged in modules, which comprise panels, which can be gathered into arrays Photovoltaic cells generate electricity directly
Thin-film solar cells = PV materials that are
compressed into thin sheets Less efficient but cheaper Can be incorporated into roofing shingles, roads, etc. PV-generated energy can be stored in batteries Photovoltaic cells generate electricity directly
Net metering = process in which the value of the
power the consumer provides is subtracted from the monthly utility bill Producers of PV electricity can sell their power to a utility Feed-in tariffs pay producers more than the market price of power, so power producers turn a profit Solar energy is expanding
Active solar dates to the 19th century but was
pushed to the sidelines as fossil fuels dominated our economy Funding has been erratic for research and development Largely because of a lack of investment, solar energy contributes only a miniscule part (0.22%) of U.S. energy production and just 0.1% of electricity production But worldwide solar energy use has increased 30% per year over the last 4 decades Solar energy is expanding
Solar energy is attractive in developing nations,
where hundreds of millions don’t have electricity They are rich in sun, but poor in infrastructure Solar energy is expanding
PV technology is the fastest growing power generation
technology today China leads the world in PV cell production The United States ranks fifth and accounts for only 4% Federal tax breaks and state incentives should help boost U.S. PV production Chinese support of its solar industry has caused overproduction, with firms often selling at a loss and lowering prices worldwide Solar energy use should increase, due to falling prices, improved technologies increasing efficiency, and economic incentives Solar energy offers many benefits
Solar technologies use no fuels, are quiet and safe,
contain no moving parts, and require little maintenance An average unit can produce energy for 20–30 years They allow local, decentralized control over power Do not need to be near the power grid Solar energy offers many benefits
Developing nations can use solar cookers to replace
the gathering of firewood, decreasing environmental and social stress Low cost ($2–10 each) makes them available to impoverished areas Most PV owners can sell excess electricity to their local utility through feed-in tariffs or net metering Solar energy offers many benefits
Green-collar jobs are being created
PV technology creates the most jobs per unit energy 800,000 jobs worldwide They reduce the emission of greenhouse gases and air pollution compared to fossil fuels Fossil fuel energy is used in manufacturing PV cells No emissions are generated during use A 5-kilowatt PV system in a home in Fort Worth would provide half its power needs, save $681/year, and prevent 5 tons of CO2 emissions/year The same system in cloudy Seattle would still prevent 3.5 tons of CO2 emissions/year Location, timing, and cost can be drawbacks
Not all regions are sunny enough to provide enough
power, given current technology However, Germany receives little sun and it is the world leader in solar power Solar power is an intermittent source Daily and seasonal variation can limit stand-alone systems They need storage (e.g., batteries) and backup power Pumped storage hydropower is sometimes used to supplement solar power production Location, timing, and cost can be drawbacks
Up-front costs are high
This makes solar power the most expensive way to produce electricity It may take a homeowner 20 years to break even Fossil fuels and nuclear energy are favored over solar Government subsidies and not including their external costs have made them cheaper Location, timing, and cost can be drawbacks
Prices are declining and technologies are improving
PV cells are showing up to 20% efficiency compared with 6% when first produced in the 1950s Efficiencies of up to 40% have been achieved in lab research Wind Power
Wind power = energy derived from movement of air
An indirect form of solar energy Wind turbines = devices that convert wind’s kinetic energy into electric energy Windmills have been used for 800 years to pump water and grind grain The first wind turbine for electrical generation was built in the 1880s in Cleveland, Ohio After the 1973 oil embargo, governments funded research and development Moderate funding boosted technological progress Wind turbines convert kinetic energy to electrical energy Wind blowing into a turbine turns the blades of a rotor, which rotate machinery inside a compartment (called a nacelle) atop a tower Towers average 80 m (260 ft) tall The higher the tower, the more it minimizes turbulence and maximizes wind speed Wind farms = turbines erected in groups of up to hundreds of turbines Turbines yaw—they rotate in response to changes in wind direction, ensuring they always face into the wind Wind turbines convert kinetic energy to electrical energy Turbines are designed to harness wind efficiently Different turbines turn in different wind conditions: some in a gentle breeze, others only in strong winds Slight differences in wind speed yield significant differences in power output Energy content increases as the square of its velocity—if a wind’s velocity doubles, its energy quadruples Increased speeds cause more air molecules to pass through the turbine, increasing power by the wind velocity cubed—if wind velocity doubles, turbine power output rises eightfold Wind power is growing fast
