Unit Iii Routing Protocols and Transport Layer in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks

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Issues in designing a routing and Transport Layer

protocol for Ad hoc networks- proactive routing, reactive
routing (on-demand), hybrid routing- Classification of
Transport Layer solutions-TCP over Ad hoc wireless


• Since the ad hoc wireless network consists of a set of mobile

nodes (hosts) that are connected by wireless links, the network
topology in such a network may keep changing randomly.
• Hence a variety of routing protocols for ad hoc wireless
networks has been proposed.

The major challenges that a routing protocol designed for ad hoc

wireless networks faces are:
 Network topology is highly dynamic due to movement of nodes.
hence, an ongoing session suffers frequent path breaks.
 Disruption occurs due to the movement of either intermediate
nodes in the path or end nodes .
 Wired network routing protocols cannot be used in adhoc
wireless networks because the nodes are here are not stationary and
the convergence is very slow in wired networks.
 Mobility of nodes results in frequently changing network
 Routing protocols for ad hoc wireless networks must be able to
perform efficient and effective mobility management.

Bandwidth Constraint
 Abundant bandwidth is available in wired networks due to the
advent of fiber optics and due to the exploitation of wavelength
division multiplexing (WDM) technologies.
 In a wireless network, the radio band is limited, and hence the
data rates it can offer are much less than what a wired network can
 This requires that the routing protocols use the bandwidth
optimally by keeping the overhead as low as possible.
 The limited bandwidth availability also imposes a constraint on
routing protocols in maintaining the topological information.

Error-prone shared broadcast radio channel

 The broadcast nature of the radio channel poses a unique
challenge in ad hoc wireless networks.
 The wireless links have time-varying characteristics in terms of
link capacity and link-error probability.
 This requires that the adhoc wireless network routing protocol
interact with the MAC layer to find alternate routes through better-
quality links.
 Transmissions in ad hoc wireless networks result in collisions of
data and control packets.
 Therefore, it is required that ad hoc wireless network routing
protocols find paths with less congestion.

Hidden and exposed terminal problems

 The hidden terminal problem refers to the collision of packets at
a receiving node due to the simultaneous transmission of those
nodes that are not within the direct transmission range of the
receiver, but are within the transmission range of the receiver.
 Collision occurs when both nodes transmit packets at the same
time without knowing about the transmission of each other.

 Ex: consider figure 1. Here, if both node A and node C transmit to node B at
the same time, their packets collide at node B. This is due to the fact that both
node A and C are hidden from each other, as they are not within the direct
transmission range of each other and hence do not know about the presence of
each other.
 Solution for this problem include medium access collision avoidance (MACA):
Transmitting node first explicitly notifies all potential hidden nodes about the
forthcoming transmission by means of a two way handshake control protocol
called RTS-CTS protocol exchange. This may not solve the problem completely
but it reduces the probability of collisions.
 Medium access collision avoidance for wireless (MACAW):
1. An improved version of MACA protocol.
2. Introduced to increase the efficiency.
3. Requires that a receiver acknowledges each successful reception of data
Successful transmission is a four-way exchange mechanism, RTS-CTS-Data-ACK,
as illustrated in figure 2.

Resource Constraints
 Two essential and limited resources are battery life and processing power.
 Devices used in adhoc wireless networks require portability, and hence they
also have size and weight constraints along with the restrictions on the power
 Increasing the battery power and processing ability makes the nodes bulky and
less portable.
Characteristics of an Ideal Routing Protocol

 It must be fully distributed as centralized routing involves high

control overhead and hence is not scalable.
 It must be adaptive to frequent topology changes caused by the
mobility of nodes.
 Route computation and maintenance must involve a minimum
number of nodes. Each node in the network must have quick
access to routes, that is, minimum connection setup time is desired
 It must be localized, as global state maintenance involves a huge
state propagation control overhead
 It must be loop-free and free from state routes.
Characteristics of an Ideal Routing Protocol

 The number of packet collisions must be kept to a minimum by

limiting the number of broadcasts made by each node. The
transmissions should be reliable to reduce message loss and to
prevent the occurrence of state routes.
 It must converge to optimal routes once the network topology
becomes stable. The convergence must be quick.
 It must optimally use scarce resources such as bandwidth,
computing power, memory, and battery power.
 Every node in the network should try to store information
regarding the stable local topology only.
 Changes in remote parts of the network must not cause updates
in the topology information maintained by the node.
 It should be able to provide a certain level of quality of service
(QoS) as demanded by the applications, and should also offer
support for time-sensitive traffic.

