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Biological Wastewater Treatment Process: Group Members: Tutor

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Biological Wastewater Treatment Process

Group members: Tutor:

Suman Regmi,175 Asst. Prof. Shukra Raj Paudel
Sunam Shrestha,176 Department of Civil Engineering
Suraj Biswakarma,177 IOE, Tribhuvan University
Suraj Shrestha,178
Surendra Singh,179 2019-06-10
Susan Nepal,180
2 Presentation Outline
 7.5.4 Trickling filter
 7.6 Activated sludge process
 7.7 Oxidation pond
3 Objectives of the Presentation
 To make the audience acquainted with the concept of biological
wastewater treatment methods
 To introduce the audience to Trickling filter, activated sludge
process and oxidation pond.
 To introduce the audience to the design, maintenance and evaluation
of efficiency of the various apparatus used.
It’s good to know

Prior to knowing
Trickling Filter

Biological Treatment Techniques

Attached growth process

Trickling filter

Suspended growth process

Combined process
6 Attached Growth Process

 It is a biological wastewater treatment process in which the

microorganisms and bacteria treating the wastes are attached to the
media in the reactor.
 The wastes being treated flow over the media. Trickling filters and
rotating biological contactors are attached growth reactors.
 These reactors can be used for BOD removal, nitrification, and

Introduction To
Trickling Filter(Working and
8 Trickling Filter

 As mentioned earlier, it implements attached growth process and

has the role of purifying wastewater biologically, much clearly, by
reducing the Biological Oxygen Demand.

 Denitrification processes also take place within trickling filters.

● The tank is either
rectangular or square
but mostly is circular
to aid the provision of
rotary distributor
which will distribute
the influent uniformly
throughout different
regions within the

To be noted: Trickling
Filter, the name given,
wrongly implies the
use of any
Source : slideshare.net filter(screen).

Trickling Filter
Enclosure Tank
 Usually constructed of RCC
above the ground, and is
watertight, circular in shape.
● Rotary distribution arms are
provided whose rotation may
vary from ½ to 2 rpm.
○ The function is to spread
the influent uniformly over
the bacterial layer.
○ Has clear spacing of 15-20
cm over the layer
Filter Media
● Bacterial layer growing over a layer
composed of gravel, brick pieces of
effective size 25-75 mm acts a filtering
● Depth
○ Normal rate trickling filter: 1.3 -
○ High rate trickling filter : 1-1.8m
■ Single Stage : 1-1.8m
■ Double Stage:0.9-1.8m
The usability of the media goes on decreasing
with increasing depth, so recirculation around the
filter is preferred at present times. Source : P.N. Modi, 2000

● The action of the filter increases
Under drainage system:
with the increase in supply of the ● It is provided so that collecting
fresh air.
● Natural ventilation can be obtained the sloughed solids easy to the
main collecting channel becomes
when the temperature difference
between the atmosphere and the ● Precast Concrete blocks are
sewage becomes just or greater than
placed at a slope of 1:50 towards
6 degree centigrade.
● For artificial ventilation needed, the centre.
compressed air is blown.
Provision for Recirculation:
● It is an important feature of the trickling filter. Part of a
thickened sludge having high biomass concentration in
secondary sedimentation tank is returned and reapplied
into the trickling filter.
● Increases the filtering action.
Part (3)

Classification of
Trickling Filter

According to organic loadings:

• Low rate or standard rate:

Filter effluent is not recycled.
• High rate trickling filter:
• Higher organic loading and recirculation to prevent
from flooding and to compensate for the net
efficiency of the treatment.
• Super rate trickling filter:
• Plastic media with large specific area.
17 According to the number of units in series:
• Single-stage trickling filter

• Two-stage trickling filter

Source: S.K. Neupane, Sanitary Engineering

Some mathematical definitions related to
18 design:
Re-circulation ratio (r) =
Re-circulation factor(F) =
‘R’ = recirculated flow,

‘I’ = flow of sewage

Part 1

BOD5 removal efficiency of

Trickling Filter
For single stage TF of First stage of two stage HRTF:

