Selective, Optimization, Compensation: Alabe, Meryll Anne Cabanilla, Jemmica Mei Urgino, Mary Kayshien Lei
Selective, Optimization, Compensation: Alabe, Meryll Anne Cabanilla, Jemmica Mei Urgino, Mary Kayshien Lei
Selective, Optimization, Compensation: Alabe, Meryll Anne Cabanilla, Jemmica Mei Urgino, Mary Kayshien Lei
Mr. Peter (83 y/o) and Mrs. Mary Jane (81 y/o)
Parker lived in a farm on the outskirts of town.
They have been in this town for a long time,
enjoying the peacefulness that a rural life offered
them. They were no longer living with their four
children since they have their own families.
Mrs. Parker wanted to move because she had faced some
health concerns and, being over 80y/o, wanted to move
for a peace of mind. She had identified a retirement
community in their town and hoping that her life would
be optimized by the social possibilities available in the
community. She stated that they lived a quiet life unlike
her friends, who were busy volunteering and involved in
community activities. She looked forward to having the
possibility of friendships in the retirement community as a
way to broaden their lives but Mr. Parker did not wish to
move at all.
Mr. Parker was not excited about the move, and even
after the move, he stated in a soft voice that he was
“still in transition”. He moved only for his wife,
because he wanted her to be taken care of, in case
anything should happen to him. He would not want
her to be left alone with the home and adjacent farm.