Kuliah-19 Dualisme Partikel Gelombang
Kuliah-19 Dualisme Partikel Gelombang
Kuliah-19 Dualisme Partikel Gelombang
38- 1
The Photon, the Quantum of Light
Quantum physics:
•Study of the microscopic world
• Many physical quantities found only in certain minimum (elementary)
amounts, or integer multiples of those elementary amounts
•These quantities are "quantized"
•Elementary amount associated with this a quantity is called a "quantum"
(quanta plural)
E hf (photon energy)
The energy of light with frequency f must be an integer multiple of hf. In the
previous chapters we dealt with such large quantities of light, that individual
photons were not distinguishable. Modern experiments can be performed with
single photons. 38- 3
The Photoelectric Effect
When short wavelength light
illuminates a clean metal surface,
electrons are ejected from the metal.
These photoelectrons produce a
Fig. 38-2
38- 5
The Photoelectric Effect, cont’d
Photoelectric Equation
The previous two experiments can be summarized by the
following equation, which also expresses energy conservation
Fig. 38-3
Fig. 38-4
38- 7
Photons Have Momentum, Compton shift
Conservation of energy hf hf ' K
1-cos (Compton shift)
is the Compton wavelength and depends on 1/m of the scattering particle
Loose end: Compton effect can be due to scattering from electrons bound
loosely to atoms (m=me→ peak at ≠ 0) or electrons bound tightly to atoms
(m ≈ matom >>me → peak at ≈ 0) 38- 9
Light as a Probability Wave
How can light act both as a wave and as a particle (photon)?
Single Photon Version: photons sent through double slit one at a time. First
experiment by Taylor in 1909.
The wave traveling from the source to the screen is a probability wave, which
produces a pattern of "probability fringes" at the screen.
Light as a Probability Wave, cont'd
Single Photon, Wide-Angle Version: More recent experiments (Lai and Diels
in 1992) show that photons are not small packets of classical waves.
Electrons and Matter Waves
If electromagnetic waves (light) can behave like particles (photons), can
particles behave like waves?
(de Broglie wavelength) where p is the momentum of the particle
Fig. 38-9
Waves and Particles
Consider a particle that is detected at Point I and then is detected at Point F.
Can we think of this as the propagation of a wave. Imagine any non-straight
path connecting I and F. This path will have a neighboring path that will
destructively interfere with it. For the straight (direct) path connecting I and F
the neighboring paths will constructively interfere to reinforce the probability of
traveling in a straight line. Of course, if the particle is charged and in the
presence of an electric or magnetic field, the interference conditions on
neighboring paths will change and the path may become curved.
Fig. 38-11
Schrödinger’s Equation
For light E(x, y, z, t) characterizes its wavelike nature, for matter the wave
function Ψ(x, y, z, t) characterizes its wavelike nature.
Like any wave, Ψ(x, y, z, t) has an amplitude and a phase (it can be shifted
in time and or position), which can be conveniently represented using a
complex number a+ib where a and b are real numbers and i2 = -1.
On the situations that we will discuss, the space and time variables can be
grouped separately:
x, y, z , t x, y, z , t e i t
Schrödinger’s Equation, cont’d
What does the wave function mean? If the matter wave reaches a particle
detector that is small, the probability that that a particle will be detected there
in a specified period of time is proportional to Iψ|2, where Iψ| is the absolute
value (amplitude) of the wave function at the detector’s location.
* a ib a ib
Schrödinger’s Equation, cont’d
How do we find (calculate) the wave function? Matter waves are described
by Schrödinger’s equation. Light waves a described Maxwell’s equations,
matter waves are described by Schrödinger’s equation.
For a particle traveling in the x direction through a region in which forces on
the particle cause it to have a potential energy U(x), Schrödinger’s equation
reduces to:
d 2 8 2 m
+ 2 E - U x =0 (Schrodinger's
eq. in 1D)
dx h
where E is the total energy of the particle.
If U(x) = 0, this equation describes a free particle. In that case the total
energy of the particle is simple its kinetic energy (1/2)mv2 and the equation
d 8 m mv 2
2 2
d 2 p
+ 2 =0 2 + 2 =0
dx h 2 dx h 38-18
Schrödinger’s Equation, cont’d
In the previous equation, since =h/p, we can replace the p/h with 1/which
in turn is related to the angular wave number k=2/
d 2
+k 2
=0 (Schrodinger's
eq., free particle)
x =Aeikx Be ikx
Leading to:
e ikx 2
eikx eikx * eikx e ikx eikx ikx 1
ikx 2
0 1 02 (a constant)
2 2 2
= 0e
Fig. 38-12
Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle
In the previous example, the momentum (p or k) in the x-direction was exactly
defined, but the particle’s position along the x-direction was completely
unknown. This is an example of an important principle formulated by
Heisenberg: Measured values cannot be assigned to the position r and the
momentum p of a particle simultaneously with unlimited precision.
x px where h 2
y p y (Heisenberg's uncertainty principle)
z pz
Fig. 38-13
Barrier Tunneling, cont’d
What about an electron approaching an
electrostatic potential barrier?
T e where b
h2 38-23
The Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM)
As tip is scanned laterally across the surface, the tip is moved up or down to
keep the tunneling current (tip to surface distance L) constant. As a result the
tip maps out the contours of the surface with resolution on the scale of 1 nm
instead of >300 nm for optical microscopes!
Fig. 38-17