Efficiency(E1) = (Empirical)

where, U1 = , W1 = BOD applied in kg/ha m/day

V1 = Volume of trickling filter(ha m)
F1 = Recirculation Factor

For second stage of two stage HRTF:

Efficiency(E2) =

For conventional or standard rate trickling filter(SRTF):
Efficiency(E) =

where, Ci = BOD of the influent wastewater

Ce = BOD of the effluent wastewater
Ce’ = BOD of the effluent wastewater after
Numerical problems of trickling filter

Q1.A trickling filter plant treats 1500m³ of sewage per day with BOD
of 230mg/l and SS of 250mg/l. Estimate the total solids production,
assuming that primary clarification removes 30 percent of BOD and
55 percent of influent solids.
Removal of solids in primary clarification
= 0.55*250 mg/l
=137.5 mg/l

BOD of influent entering trickling filters

=161 mg/l
Assuming that solids production in trickling filters is @0.5 kg of applied
23 BOD,
Production of solids in trickling filter=0.5*161
Therefore,total solids production=[137.5+80.5]mg/l
218  1500  10 3 kg / day
= 10 6

=327 kg/day

Q2.Determine the size of a high rate single stage trickling filter for the following
data: sewage flow= 5MLD, Recirculation ratio=1.5,BOD of raw sewage =250
mg/l, BOD removal in primary clarifier =30%, final effluent BOD desired=
Q  5 10 6 10 3 m 3 / day  5  103 m3 / day
24 BOD of raw sewage =250mg/l
(30 
 ci  0.7  250 % 175
is removed)
mg / l
c e= 30mg/l
From NRC equation,
ci  ce
E1 
175  30
  0.83  83%
10 6
Now, Wi  Q  ci  5  10  175  3  875kg / day


E1 
1  0.0044 U 1
25 1
or , 0.83 
1  0.0044 U 1
or , 1  0.0044 U 1  1.205
 U 1  2170.71kg / ha  m / day
1 r 1  1.5
F   1.89
(1  0.1r ) 2 (1  0.1  1.5) 2
 U1  1
or , 2170.71 
1.89  v1
or , V1  0.21ha  m  2100m 3
Assuming depth(d)  1.5m
V1 2100
As    1400m 2
d 1.5
4A s 4  1400
 D   42.22 m
 
Q3.The effluent from PST is applied to a standard rate trickling filter at the rate of
4MLD having a settled sewage BOD of 180 mg/l. Determine the depth and
volume of the filter considerin g (hydraulic ). Surface loading of 2000litres /m 2
day and organic loading of 150 gram/m 2 day. Also determine the efficiency of
the filter using NRC equation.
soln :
sewage flow to SRTF(Q)  4MLD  4  10 6 l / d
influent BOD(Ci )  175mg / l
surface loading rate  2000 l/m 2 /d
150  10000
Organic loading rate(U)  150g/m 2 / d   1500kg / ha  m / day
Depth of filter(d)=?
27 Volume of filter(V)=?
For SRTF,there is no circulation
So,recirculation factor(F)=1
Now, BOD applied(w)  C i  Q  180  (4  10 6 )  7200000 g / d
W 720
Now, V    4800m 3 (1 ha  10000 m 2 )
UF 1500  1
If ' A s ' is the plan area then,
Q 4  10 6
As    2000m 2
H 2000
V 4800
depth (d )    2.4m
A 2000
From NRC formula,
28 1 1
Efficiency ( E )    85.44%
1  0.0044 U 1  0.0044 1500
Q4.The effluent from PST is applied to a standard rate trickling filter at
29 the rate of 1.2 million litres/day having BOD 5 of 200mg/l. Determine
the depth and volume of filter consideration surface loading of 1200
liters/m3 day an organic loading of 250gm/m3/day. Also calculate the
efficiency using NRC equation, standard rate trickling filter.
Sewage flow(Q) = 1.2MLD
= 1.2 * 106 l/d
= 0.0139 m3/s
Effluent BOD(C1) = 200mg/l
Surface loading =1200 l/m3/d
Organic loading = 250 gm/m2/d
Q5.A Sewage having BOD of 180mg/l is fed to a two stage trickling
32 filter with a flow of 5 million liters per day.The BOD required in
the final effluent is 30mg/l. The efficiency of the first stage
trickling filter is two times of second stage trickling filter. If depth
and recirculation ratio of both stages are 1.2m and 2m respectively,
determine the diameters of the first and second stage trickling
Soln: Let the efficiency of first stage trickling filter be 2E and the
efficiency of second stage trickling filter be E.
Then from NRC equation,
For first stage,