Wind power provides just a small proportion of the
world’s power needs, but wind power has doubled every 3 years in recent years Five nations produce 75% of the world’s wind power But dozens of nations now produce wind power Offshore sites hold promise
Wind speeds are 20% greater over water than over
land Also less air turbulence over water Costs to erect and maintain turbines in water are higher But more power is produced, and it is more profitable Offshore sites hold promise
Currently, turbines are limited to shallow water
Future towers may be on floating pads in deeper waters Over 1800 wind turbines are operating in 65 wind farms in the waters of 10 European countries The first U.S. offshore wind farm will have 130 turbines and be located 8 km (5 miles) off Cape Cod, Massachusetts Wind power has many benefits
Wind produces no emissions once installed
Prevents the release of CO2, SO2, NOx, mercury It is more efficient than conventional power sources EROI = 20:1 (better than most other energy sources) Turbines use less water than conventional power plants Wind power has many benefits
Wind power can be used on many scales
Local areas can become more self-sufficient Farmers and ranchers can lease their land Produces extra revenue while still using the land Advancing technology is also reducing the cost of wind farm construction Has created 85,000 U.S. jobs and 700,000 globally Wind power has some downsides
We have no control over when wind will occur
Limitation on relying on it for electricity Need to combine it with other generation technologies, or batteries or hydrogen fuel can store the energy Wind power has some downsides
Wind sources are not always near population
centers that need energy Mountainous regions tend to be the best locations for wind generation The U.S. Great Plains are also a good location Transmission networks need to be expanded to deliver the wind-generated power to distant population centers Geothermal Energy
Geothermal energy = thermal energy from beneath
Earth’s surface Radioactive decay of elements under extremely high pressures deep inside the planet generates heat Heat rises through magma, fissures, and cracks or heats groundwater, which erupts as geysers or submarine hydrothermal vents Geothermal power plants use hot water and steam for heating homes, drying crops, and generating electricity Globally, one-third of geothermal energy is used for electricity, the other two-thirds for direct heating Geothermal power has benefits and limitations
Geothermal power reduces greenhouse gas emissions
Each megawatt of geothermal power prevents release of 7 million kg (15.5 million lb) of CO2 each year But it may not be sustainable if the plant withdraws water faster than it can be recharged (water or wastewater can be injected into the ground to replenish the supply) Patterns of geothermal activity in the crust may shift, cutting off the heated water Water of many hot springs has salts and minerals that corrode equipment and pollute the air It is limited to areas where the energy can be trapped Enhanced geothermal systems might widen our reach Areas that lack heated water may still be used through enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) = deep holes are drilled into dry rock and the rock is fractured Cold water is pumped in and is heated by natural thermal energy It is withdrawn to generate electricity It could be used in many locations Heat resources below the United States could power the Earth’s demands for millennia But EGS can trigger minor earthquakes Our use of geothermal power will stay localized Heat pumps make use of temperature differences above and below ground Soil temperatures vary from season to season less than air temperatures Soil absorbs and releases heat more slowly Warmth and cold do not penetrate far belowground Ground-source heat pumps (GSHPs) = geothermal pumps that heat buildings in the winter by transferring heat from the ground to the building In summer, heat is transferred from the building to the ground Because heat is only being moved, not generated, GSHPs are very efficient We can harness energy from tides, waves, and currents Kinetic energy from the natural motion of ocean water can generate electrical power Wave energy = the motion of waves is harnessed and converted from mechanical energy into electricity Many designs exist, but few have been