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The nature of accounting

and the chief ethical

difficulty: True disclosure
- Namira Maulina (008201800053)
- Ni Nyoman Maylina (008201800004)
- Rifqiariiq Salman Suherman (008201800032)
The nature of accounting

The nature of Accounting is a technique, and its practice is an art or craft developed to help people
monitor their economic transactions. Accounting gives people a fi nancial picture of
their affairs. Its original and enduring fundamental purpose is to provide information
accounting about the economic dealings of a person or organization. Initially, only the person or
organization needed the information. Then the government needed the information.
The accountant provides information that can be used in a number of ways. An
organization managers use it to help them plan and control the organization
operations. Owners, managers, and legislative bodies use it to help them appraise an
organization performance and make decisions about its future. Owners, managers,
lenders, suppliers, employees, and others use it to help to decide how much time an
money to devote to the organization.

There generally are ▪ Balance Sheet

▪ Income Statement
four components of
▪ statement of changes in retained earnings
financial statements: ▪ statement of changes in cash flow

The balance sheet has three elements: (1) assets – the tangible and intangible items owned by
the company; (2) liabilities – the organization’ s debts, involving money or services owed to
others; and (3) owners equity – funds provided by the organization’ s owners and the
accumulated income or loss generated over years. The total assets, of course, equal the total
liabilities plus the owners ’ equity. Owners equity (net assets) equals the total assets minus the
total liability (net assets). To put it another way, total assets equals liabilities plus owner equity.
This view of the equation indicates how assets were financed: by borrowing money (liability) or
by using the owner money (owner equity)
Ethics of disclosure


Ethics of Accounting is developing information that is going to be used. If the use of the
information is benign and the information is truthful, no ethical problems arise.
But if the information persuades people to act in one way or other, and their
disclosure action either benefits or harms the persons giving or getting the information, this
information giving takes on ethical importance. Depending on the use, giving out
information can be very much like selling. For example, the CEO is selling the
board or the stockholders on the soundness of the company financial situation.
His bonus might be tied to how rosy a picture he paints.
Ethical issues in Accounting

Ethical issues in •

Provides fair and accurate reporting of the financial position of a business
Ethical issues
▪ Reporting income, falsifying documents, allowing or taking questionable
Accounting deductions, illegally evading income taxes, engaging in frauds etc

Fraud in financial statement can be

committed in 5 ways:

1. Fictitious revenue-revenues not actually earned

2. Fraudulent Timing differences
3. Concealed liabilities and expenses
4. Fraudulent disclosures or Omissions
5. Fraudulent asset valuation-false statement of the
inventory available
Financial statements

Financial The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) oversees fi nancial statements of
corporations. The fi nancial statements are prepared by the company ’ s own
accountants. Outside accountants audit the fi nancial statements. (In the United
statements States, certifi ed public accountants (CPAs) execute the audits. In the United
Kingdom and its affi liates, chartered accountants perform the audit function.)
Accountants certify that the companies financial statements are complete in all
material aspects and the figures have been calculated through the use of
acceptable measurement principles.

The most common measurement principles are generally accepted accounting

principles. Those principles are supervised by the Financial Accounting Standards
Board, not the SEC, which does have the statutory authority to set financial
accounting and reporting standards for publicly held companies under the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

Financial The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) oversees fi nancial statements of
corporations. The fi nancial statements are prepared by the company ’ s own
accountants. Outside accountants audit the fi nancial statements. (In the United
statements States, certifi ed public accountants (CPAs) execute the audits. In the United
Kingdom and its affi liates, chartered accountants perform the audit function.)
Accountants certify that the companies financial statements are complete in all
material aspects and the figures have been calculated through the use of
acceptable measurement principles.

The most common measurement principles are generally accepted accounting

principles. Those principles are supervised by the Financial Accounting Standards
Board, not the SEC, which does have the statutory authority to set financial
accounting and reporting standards for publicly held companies under the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
Roles accountant can fullfil
1. Auditing
The most important role is the role of the independent accountant (auditor). The
auditor function is to determine that the organization estimates are based on
formulas that seem reasonable in the light of whatever evidence is available and
to see that those formulas are applied consistently from year to year thus, to
Roles accountant ensure reasonable application and consistent application. The role of the auditor is
not to determine whether the formulas are justifi able. That, at least in the United

can fullfil States, is FASB ’ s job.

2. Managerial accounting
A second role for accountants is managerial accounting. Businesses need
controllers and internal auditors. For example, they need in house accountants
whose role is to give the most accurate picture of the organization economic state
so that the company can flourish. The accountant main responsibility is to the
company, but if the company’ s board, managers, and shareholders are at cross
purposes, the accountant is conflicted. These conflicts form the grounds for many
ethical problems.

3. Tax accounting
A third role for accountants is the determination of tax liabilities for clients, either
individual or corporate.

4. Financial planning.
More and more accountants are engaging in a fourth kind of activity, which
springs from their knowledge of tax law and financial investment markets
Roles accountant financial planning. Some might argue this is not a role of an accountant as such,
but rather a role the accountant may be well qualified to assume, given his or her
can fullfil areas of expertise.

there is the area of consulting. Because an accountant is exceedingly familiar with
the financial status of the companies he/she serves, the accountant can become a
valuable company consultant in money management, income distribution, and
accounting and auditing functions. Here, too, some might argue that this is not the
accountant role, but rather one he or she can assume based on the accountant

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