Ci  C e
E1 
37 Denitrification:

Denitrification is a microbially facilitated process where nitrate

(NO3−) is reduced and ultimately produces molecular nitrogen (N2)
through a series of intermediate gaseous nitrogen oxide products. The
overall reaction is as follows:
2 NO3− + 10 e− + 12 H+ → N2 + 6 H2O
This process is important part of wastewater treatment because it
prevents to quite an extent of eutrophication in standing sources of
water(majorly) after to the discharge of the treated water into those
sources. (back)
Activated Sludge Process

1 Introduction & Principles of activated sludge process

2 Construction & Process Description

33 Aeration Methods

44 Design Criteria

5 Advantages & Disadvantages 3

Part 1

Activated Sludge
41 Introduction:
 Activated sludge is the sludge obtained by settling sewage
 Initially developed by prolonged aeration of microorganisms.
 These organisms oxidise organic matter.
Activated Sludge
The activated sludge process is a type of wastewater treatment
process for treating sewage or industrial wastewaters using aeration
and a biological floc composed of bacteria and protozoa.
To “Treat”
Remove (reduce) Or “Stabilize”
The Material in Wastewater
43 Purpose
 The main purpose of this process is oxidizing carbonaceous
biological matters and oxidizing nitrogenous matter, mainly
ammonium and nitrogen in biological matter removing nutrients
(nitrogen and phosphorus).
44 Principles
 The basic principle is to form flocs so that they settle down.
 The activated sludge process uses microorganisms to feed on
organic contaminants in wastewater, producing a purified effluent.
These particles clump together and form flocs.

Source: researchgate.com
Part 2

Construction & Process

Activated Sludge Process Involves

 Wastewater aeration in the presence of a microbial

 Solid-liquid separation following aeration
 Discharge of clarified effluent
 Wasting of excess biomass
 Returning of remaining biomass to the aeration tank


Aeration tank

Recycle Waste
New micro-
48 Construction & Process

Source: slideshare.net
 Primary clarifier is introduced to remove part of
suspended solids present in the influent which reduces
the organic load to the system
 Aeration tank is filled with a mixture of activated
sludge and influent , known as “mixed liquor”. It is
necessary to maintain certain mixed liquor suspended
solid(MLSS) in the tank for good removal efficiency.
 Bacteria are encouraged to grow by providing:
 Oxygen( also helps for the oxidation of organic material
into the reactor)
 Food(BOD)
 Nutrients
 Suitable temperature.

 The continuous introduction of new influent results in a

continuous discharge of treated wastewater(mixed liquor)
into secondary clarifier where separation of solids and
liquids takes place.
 Bacterial cells settle, removed from clarifier as sludge.
 Part of sludge is recycled back to activated sludge tank,
called as “return sludge” to maintain bacteria population.
 Remaining sludge is wasted or taken for anaerobic
Operation Process



Part 3

Aeration Methods
53 Aeration
 Aeration
  is the process of absorbing oxygenfrom atmosphere.
 High amount of is provided in the aeration tank because of high biological
oxygen demand (BOD) in sewage.
 This cannot be provided naturally therefore aerators are used to provide
oxygen artificially and help in mixing.
 When the dissolved oxygen level (D.O) falls below (1-2)mg/l,proper
development of biological sludge is difficult.
 They also help in agitation so that liquor suspended solids do not settle down.
Functions of aeration
 Oxygenation of the mixed liquor
 Flocculation of the colloids in sewage influent
 Suspension of activated sludge floc.
54 Methods of aeration
a) Diffused air aeration
b) Mechanical aeration
c) Combined aeration
55 Diffused Air Aeration 

