Discover Europe - Rusu Claudiu

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by Rusu

th e h a rd e st d e cis ion fo r all
I think
u s is to ch o o se w h er e to go in
of ided to
lid ay . L ast s um m er I d ec
ho se ly in B ar-
go in Sp a in m o re p re ci
celona. n s ee m e d to c h ange
Th is d eci sio
my life and also changaeadin are very photo from Barcelona
The people from Sp Airport - El Prat
lm th e y ar en ’t w o rrie d a lmost
ca o a lot of
never. And also they dld erly.
sp o rts, e sp e cia lly th e e
In my opinion the absentw ce of
ie s a nd th e sp o rt a re o of the
worr r liv ing
most im p o rta nt th in g s fo
a good life.

photo from Henri Coand

Airport - Otopeni a
I think the human’s
life is to learn how m purpose in
how much he want uch he can and
By use of the verbto” learn.
don’t want to mean learning” I
needs to graduate unthat the human
university. Learning iversity after
about school, high s isn’t always
university. By learninchool or
our need-to-know w g we feed
important. hich is very

hen w e travel we learn a lot of

new and different things and wcret”
also meet new people.w “The se
traveling is to interact ith those
people and those things and to
make memories.
Camp Nou Stadium

I think is impossible to not

heard at least once somethin
about Spain. g
For sure you heard someth
about Messi or Ronaldo an ing
Barcelona or Madrid. Mad about
the capital city of Spain andrid is
Barcelona is the second larg
city from Spain and the cap est
autonomous community of ital of
This was a short geography
lesson in case you didn’t kn
those things. ow

Plaça de Josep Puig i Cadafalch

tra v e l so m ew h e re I want I said that I like to feel the city.
When I ke m e. Yes I love to do that, after adm
k s li ir
e if it lo
feel the city to se celona is warm
o architectural wonders I think is ing
For example B ar
o w d e d but in second favorite thing to do in a the
and also a little b it c r
ti m e is v e ry c h ill. A nother city.
the same ry q u iet city. By feeling the city I am talking
quality is th at is a ve about walking on the streets an
o k s lik e the
I think th is c ity lo
in it. feeling its rhythm and seeing thd
people that are living life of its residents. And yes, if y
are wondering I think Barcelon ou
looks like me. a

La Rambla
I also find very impor
period of time that yo nt the
city or in a country. T u spend in a
lifestyle of the peopleo see the real
hyaovue to stay at least o from there
time to walk on its strne week to have
its people. eets or to meet
Long story short you
know the secrets of th need time to Park Güell
And yes, like a persoant city.
city has its own secre also the
waiting for someone ts that are
to discover them.

Barcelona’s streets
a re th in g s th a t w e d o fo r our
dy, lik e : e a ting , d o in g sh o wer,
cutting our hair or shw opping. But,
e re a re th in g s th a t e d o for our
th s, p ra y ing and
soul, li k e re a d ing b o o k
of course traveling. we travel to
Besides the fact that mire
le a rn th in g s, w e trav el to a d
onastery o d H a s c re at e d. A nd th e last
Montserrat M what G .
one is an honorable reason we need
We haven’t to forget that
e go o d p e op le e v e n w h e n we are
to b
Monastery interior

Sagrada Familia
Sagrada Familia
was designed by
Antoni Gaudí.
It’s a large
Roman Catholic
basilica in Barcelona.

Sagrada Familia

On 19 March
1882, constructi
of the Sagrada on
Familia began.
t le a s t i d e a th at I
The last but no u t n a tu re.
cuss is a b o where
want to disw w e tr a v e l s o m e
Usually hen a tu r e v e ry
ec t th e n
we don’t resp et about it and that
much. We forg s. The nature never
isn’t good from u e sa me
e s h a ll d o th
forget about us, w
thing as it. tim e w he n y ou go
x t
Please, the ne e nature like you Montserrat Peak
in holiday treat th e a te d b y th e p eople
will want to be tr
from there.

Park Güel
Thank you
for your rom my phone
photos: f
honorific the rest is from my mind


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