1. Induced Traffic:
 In a path having multiple link, the traffic at any given link (or
path) due to the traffic through neighbouring links (or paths) is
referred to as induced traffic.
 This is due to the broadcast nature of the channel and the
location-dependent contention on the channel.
 Induced Traffic affects the throughput achieved by the transport
layer protocol.
2. Induced throughput unfairness:
 This refers to the throughput unfairness at the transport layer
due to the throughput/delay unfairness existing at the lower layer
such as the n/w and MAC layers.
 A transport layer should consider these in order to provide a fair
share of throughput across contending flows

3. Separation of congestion control, reliability and flow control:

 A transport layer protocol can provide better performance if end-
to-end reliability, flow control and congestion control are handled
 Reliability and flow control are end-to-end activities, whereas
congestion can at times be a local activity
 Objective : minimization of the additional control overhead
generated by them
4. Power and Band width constraints:
 Nodes in ad hoc wireless networks face resource constraints
including the two most important resources: (i) power source and
(ii) bandwidth.
 The performance of a Transport layer protocol is significantly
affected by these resource constraints

5. Interpretation of congestion:
 Clarification of network congestion as used in traditional
networks is not appropriate in ad hoc networks.
 This is because the high error rates of wireless channel, location-
dependent contention, hidden terminal problem, packet collisions
in the network, path breaks due to mobility of nodes, and node
failure due to drained battery can also lead to packet loss in ad hoc
wireless networks
6. Completely decoupled transport layer:
 Another challenge faced by Transport layer protocol is the
interaction with the lower layers.
 Cross-layer interaction between the transport layer and lower
layers is important to adapt to the changing network environment

7. Dynamic topology:
 Experience rapidly changing network topology due to mobility of
 Leads to frequent path breaks, partitioning and remerging of
networks & high delay in reestablishment of paths
 Performance is affected by rapid changes in network topology.

 The protocol should maximize the throughput (data) per connection.

 It should provide throughput fairness across challenging flows.
 It should incur minimum connection set up and connection maintenance
 It should have mechanisms for congestion control and flow control in the
 It should be able to provide both reliable and unreliable connections as per the
requirements of the application layer.
 It should be able to adapt to the dynamics of the network such as rapid
changes in topology.
 Bandwidth must be used efficiently.
 It should be aware of resource constraints such as battery power and buffer
sizes and make efficient use of them.
 It should make use of information from the lower layers for improving network
 It should have a well-defined cross-layer interaction framework.
 It should maintain End-to-End Semantics.

The routing protocols for ad hoc wireless networks can be broadly

classified into four categories based on
• Routing information update mechanism
• Use of temporal information for routing
• Routing topology
• Utilization of specific resources

 Based on the Routing Information Update Mechanism

1. Proactive or table-driven routing protocols: In table-driven routing protocols,
every node maintains the network topology information in the form of routing
tables by periodically exchanging routing information. Routing information is
generally flooded in the whole network. Whenever a node requires a path to a
destination, it runs an appropriate path-finding algorithm on the topology
information it maintains.
2. Reactive or on-demand routing protocols: Protocols that fall under this
category do not maintain the network topology information. They obtain the
necessary path when it is required, by using a connection establishment process.
Hence these protocols do not exchange routing information periodically.
3. Hybrid routing protocols: Protocols belonging to this category combine the
best features of the above two categories. Nodes within a certain distance from
the node concerned, or within a particular geographical region, are said to be
within the routing zone of the given node. For routing within this zone, a table-
driven approach is used. For nodes that are located beyond this zone, an on-
demand approach is used.