 In diffused air aeration method, compressed air is blown through the

sewage and air is diffused in sewage by diffuser.  Diffusers are of
two types:
a)  Plate diffuser 
b) Tube diffuser
a) Plate Diffuser
They are rectangular/square plates made of crystalline alumina or
high silica sand. In this method the compressed air is blown through a
perforated plate diffuser. The air comes out through the holes of the
diffuser plate and rises upward in the form of bubbles. Thus the sewage
absorbs oxygen from the air.
56 b) Tube Diffuser
 It consists of a perforated tube suspended in the waste water near
the bottom and can be taken out while cleaning.
 The compressed air is dent through the tube. The air comes out
through the holes with great force and agitates the sewage.

Plate Diffuser Tube Diffuser

57 Mechanical Aeration
 In this method, the surface of sewage is agitated violently with the
help of some mechanical equipment to encourage absorption of
oxygen from atmosphere.
 There are two well known forms of mechanical aerator.  
A) Vertical surface aerator
B) Horizontal surface aerator
 They consist of electrically driven propellers (vanes) mounted in
either a floating or fixed supports.
58 Contd.
 They throw the bulk liquid (sewage) through air and oxygen transfer
occurs both at the surface of the droplets and at the surface of the
bulk liquid.
 It is then mixed by the currents produced by agitation. In this
method the performance is seriously affected by ice formation in
a) Simplex Aeration Unit
b) Link-Belt Aeration Unit
c) Kessner Brush Aeration Unit

Link-Belt Aeration Tank Simplex Aeration Tank


Typical Mechanical tank Kessner Brush Aeration

Combined Aeration

 In this system, diffused air aeration and mechanical aeration are

combine in a single unit.
 The well known type of such combination is Dorroco aerator.
  The aeration of sewage is done by air diffusers as well as mechanical
 Air diffuser plates are located at the bottom of tank and the
submerged paddles rotate in the direction opposite to that in which
the compressed air rises up from the air diffusers.
 Paddles are rotated by a motor on a horizontal shaft with a speed of
10-12 rpm.

Combined Aeration
Part 4

Design Criteria
1 Loading Rate

2 Detention Period

3 Capacity of Aeration Tank

4 Quantity of Return Sludge
65 Loading Rate
 It is the rate at which sewage is applied in aeration tank.
 It is based on following criteria:
 Volumetric BOD Loading
 Hydraulic Retention Time(HRT)
 Organic loading rate(F/M ratio).
 Solid Retention Time(SRT)
i) Volumetric BOD loading
 Its is applied per unit volume of aeration tank.
Volumetric Load =
where, is influent to aeration tank(mg/l)
Q=sewage inflow excluding sludge recycle in mLd
V= volume of aeration tank in
ii) Hydraulic Retention Time is the rate at which sewage is applied.
It has been developed empirically over the years.
HRT = Hours
iii)  Organic loading rate(F/M Ratio)
It is the ratio of kg applied per day to kg MLSSin aeration tank.
 F/M= where, =MLSS,mg/l.
 F/M is main factor controlling BOD removal.
 Lower F/M Higher BOD removal.
 Can be varied by varying MLSS converntation.
Food to Microorganism Ratio

F Lbs of BOD
= =
M Lbs of MLVSS

• Calculated Often to Monitor/Control and

Monthly (Minimum)
Weekly (Better)
Use Moving Average
69 Sludge Age : Solids Retention Time
  Average time for which the mass of suspended solids remain under
 Parameter used to check the design of Activated Sludge Process

X= total microbial mass in a reactor
= total quantity of solids withdrawn daily Detention Period
70  It is the theoretical (calculated) time required for a given amount of
wastewater to pass through a tank at a given rate of flow.
 Two empirical formulae:
1) American Public Health Association Formula
T(in hours) = where, B.O.D. = B.O.D. of aeration tank
2)M/s Ames Crosta Mills and Co. Ltd (England)
T = (BOD/10)3/4
 Practically, 50% BOD is removed in the first 1 hour, 25% in next 2 hours
and remaining 25% in last 3 hours in 6 hours detention period tank.
 So, long detention period only increases cost with low efficiency.
 Usually, 6-8 hours Capacity of Aeration Tank
 It is determined from F/M and MLSS values.
 The depth control the aeration efficiency and usually ranges from 3-4.5
 The width controls the mixing and is usually kept between 5-10 m.
 Width-depth ratio should be adjusted to be between 1.2 -2.2
 The length should not be less than 30m or not ordinarily longer than
100 m.
 The volume of aeration tank is also decided by considering the return
sludge which is about 10%-25% of sewage volume.
 Tank free board is usually 0.5m.
72 Quantity of Return Sludge

