System of Taxation in Pakistan: Chapter # 1
System of Taxation in Pakistan: Chapter # 1
System of Taxation in Pakistan: Chapter # 1
Chapter # 1
◦ Definition of taxation
◦ Objectives of Taxation Laws
◦ Basics of tax laws
◦ Principles for levy of tax
◦ Forms of escape from taxation
◦ Strategies of taxation management
◦ Examples
◦ Different Taxation Laws of Pakistan
◦ History of Tax Laws in Pakistan
Learning Outcomes
By the end of unit, the students will be able:
◦ To comprehend the main objectives of Taxation
It is the process by which the sovereign, through its law making body, raises revenues in order to use it
for expenses of government.
It is a means for the government in increasing its revenue under the authority of the law, purposely used
to promote welfare and protection of its citizenry.
It is the collection of the share of individual and organizational income by a government under the
authority of the law.
Objectives of Taxation Laws
Tax Law Objective
Tax on salary income Revenue Collection
Any amount transferred otherwise than banking channel Documentation of economy
will be deemed as income
Tax on moveable assets of the taxpayers Fair distribution of wealth
Higher taxes on import of luxury goods Reduction in imports of unnecessary goods and create
good balance of trade
Allowability of expenditure of research & Promotion of research &
developments developments
Tax credit on Donations to approved institutions To promote culture of payment of donation to only
organized and regulated institutions
Mr. B earned income of Rs 10 M. However, he This too is tax evasion, a understatement is also
declared only so much of income which is verifiable an offence.
from the banks i.e. 6M, remaining amount he has
hidden in a separate bank account.
Mr. C earned Rs 10 M. However, he recorded 7M Tax avoidance, which is legally permissible
expenses employing legal tactics to reduce his net
income and offering the remaining income of Rs 3
Million for Taxes
◦ Federal taxes in Pakistan like most of the taxation systems in the world are classified into two broad categories, viz.,
direct and indirect taxes. A broad description regarding the nature of administration of these taxes is explained below:
◦ Income Tax
Income from property
Income from business
Capital gains; and
Income from other sources
◦ Capital Value Tax
◦ Custom Duty
◦ Federal Excise Duty
◦ Sales Tax
◦ Income Tax Act of 1860
◦ Income Tax Act of 1886
◦ 1918 Act
◦ Super Tax Act of 1920
◦ Income Tax Act of 1922
◦ Income Tax Ordinance, 1979
◦ Income Tax Ordinance, 2001