 Based on the Use of Temporal (time based) Information for

1. Routing protocols using past temporal information: These routing protocols
use information about the past status of the links or the status of links at the time
of routing to make routing decisions. For example, the routing metric based on
the availability of wireless links (which is the current/present information here)
along with a shortest path-finding algorithm, provides a path that may be efficient
and stable at the time of path-finding. The topological changes may immediately
break the path, making the path undergo a resource-wise expensive path
reconfiguration process.
2. Routing protocols that use future temporal information: Protocols belonging to
this category use information about the expected future status of the wireless
links to make approximate routing decisions. Apart from the lifetime of wireless
links, the future status information also includes information regarding the
lifetime of the node (which is based on the remaining battery charge and
discharge rate of the non-replenishable resources), prediction of location, and
prediction of link availability.

 Based on the Routing Topology

1. Flat topology routing protocols: Protocols that fall under this category make
use of a flat addressing scheme similar to the one used in IEEE 802.3 LANs. It
assumes the presence of a globally unique (or at least unique to the connected
part of the network) addressing mechanism for nodes in an ad hoc wireless
2. Hierarchical topology routing protocols: Protocols belonging to this category
make use of a logical hierarchy in the network and an associated addressing
scheme. The hierarchy could be based on geographical information or it could be
based on hop distance.