  It affects efficiency

 The amount depends on quality and quantity of raw sewageas well
as degree of treatmentto primary effluent.
 Mathematically,
(ratio of volume of return sludge to volume of primary effluent)
kept between 20%-50%
where, is solid contents in return sludge
is total solid content in aeration tank
 It also affects capacity of aeration tank.
Part 5

74 Advantages
 Low installation cost
 Good quality effluent
 Low land requirement
 Loss of head is small
 Freedom from fly and odor nuisance high degree of treatment
75 Disadvantages
 Not very flexible method (If there is sudden increase in the volume
of sewage or if there is sudden change in the character of sewage,
there are adverse effects on the working of the process and
consequently the effluent of bad quality is obtained).
 Operation cost is high
 Sludge disposal is required on large scale
 This process is sensitive to certain industrial wastes
 Skilled supervision is required to check that the returned sludge
remains active
Presentation outline

Sludge volume index

Numerical on activated sludge process
Purpose of oxidation ponds
Theory of oxidation ponds

7.6.6 Sludge volume index
1. SVI= (settled sludge) / (conc.
of MLSS)
2. Volume in millilitres occupied by 1 gram
of activated sludge suspension after 30
minutes of settling in a one liter cone to a
MLSS concentration of sewage

77 3.Higher value light fluffy sludge

more settling time low efficiency
Source : wastewater engineering, BC 4. Good sludge: 50-150 ml/gm Good
PUNIMA,ASOK JAIN: Settleability
5. Bulked sludge: 200 ml/gm
Sludge volume index continued…
is quite useful in
calculating concentration of
suspended solids .
SS in return sludge =(mg/l)

 5.Useful In
78 calculating return
sludge ratio
Return sludge ratio =
Source : Source : wastewater engineering,
7.6.7 Numerical on activated sludge process

Q.1 A 2000 ml of activated sludge is allowed to settle for thirty minutes. At

 the end of the settling time the sludge volume is 1100 ml. What is the sludge
volume index and sludge density index? The MLSS concentration of tank
is 2800 mg/l.

We can find the concentration of suspended solids using following formulae:
Suspended solid volume concentration =
SSV = = 550ml/l
80   =550/2.8

SDI =100/SVI
=0.509 g/ml
Q.2 An activated sludge plant has aeration tank of 200 m³. The
wastewater of 2MLD having BOD 250 mg/l and suspended solids
160 mg/l is applied for the treatment. The MLSS concentration in
the tank is 2800 mg/l. calculate volumetric BOD loading , F/M
ratio and aeration period.
Volumetric BOD loading (mg/l per day)
= 2500 mg/l/day

F/M Ratio
81 0.89
 Numerical Continued..
 Q3.Design a conventional activated sludge plant to treat settled domestic sewage
with diffused air aeration system with following data:
Population: 120000 per capita sewage contribution = 160 l/day
BOD₅ of settled sewage = 200 mg/l effluent BOD₅ required = 35 mg/l
FM ratio = 0.2 MLSS = 3000 mg/l

1.Determination of sewage discharge
Sewage discharge(Qs) = population X per capita production
QS = 120000 x160 = 19.2 MLD or 19200 m3/day = 0.22 m3/s
Numerical continued…
2.Determination of process efficiency
Process of efficiency required = X 100%
= X 100% =82.5%
3. Determine volume of aeration tank
or, 0.2 =
Or, V =6400m3

4. Check for hydraulic retention time

HRT = V 6400 0.33 day = 4 – 8 hours (ok)
QS 19200
Numerical continued……….
Check for the volumetric BOD loading
Volumetric loading = QS x BOD influent = 19200 X 200 = 600 mg/l
V 6400