adequately tested Some designs are for offshore facilities and involve floating devices that move up and down the waves Wave energy is greater at deep ocean sites But transmitting electricity to shore is very expensive We can harness energy from tides, waves, and currents Some designs work along coastlines One funnels waves into elevated reservoirs Another uses waves to push air into and out of chambers, turning turbines Kinetic energy from the natural motion of ocean water can generate electrical power The rising and falling of ocean tides twice each day move large amounts of water Differences in height between low and high tides are especially great in long, narrow bays We can harness energy from tides, waves, and currents Tidal energy = energy harnessed from dams that cross the outlets of tidal basins Water is trapped behind gates Outgoing tides turn turbines to generate electricity Tidal stations release few or no pollutant emissions But they can affect the ecology of estuaries and tidal basins Another design uses the motion of ocean currents, such as the Gulf Stream Devices similar to underwater turbines have been erected off of Europe to test this technology The ocean stores thermal energy
Each day, tropical oceans absorb solar radiation
equal to the heat content of 250 billion barrels of oil Ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) = uses temperature differences between the ocean’s warm surface water and cold deep water The ocean stores thermal energy
Closed cycle approach = warm surface water
evaporates chemicals, which spin turbines to generate electricity Cold water condenses the gases to be reused Open cycle approach = warm surface water is evaporated in a vacuum and its steam turns turbines Costs are high, and no facility operates commercially yet Hydrogen
Energy produced by the new renewables is not
easily stored in large quantities for use when needed This is why most vehicles rely on gasoline from oil Fuel cells and their fuel, hydrogen, promise a way to store considerable quantities of energy cleanly and efficiently Hydrogen is an energy carrier, not a primary source Like electricity and batteries, its energy can be converted for use at a later time in a different location Some yearn for a “hydrogen economy”
A hydrogen economy would provide a clean, safe,
and efficient energy system Electricity produced from intermittent sources (sun, wind) would be used to produce hydrogen Fuel cells (essentially, hydrogen batteries) would use hydrogen to produce electricity to power vehicles, homes, computers, cell phones, etc. Governments are funding research into hydrogen and fuel cell technology Iceland and Germany have converted their public buses to run on hydrogen Hydrogen fuel may be produced from water or from other matter Hydrogen gas does not exist freely on Earth Energy is used to force molecules to release hydrogen Electrolysis = electricity splits hydrogen from water 2H2O 2H2 + O2 It may cause pollution, but only if the source of energy for the electricity produces pollution Hydrogen fuel may be produced from water or from other matter The environmental impact of hydrogen production depends on the source of hydrogen Using methane, biomass, or fossil fuels produces the greenhouse gas CO2 CH4 + 2H2O 4H2 + CO2 Fuel cells produce electricity by joining hydrogen and oxygen Once isolated, hydrogen gas can be used as a fuel to produce electricity within fuel cells The chemical reaction is the reverse of electrolysis 2H2 + O2 2H2O The movement of the hydrogen’s electrons from one electrode to the other creates electricity Hydrogen and fuel cells have costs and benefits Need massive and costly development of infrastructure Some research suggests that leakage of hydrogen can deplete stratospheric ozone We will never run out of hydrogen It can be clean and nontoxic to use It may produce few greenhouse gases and pollutants If kept under pressure, it is no more dangerous than gasoline in tanks Cells are typically 35–70% energy efficient (up to 90%) Fuel cells are silent and nonpolluting and won’t need to be recharged Conclusion
Biomass energy sources include wood and newer
biofuels They can be carbon-neutral but are not strictly renewable Hydropower is a renewable, pollution-free alternative But it is nearing maximal use and can involve substantial ecological impacts Conclusion
The concern over global climate change and the health
impacts, security risks of dependence, and decline of fossil fuels have convinced many people we need to shift to renewable energy Renewable sources include solar, wind, geothermal, and ocean energy sources and hydrogen fuel Renewable energy sources have been held back by inadequate funding and by artificially cheap prices for nonrenewable resources But there is hope that we can shift to renewable energy The limit on environmental impact will be based on how soon, how quickly, and how carefully we make the switch