Cluster 9 - Install and Manage Complex ICT Networks: Unit of Competency
Cluster 9 - Install and Manage Complex ICT Networks: Unit of Competency
Cluster 9 - Install and Manage Complex ICT Networks: Unit of Competency
Unit of competency
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to install and manage enterprise-
wide information and communications technology (ICT) networks.
It applies to individuals with excellent ICT skills who are working as senior networking
staff responsible for the sustainability of an organisation by using virtualisation
technologies in complex computing environments of medium- to-large companies to
provide network services and resources.
1.1 Review network design, business requirements and latest vendor technical specifications for network components
1.2 Research options available for providing the network functionality required
1.3 Plan network implementation to provide network services and resources to meet business requirements
3.1 Check and install cabling and associated components according to industry standards
3.2 Install and configure servers, routers, switches or other devices to provide internet protocol (IP) addressing and routing
3.3 Install and configure servers, routers, switches or other devices to provide name resolution
3.4 Install and configure servers, routers, switches or other devices to provide network services
3.5 Install and configure remote access services
3.6 Install and configure devices to provide data management services
5. Plan, design and implement voice and video business communications system
5.1 Install software and configure and test voice over internet protocol (VoIP) and videoconferencing services
5.2 Incorporate the use of a communications server to provide real-time multimedia communications
5.3 Select common voice and videoconferencing codecs according to standards and practices
6.1 Identify and evaluate appropriate network management tools to assist in the administration of the complex network
6.2 Select and install network management tools according to industry and organisational standards
6.3 Set and monitor alerts and logs
6.4 Capture and analyse network performance data
6.5 Implement automated server updates
6.6 Implement desktop management policies
6.7 Implement automated virus checking
6.8 Use remote management tools
Assessment Requirements
•design and implement a complex network that involves integrating multiple network services to meet business requirements
•design and implement an appropriate security strategy for a complex network
•monitor and test the performance of aspects of the solution
•provide ongoing management and support of the network.
• infrastructure
• load balancing for applications
• security
• server operating systems
Assessment Requirements
• identify and describe troubleshooting tools and techniques, including network diagnostic utilities
• outline the purpose of user authentication and directory services
• describe voice over internet protocol (VoIP)
• describe virtual private network (VPN).