6.Determination of return sludge ratio

Let SVI =100
Return sludge ratio (r) =Q r = X t = 3000 = 0.429
(106/ SVI) – 3000 (106 /100) - 3000

7.Determination of tank size

84 Let the depth of tank(D) = 3m and width (W) = 4.5 m
Length (L) = = = 474.07m > 100m
So provide continuous channel with five baffles, so that six channel sections
are obtained. Length of each section = = 94.8m

 Numerical continued……….
85 Let
 tankthe thickness of each baffle be 0.3m. Hence total width of the
= (6 x 4.5) +(5 x 0.3)= 28.5m
Provide a free board = 0.5m , then total depth = 0.5 +3= 3.5m
Hence overall inner dimension of the tank are 94.8m X 28.5m X

8. Check for horizontal velocity

Horizontal velocity = = 2032.35m/day =1.41m/min < 1.5m/min ok
Numerical continued……….
 9. Airand diffusers plate requirements : Assuming air requirements to
be 50m3/kg of BOD applied (45 to 90 m3/kg)
Quantity of air required(Q air) = = 158400m3/day = = 110m3/min
Let us take standard diffuser plate of 0.3mX 0.3m X 25mm, passing
1.2m3of air/min/m2 of 0.3 mm pores.
Number of plates required = = 1018

10. Check for oxygen availability

Amount of available oxygen = (Q air)ac X 0.2784 X 0.08kg/day =158400 X
0.2784 X 0.08=3527.8 kg/d
86 Therefore, kg oxygen available / per kg BOD removed = = 1.1 ok(0.8 to
7.7 Oxidation ponds

7.7 oxidation ponds

7.7.1 purpose of oxidation ponds
7.7.2 theory of oxidation ponds
7.7.3 construction of oxidation ponds

 Open , shallow , artificially constructed basin

 Used to treat wastewater which can be either raw or partially
treated by natural processes involving bacteria and in many cases
algae too.
88 3.Oxidation ponds continued….

Aerobic Anaerobic
ponds ponds


ponds Maturation ponds
Oxidation ponds continued

7.7.1. Purpose of oxidation ponds

1. To settle down organic
2. To reduce faecal
coliform in some extent

3. To reduce load on
further treatment

Source: Hawassa University

7.7.2 Theory of oxidation ponds
• Sewage is retained for
sufficient time to satisfy BOD New
alga Gro
e wth
• Change in characteristics of Algae
sewage and wastewater occur
due to dual action of aerobic
bacteria and algae.
O2 CO2,NH3,PO4

• Capable of treating
successfully both the raw or
settled sewage New cells

Fig: symbiotic relationship between

bacteria and algae
Oxidation ponds contd….
7.7.3 Construction of Oxidation ponds

• Far from inhabitants

• Exposure to sunlight
• Constructed in impermeable soil(clay)
• Depth of 0.9m to 1.2m( permits penetration of sunlight)
• Earthen embankment having side slopes of 1:1.5 are constructed
• Influent line discharge near centre of pond
• Effluent overflows from the corner through a small box like structure
• These can be constructed either in parallel or series
7.7.2 Stabilization ponds
Aerobic, anaerobic , facultative and maturation ponds

Aerobic ponds

• Also known as algae ponds

Light energy
• Shallow in depth from sun
• Light penetrates to the bottom of the
pond thus maintaining active algal ALGAE
photosynthesis New algal
• Contents in this pond are stirred biomass
• Large surface area
• 80-90% BOD removal efficiency BACTERIA
Organics from New bacterial
• Treatment of organic waste biomass
Stabilization ponds
Aerobic, anaerobic , facultative and maturation ponds
Anaerobic ponds