 Based on the Utilization of Specific Resources

1. Power-aware routing: This category of routing protocols aims at minimizing
the consumption of a very important resource in the ad hoc wireless networks:
the battery power. The routing decisions are based on minimizing the power
consumption either locally or globally in the network.
2. Geographical information assisted routing: Protocols belonging to this
category improve the performance of routing and reduce the control overhead by
effectively utilizing the geographical information available.
 These protocols are extensions of the wired network routing
 They maintain the global topology information in the form of
tables at every node
 Tables are updated frequently in order to maintain consistent and
accurate network state information
 Ex: Destination sequenced distance vector routing protocol
(DSDV), wireless routing protocol (WRP), source-tree adaptive
routing protocol (STAR) and cluster-head gateway switch routing
protocol (CGSR).
1. Destination sequenced distance-vector routing
 It is an enhanced version of the distributed Bellman -Ford algorithm where
each node maintains a table that contains the shortest distance and the first node
on the shortest path to every other node in the network.
 It incorporates table updates with increasing sequence number tags to prevent
loops, to counter the count-to-infinity problem, and for faster convergence.
 As it is a table-driven routing protocol, routes to all destinations are readily
available at every node at all times.
 The tables are exchanged between neighbors at regular intervals to keep an up
-to-date view of the network topology.
 The table updates are of two types:
Incremental updates: Takes a single network data packet unit (NDPU). These are
used when a node does not observe significant changes in the local topology.
Full dumps: Takes multiple NDPUs. It is done either when the local topology
changes significantly or when an incremental update requires more than a single
 Table updates are initiated by a destination with a new sequence number
which is always greater than the previous one.
1. Destination sequenced distance-vector routing
1. Destination sequenced distance-vector routing
1. Destination sequenced distance-vector routing
 Less delay involved in the route setup process.
 Mechanism of incremental update with sequence number tags makes the
existing wired network protocols adaptable to ad hoc wireless networks.
 The updates are propagated throughout the network in order to maintain an
up-to-date view of the network topology at all nodes.
 The updates due to broken links lead to a heavy control overhead during high
 Even a small network with high mobility or a large network with low mobility
can completely choke the available bandwidth.
 Suffers from excessive control overhead.
 In order to obtain information about a particular destination node, a node has
to wait for a table update message initiated by the same destination node.
 This delay could result in state routing information at nodes.
2. Wireless Routing Protocol (WRP)
 WRP is similar to DSDV; it inherits the properties of the
distributed bellman-ford algorithm.
 To counter the count-to-infinity problem and to enable faster
convergence, it employs a unique method of maintaining
information regarding the shortest distance to every destination
node in the network and penultimate (last but one) hop node on the
path to every destination node.
 Maintains an up-to-date view of the network, every node has a
readily available route to every destination node in the network.
 It differs from DSDV in table maintenance and in the update
 While DSDV maintains only one topology table, WRP uses a set
of tables to maintain more accurate information.
2. Wireless Routing Protocol (WRP)
 The table that are maintained by a node are :
Distance table (DT): contains the network view of the neighbors of a node. It
contains a matrix where each element contains the distance and the penultimate
node reported by the neighbor for a particular destination.
Routing table (RT): contains the up-to-date view of the network for all known
destinations. It keeps the shortest distance, the predecessor/penultimate node, the
successor node, and a flag indicating the status of the path. The path status may
be a simplest (correct) path or a loop (error), or destination node not marked
Link cost table (LCT): contains the cost of relaying messages through each link.
The cost of broken link is ∞.it also contains the number of update periods passed
since the last successful update was received from that link.
Message retransmission list (MRL): contains an entry for every update message
that is to be retransmitted and maintains a counter for each entry.
2. Wireless Routing Protocol (WRP)
 After receiving the update message, a node not only updates the distance for
transmitted neighbors but also checks the other neighbors’ distance, hence
convergence is much faster than DSDV.
 Consider the example shown in figure below, where the source of the route is
