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 What is women empowerment?

 Why it should be?

 History

 What are the main problems?

 How to achieve it?

 Efforts made to achieve it.

 Achievements
What is women empowerment?

 To give certain rights and authority.

 To invest with power, especially legal power or official


 To equip or supply with an ability to make life-

determining decisions through the different problems in
Why it should be?
 Reflecting into the “Vedas puranas” of Indian culture, women is
being worshipped such as Laxmi Maa (goddess of wealth), Saraswati
Maa (goddess of wisdom), Durga Maa (goddess of power).

 The status of women in India, particularly in rural areas needs to

address the issue of empowering women.

 Leaving a meager number of urban and suburban women, the

Indian women are still crying for simple justice. Which is not even
allowed to have accessed to them.

 Ironically, women have not actively participated in their own

emancipation mainly due to low economic independence.

 With their age, they have been raped, kicked, killed, subdued &
humiliated daily.
 About 60% of the female population in rural areas is unutilized. This
is mainly due to existing social customs.

 In agriculture & animal care the women contributes 84% of the total
work force.

 Among the world’s 287 million illiterate people, women out number
men two to one.

 70% of the people living in poverty are women..

 Lower sex ratio i.e. 930.

 Women constitute almost half of the population, perform nearly

2/3rd of its work hours, receive 1/10th of the world’s income & own less
than 1/100th o the world’s property.
 The male child perceived as an asset for the landless rural labourer,
a dowry earner for a greedy middle class family and a simple matter of
pride for the mother.

 The existing studies show that the women are relatively less healthy
then men even though, they belong to same class.

 They constitute less than /7th of the administrations & managers in

developing countries.

 Only 30% seats in world’s parliament & 12% in national cabinets are
held by women.
 It dates back to the 1970s and the beginning of the international
women’s movement.

 Many women’s organization worldwide set up credit and savings

components as a way of both enabling women to increase their income
and come together to address wider gender issues.

 Not only ‘reaching women’ but ‘empowering’ them is the second

official goal of the Micro credit summit programme.

 Women’s empowerment is not a Northern concept, women all over

the world, including countries in the South, have been challenging and
changing gender inequalities since the beginning of history.

 These struggles have also been supported by many men who have
been outraged at injustices against women.
What are the main problems?

 Lack of education,

 Financial constraints,

 Family responsibility,

 Low mobility,

 Low ability to bear risk,

 Low need for achievement,

 Absence of ambition for the achievement,

 Social status.
How to achieve it?

 One of the strategies is “EDUCATION” that builds a positive self-

image and boosts self-confidence among them & develops their ability
to think critically.

 Promoting self-employment, through credit & training.

 Providing lean season wage employment.

 Addressing minimum needs such as nutrition, health, sanitation,

housing & education.

 Direct involvement of women who are likely to be affected by

development programme.

 Providing saving habit among them.

 Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan: the flagship programme of elementary
education has special focus on girl child.

 Jawahar Navodaya Vidalayas.

 Prathiba Vikas Vidalayas

 In every district of the country with fair representation for girl child
would contribute enormously in national level development through
women empowerment.

 Kasturba Gandhi Swatantrata Vidhalaya: residential school for girls.

 National Rural Employment Guarantee Programme(NREGP).

 Development of women and child in rural areas(DWCRA):

Implemented during 1982.
 Women have more opportunities foe education and stronger legal
rights in many countries, they are taking leadership roles in local
communities as well as national, and stand at the forefront of the peace

 Perhaps the greatest change will come when women and men agree
to work together for gender equality.

 International Women’s Rights Agreements– Women’s right are well-

established by international agreements, notably the international
convention on eradication of discrimination against women(CEDAW),
which explicitly include women within the definition of “human” and
hence in all International Human Rights Conventions.

 Trade Related Entrepreneurs Development for Women(TREAD): had

revenue capital of 30%.

 Subsidy for units providing employment for women: 5% on total

investment is available to the SSI units providing employment for
women at least to the extent of 30% of the total strength.

 The scheme of granting capital subsidy for small scale industries has
been revived.

 Since 1950-51 the total enrollment at primary, upper primary,

secondary and senior secondary stages increases by 6,14,20 times
resp. during the same period.

 The rate of literacy has gone up from 39.29% in 1991 to 65.46% till

 “When women move forward the family moves, the village

moves, and the nation moves”.

 It is essential as their thoughts & their value systems

lead the development of a good family, good society &
ultimately a good nation.
Thank you

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