Corporate Tax Planning: Unit I
Corporate Tax Planning: Unit I
Corporate Tax Planning: Unit I
(2019-20 Assessment Year)
Shahrukh Saleem
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Management Studies
MITS - Madanapalle
"It was only for the good of his subjects that he collected taxes from
them, just as the Sun draws moisture from the Earth to give it back a
thousand fold"
– Kalidas in Raghuvansh praising KING DILIP.
History of
• More than 3,000 years ago, the inhabitants of ancient Egypt and
Greece used to pay income tax, consumption taxes and custom duties.
• The origin of the word "Tax" is from "Taxation" which means an
estimate. These were levied either on the sale and purchase of
merchandise or livestock and were collected in a haphazard manner
from time to time.
• In Greece, Germany and Roman Empires, taxes were also levied sometime on the
basis of turnover and sometimes on occupations.
• In Northern England, taxes were levied on land and on moveable property such as
the Saladin title in 1188. Later on, these were supplemented by introduction of
poll taxes, and indirect taxes known as "Ancient Customs" which were duties on
wool, leather and hides.
• In India, the system of direct taxation as it is known today, has been in force in one form or another
even from ancient times.
• There are references both in Manu Smriti and Arthasastra to a variety of tax measures.
• Manu, the ancient sage and law-giver stated that the king could levy taxes, according to Sastras. The
wise sage advised that taxes should be related to the income and expenditure of the subject.
• According to him, the king should arrange the collection of taxes in such a manner that the subjects
did not feel the pinch of paying taxes.
• He laid down that traders and artisans should pay 1/5th of their profits in silver and gold, while the
agriculturists were to pay 1/6th, 1/8th and 1/10th of their produce depending upon their circumstances.
• Kautilya's Arthasastra, deals with the system of taxation in a real elaborate and planned
• The land revenue was fixed at 1/6th share of the produce and import and export duties were
determined on advalorem basis (according to value).
• The import duties on foreign goods were roughly 20 per cent of their value. Similarly, tolls,
road cess, ferry charges (merchant vehicle) and other levies were all fixed.
• Kautilya's concept of taxation is more or less akin to the modern system of taxation. His
overall emphasis was on equity and justice in taxation.
• Income-tax was first introduced in India in 1860 by James Wilson who become
Indian’s first Finance Member in order to meet heavy expenses and losses
suffered by the rulers due to India’s first freedom movement of 1857.
Burden Burden not felt by all persons Burden shouldered by all persons
1. Person [Sec 2(31)] :
The income tax is charged in respect of total income of the previous year of every
person. Here ‘person’ means,
a. Individual
b. Hindu Undivided Family [ HUF ]
c. Association of Persons [ AoP ] or Body of Individuals [BoI] whether incorporated or not
d. Company
e. Firm
f. Local Authority
g. Every Artificial Judicial Person [ AJP ] not falling in any of the preceeding categories
2. Assessee [ Sec 2(7) ]
Income Tax Act,1961 defines ‘assesse’ as a person by whom any tax or any other sum of money is
payable under this Act, and includes,
* Every person in respect of whom any proceeding under this Act has been taken for the
assessment of his income or income of any other person in respect of which he is assessable, or
of the loss sustained by him or such other person, or the amount of refund due to him or to such
other person.
* Any Person who is deemed to be an assessee under any provisions of this Act.
* Any Person who is deemed to be an assessee in default under any provisions of the Act.
3. Assessment Year [Sec 2 (9)]
• `Assessment Year’ means the period starting from April 1 and ending on March
31, next year.
• Assessment year is the year immediately following the financial year wherein
the income of the Financial Year is assessed at the rates prescribed by relevant
Finance Act.
• In simple words, it is the year in which tax is payable on the income earned in
previous year. Ex: Current Assessment Year – 2020-21
4. Previous Year [Sec 3]
“The year in which income is earned is known as Previous Year.
Previous Year is the Financial Year immediately preceding the Assessment
Notes : * All assessees are required to follow financial year ( i.e. Apr To Mar ) as
previous year.
4. Income must come from Outside. One cannot earn profit from oneself.
5. Income should be real & not fictional. (E.g. : H.O. & Branch transactions)
All Revenue receipts are taxable unless specifically exempt, while all capital receipts are exempt unless specifically
1. Salaries
4. Capital Gains
The aggregate income under these heads is termed as “ Gross Total Income”.
7. Total Income [ Sec 2 (45) ] :