node 1 and destination is node 15. As WRP proactively maintains the route to all
destinations, the route to any destination node is readily available at the source
 From the routing table shown, the route from node 1 to node 15 has the next
node as node 2. The predecessor node of 15 corresponding to this route is route
 The predecessor information helps WRP to converge quickly during link
 When a node detects a link break, it sends an update message to its neighbors
with the link cost of the broken link set to ∞. After receiving the update message;
all affected nodes update their minimum distances to the corresponding nodes.
The node that initiated the update message then finds an alternative route, if
available from its DT. Figure 7.8 shows route maintenance in WRP.
2. Wireless Routing Protocol (WRP)
2. Wireless Routing Protocol (WRP)
2. Wireless Routing Protocol (WRP)
 WRP has the same advantages as that of DSDV.
 It has faster convergence and involves fewer table updates.
 The complexity of maintenance of multiple tables demands a larger memory
and greater processing power from nodes in the adhoc wireless network.
 It is not suitable for highly dynamic and also for very large ad hoc wireless
3. Cluster-Head Gateway Switch Routing
Protocol (CGSR)
3. Cluster-Head Gateway Switch Routing
Protocol (CGSR)
 Uses a hierarchical network topology.
 CGSR organizes nodes into clusters, with coordination among the
members of each cluster entrusted to a special node named cluster-
 This cluster-head is elected dynamically by employing a least
cluster change (LCC) algorithm.
 According to this algorithm, a node ceases to be a cluster-head only
if it comes under the range of another cluster-head, where the tie is
broken either using the lowest ID or highest connectivity algorithm.
 Clustering provides a mechanism to allocate bandwidth, which is a
limited resource, among different clusters, thereby improving reuse.
 A token-based scheduling is used within a cluster for sharing the
bandwidth among the members of the cluster
3. Cluster-Head Gateway Switch Routing
Protocol (CGSR)
 CGRS assumes that all communication passes through the cluster-head.
Communication between 2 clusters takes place through the common member
nodes that are members of both the cluster are called gateways.
 A gateway is expected to be able to listen to multiple spreading codes that are
currently in operation in the clusters in which the node exist as a member.
 A gateway conflict is said to occur when a cluster-head issues a token to a
gateway over spreading code while the gateway is tuned to another code.
 Gateways that are capable of simultaneously communicating over two
interfaces can avoid gateway conflicts.
 The performance of routing is influenced by token scheduling and code
scheduling that is handled at clusterheads and gateways, respectively.
 Every member node maintains a routing table containing the destination
cluster-head for every node in thenetwork.
 In addition to the cluster member table, each node maintains a routing table
which keeps the list of next-hop nodes for reaching every destination cluster.
 The cluster routing protocol is used here.
3. Cluster-Head Gateway Switch Routing
Protocol (CGSR)
 CGSR is a hierarchical routing scheme which enables partial coordination
between nodes by electing clusterheads.
 Better bandwidth utilization is possible.
 Easy to implement priority scheduling schemes with token scheduling and
gateway code scheduling.
 Increase in path length and instability in the system at high mobility when the
rate of change of cluster-head is high.
 In order to avoid gateway conflicts, more resources are required.
 The power consumption at the cluster-head node is also a matter of concern.
 Lead to Frequent changes in the cluster-head, which may result in multiple
path breaks.
4. Source-Tree Adaptive Routing Protocol (STAR)
 Key concept -least overhead routing approach (LORA)
 This protocol attempts to provide feasible paths that are not
guaranteed to be optimal
 Involves much less control overhead
 In STAR protocol, every node broadcasts its source tree
 The source tree of a node consists of the wireless links used by
the node.
 Every node builds a partial graph of the topology.
 During initialization, a node sends an update message to its
 Each node will have a path to every destination node.
 The path would be sub-optimal.
4. Source-Tree Adaptive Routing Protocol (STAR)
 The data packet contains information about the path to be
traversed in order to prevent the possibility of routing loop
 In the presence of a reliable broadcast mechanism, STAR
assumes implicit route maintenance.
 In addition to path breaks, the intermediate nodes are responsible
for handling the routing loops
 The Route Repair packet contains the complete source tree of
node k and the traversed path of the packet.
 When an intermediate node receives a Route Repair update
message, it removes itself from the top of the route repair path and
reliably sends it to the head of the route repair path.
 Very low communication overhead
 Reduces the average control overhead

