Contingent Contract: Chapter III: of Contingent Contracts Sections 31 To 36
Contingent Contract: Chapter III: of Contingent Contracts Sections 31 To 36
Contingent Contract: Chapter III: of Contingent Contracts Sections 31 To 36
◦ Contract of insurance
◦ Contract of indemnity
◦ Contract of guarantee.
Definition of a Contingent Contract :
Section 31 Of Indian Contract Act
A contingent contract , may be defined as a conditional contract.
It is essential to a wagering contract that each party may under it either win or loss ,
whether he will win or loss being dependant on the issue of the event , and , therefore ,
remaining uncertain until that issue is known . If either of the parties may win but can not
loss , it is not a wagering contract .
Wagering agreements Contingent contracts
1. A wagering agreement is void according to section 30 subject to But the contingent contract is valid except when the event becomes
some exceptions . impossible under section 32 .
2. Wagering agreement is a game of chance , the parties have no On the other hand , contingent contract is not a game of chance but
other interest in the subject matter of the agreement except it is a contract to do or not to do something , if some event collateral
winning or losing of the amount of wager . to such contract , does not happen .
3. In the wagering agreement , the future uncertain event is the sole In the contingent contract , the future event is only collateral to such
issue . And dependent on the determination of that event . contract .
4. Wagering agreement is based on reciprocal promises of the But a contingent contract may not be based on such reciprocal
parties . There is mutual agreement of both the parties to give promises .
money or money’s worth upon the determination or
ascertainment of an uncertain event .
5. Wagering agreement is a kind of species of contingent contract . It Where as contingent contract is the genus and it may not have the
has the nature of contingent . wagering nature .