They execute the path-finding process and exchange

routing information only when a path is required by a
node to communicate with a destination
1. Dynamic Source Routing Protocol (DSR):
 It is beacon-less and does not require periodic hello packet
 Basic approach to establish a route by flooding Route Request
packets in the network.
 Destination node responds by sending a Route Reply packet back to
the source
 Each Route Request carries a sequence number generated by the
source node and the path it has traversed
 A node checks the sequence number on the packet before
forwarding it.
 The packet is forwarded only if it is not a duplicate Route Request.
 The sequence number on the packet is used to prevent loop
formations and to avoid multiple transmissions.
 Thus, all nodes except the destination forward a Route Request
packet during the route construction phase.
 In figure 1, source node 1 initiates a RouteRequest packet to obtain
a path for destination node 15
 This protocol uses a route cache that stores all possible information
extracted from the source route contained in a data packet.
 During network partitions, the affected nodes initiate Route Request
packets. DSR also allows piggy-backing of a data packet on the
 As a part of optimizations, if the intermediate nodes are also
allowed to originate RouteReply packets, then a source node may
receive multiple replies from intermediate nodes.
In fig 2, if the intermediate node 10 has a route to the destination via
node 14, it also sends the Route Reply to the source node.
 The source node selects the latest and best route and uses that for
sending data packets. Each data packet carries the complete path to its
destination. If a link breaks, source node again initiates the route
discovery process
2. Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing Protocol
 Route is established only when it is required by a source node for
transmitting data packets
 It employs destination sequence numbers to identify the most recent
 Source node and intermediate nodes store the next hop information
corresponding to each flow for data packet transmission
 Uses DestSeqNum to determine an up-to-date path to the
 A RouteRequest carries the source identifier, the destination
identifier, the source sequence number, the destination sequence
number, the broadcast identifier and the time to live field.
 DestSeqNum indicates the freshness of the route that is accepted by
the source.
 When an intermediate node receives a RouteRequest, it either
forwards it or prepares a RouteReply if it has a valid route to the
 The validity of the intermediate node is determined by comparing
the sequence numbers.
 If a RouteRequest is received multiple times, then duplicate copies
are discarded.
 Every intermediate node enters the previous node address and its
 A timer is used to delete this entry in case a RouteReply packet is
not received.
 AODV does not repair a broken path locally
 When a link breaks, the end nodes are notified
 Source node re-establishes the route to the destination if required
 Routes are established on demand and DestSeqNum are used to
find latest route to the destination
 Connection setup delay is less
 Intermediate nodes can lead to inconsistent routes if the source
sequence number is very old.
 Multiple RouteReply packets to single RouteRequest packet can
lead to heavy control overhead.
 Periodic beaconing leads to unnecessary bandwidth consumption.
3. Temporally Ordered Routing Algorithm (TORA)
 Source-initiated on-demand routing protocol.
 Uses a link reversal algorithm.
 Provides loop free multi path routes to the destination.
 Each node maintains its one-loop local topology information.
 Has capability to detect partitions.
 Unique property limiting the control packets to a small region
during the reconfiguration process initiated by a path break
 TORA has 3 main functions: establishing, maintaining and erasing
 The route establishment function is performed only when a node
requires a path to a destination but does not have any directed link.
 This process establishes a destination-oriented directed acyclic
graph using a query/update mechanism.
 Once the path to the destination is obtained, it is considered to exist
as long as the path is available, irrespective of the path length changes
due to the re-configurations that may take place during the course of
data transfer session
 If the node detects a partition, it originated a clear message, which
erases the existing path information in that partition related to the
4. Location-Aided Routing (LAR)
 It utilizes the location information for improving the efficiency of routing by
reducing the control overhead
 LAR assumes the availability of the global positioning system (GPS) for
obtaining the geographical position information necessary for routing.
 LAR designates two geographical regions for selective forwarding of control
packets, namely, ExpectedZone and RequestZone.
 The ExpectedZone is the region in which the destination node is expected to
be present, given information regarding its location in the past and its mobility
 The RequestZone is a geographical region within which the path-finding
control packets are permitted to be propagated.
 This area is determined by the sender of a data transfer session.
 The control packets used for path-finding are forwarded by nodes which are
present in the RequestZone and are discarded by nodes outside the zone.
 LAR uses flooding, but here flooding is restricted to a small geographical
 The nodes decide to forward or discard the control packets based on two
algorithms, namely, LAR1 & LAR2
 In the LAR1 algorithm (fig 1), the source node explicitly specifies
the RequestZone in the RouteRequest packet which is broadcast to its
 These nodes verify their own geographical locations to check
whether they belong to the ExpectedZone.
 Finally, when the RouteRequest reaches the destination node, it
originates a RouteReply that contains the current location and current
time of the node.
 In LAR2 algorithm (fig 2), the source node includes the distance
between itself and the destination node.
 When the intermediate node receives this RouteRequest packet, it
computes the distance to the node D.
 A RouteRequest packet is forwarded only once and the distance
between the forwarding node and D is updated in the RouteRequest
packet for further relaying.
 In order to compensate for the location error, a larger RequestZone
that can accommodate the amount of error that occurred is considered
5. Associativity-Based Routing (ABR)
 It is a distributed routing protocol that selects routes based on the
stability of the wireless links.
 It is a beacon-based on-demand routing protocol.
 A link is classified as stable or unstable based on its temporal
 The temporal stability is determined by counting the periodic
beacons that a node receives from its neighbors.
 Each node maintains the count of its neighbor’s beacons and
classifies each link as stable or unstable.
 The link corresponding to a stable neighbor is termed as a stable
link, while a link to an unstable neighbor is
called an unstable link.
 A source node floods RouteRequest packets throughout the network
if a route is not available in its route cache.
 All intermediate nodes forward the RouteRequest packet.
 RouteRequest packet carries the path it has traversed and the
beacon count for the corresponding nodes in the path.
 When the first RouteRequest reaches the destination, the
destination waits for a time period T to receive multiple
RouteRequests through different paths.
 If two paths have the same proportion of stable links, the shorter
of them is selected.
 If more than one path is available, then a random path among
them is selected as the path between source and destination.

In figure 1, source node initiates the RouteRequest to the flooded for finding a route to the
destination node
 Solid lines represent stable links. Dotted lines represent unstable links. ABR uses
stability information only during the route selection process at the destination node.If a
link break occurs at an intermediate node, the node closer to the source, which detects the
break, initiates a local route repair process.
 In this process, the node locally broadcasts a route repair packet, termed the local query
(LQ) broadcast, with a limited time to live (TTL), as shown in figure 2. This way a broken
link is bypassed locally without flooding a new RouteRequest packet in the whole
6. Signal Stability-Based Adaptive Routing Protocol (SSA)
 Uses signal stability as the prime factor for finding stable routes.
 This protocol is beacon-based, in which signal strength of the
beacon is measured for determining link stability.
 The signal strength is used to classify a link as stable or unstable.
 This protocol consists of two parts: forwarding protocol (FP) and
dynamic routing protocol (DRP).
 These protocols use an extended radio interface that measures
the signal strength from beacons.
 DRP maintains the routing table by interacting with the DRP
processes on other hosts.
 FP performs the actual routing to forward a packet on its way to
the destination.
 Every node maintains a table that contains the beacon count and
the signal strength of each of its neighbors.
 If a node receives strong beacons, then link is classified as
strong/stable link. The link is otherwise classified as weak/unstable
 Each node maintains a table called the signal stability table
(SST) which is based on the signal strengths of its neighbors’
 This table is used by the nodes in the path to the destination to
forward the incoming RouteRequest over strong links for finding
the most stable end-to-end path.
 A source node which does not have a route to the destination
floods the network with RouteRequest packets.
 SSA protocol process a RouteRequest only if it is received over
a strong link.A RouteRequest received through a weak link is
dropped without being processed.
 The destination selects the first RouteRequest packet received
over strong links. The destination initiates a RouteReply packet to

 In figure 1, source node broadcasts a RouteRequest for finding

the route to the destination node.
 Solid lines represent the stable links.
 Dotted lines represent the weak links.
 SSA restricts intermediate nodes from forwarding a
RouteRequest packet if the packet has been received over a weak
 When a link breaks, the end nodes of the broken link notify the
corresponding end nodes of the path.
 A source node, after receiving a route break notification packet,
rebroadcasts the RouteRequest to find another stable path to the
 Stale entries are removed only if data packets that use the stale
route information fail to reach the next node.
 If no strong path is available when a link gets broken, then the
new route is established by considering weak links also.
 This is done when multiple RouteRequest attempts fail to obtain
a path to the destination using only the stable links.
7. Flow-Oriented Routing Protocol (FORP)
 Employs a prediction-based multi-hop-handoff mechanism for
supporting time-sensitive traffic in adhoc wireless networks.
 Proposed for IPv6-based ad hoc wireless networks where QoS
needs to be provided.
 The multi-hop-handoff is aimed at alleviating the effects of path
breaks on the real time packet flows.
 A sender or an intermediate node initiates the route maintenance
process only after detecting a link break.
 It may result in high packet loss leading to a low QoS provided
to the user.
 FORP utilizes the mobility and location information of nodes to
estimate the link expiration time (LET).
 LET is the approximate lifetime of a given wireless link.
 The minimum of the LET values of all wireless links on a path is
termed as the route expiry time (RET).
 Every node is assumed to be able to predict the LET of each of
its links with its neighbors.
 The LET between two nodes can be estimated using information
such as current position of the nodes, their direction of movement,
and their transmission ranges.
 FORP requires the availability of GPS information in order to
identify the location of nodes.
 When a sender node needs to setup a real time flow to a
particular destination, it checks its routing table for the availability
of a route to that destination.
 If a route is available, then that is used to send packets to the
destination. Otherwise sender broadcasts a flow-REQ packet
carrying information regarding the source and destination
nodes. The Flow-REQ packet also carries a flow identification
number/sequence number which is unique for every session
 A neighbor node, on receiving this packet, first checks if the
sequence number of the received Flow –REQ is higher than the
sequence number corresponding to previous packet.
 If the sequence number on the packet is less than that of the
previous packet, then the packet is discarded.
 This is done to avoid looping of flow-REQ packets.
 The Flow-REQ packet, when received at the destination node,
contains the list of nodes on the path it had traversed, along with the
LET values of every wireless link on that path.
 FORP assumes all the nodes in the network to be synchronized
to a common time by means of GPS Information.

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