• Oxygen which is chemically contained in organic CO2 ,H2O

materials is used
• Organic waste dissolved to produce organic acid and
organic acid in turn produces CH4,CO2
• Takes place in two separate steps ACID PRODUCING Bacterial
1. Decomposition of dissolved organic waste by acid Organic BACTERIA cells
producing bacteria to organic acid wastes
2. Further decomposition of these acids to end products
of CH4,CO2 ,H2O by methane producing bacteria CH4,CO2,
• Requires larger depth but less surface area H2O
• Treatment of domestic and industrial waste METHANE
BACTERIA Bacterial
94 Stabilization ponds
Aerobic, anaerobic , facultative and maturation ponds
Facultative ponds

 Contains aerobic zone at the top, facultative zone at middle and

anaerobic zone at bottom
 In middle facultative bacteria decomposes waste
 Widely used
 Treatment of untreated screened wastewater and industrial waste
95 Stabilization ponds
 Maturation Pond
 Primarily designed for tertiary treatment i.e. removal of pathogen,
nutrients and algae
 Assuming 80% of the BOD has been removed, this pond is used
 Useful for faecal bacteria removal
 It is usually the last steps of the series of the ponds and it has the same
depth as facultative pond
 Also used to improve quality of lowland river
 These ponds have been used in fish production in many countries.

Source: www.slideshare.net
96 Presentation Outline

 Commissioning
 Operation and maintenance
 Design criteria of oxidation ponds
 Advantages and disadvantages of oxidation ponds
 Numerical on oxidation ponds
97 7.7.4 Commissioning

- To start the pond
after construction.
1) Culture 2) Natural
method method

1) Culture method

a) Sewage is first b) Daily decreased

c) sewage is applied to
filled to 15 cm depth portion of sewage is
operation level. After
and algae is refilled and pond
2-3 days, inlet and
introduced to the pond should turn
outlet is opened after
completely green may
algae grows to top .
require 1 week.

2) Natural method

a) Algae are let to b) Reduced amount is c) Then, inlet and

grow naturally. added daily and algae outlet is opened and
Sewage is kept at grows in 2 weeks work is carried out .
operation level with itself.
inlet and outlet closed.
100 Operation

Aerobic Anaerobic of sewage
reactions reactions organics
 Surface of pond should be kept clean from floating material like
scum , leaves etc.
 The inside slope of the pond should be kept free of weeds and
marginal vegetation.(15-20 years for sludge removal)
 Regular upkeep of the pond is essential to maintain them free from
mosquito nuisance.
 The earthen embankments should be properly maintained by
occasional trimming and dressing of slopes.(seepage,erosion)
7.7.6 Design Criteria

 Detention time, t = 1/k log10 [La/Lt]. It should be within 10 to 45

 Shape = Round, square, rectangular or polygonal.
 Depth = 1 to 1.5 m
 Length width ratio (L/B) = 2 to 3.

 Surface area (As) = Less than 0.5 ha. If required area exceeds 0.5 ha,
provide multiple ponds.
 Free board(F.B.)= 20 cm to 50 cm.
 Embankment slope
Outer slope= 2 - 2.5 horizontal to 1 vertical
Inner slope= 1- 1.5 horizontal to 1 vertical
104 Advantages
1) Lower initial cost than required for a mechanical plant.
2) Lower operating costs.
3) Regulation of effluent discharge possible , thus providing control
pollution during critical times of the year.
4) Treatment system is not influenced by a leaky sewage system
bringing storm water along the sewage.
5) Work well in clayey soil .
6) Treated waste water is suitable for aquaculture and agriculture due
to removal of nematodes (worms), helminth egg.
105 Disadvantages
1) Requires extensive land area.
2) Assimilative capacity of certain industrial wastes is poor.
3) There are potential odor problems.
4) Effluent quantity standard of 30 mg/l for suspended solids are not
5) Overflow may occurs occasionally during extended periods of
heavy rainfall.
6) Should be lined to prevent leakage or constructed in clayey soil.
106 7.7.8 Numerical on oxidation ponds
1) Design an oxidation pond for treating domestic sewage of 2500
persons supplied with 225 lpcd of water. The BODs of the waste
water is 250 mg/l. Permissible organic loading for the pond is 550
kg/ha/day and the detention time is 12 days. Assume the width to
length ratio of the pond as 1:2.

Soln: Given, population(p)= 2500

sewage flow = 225 lpcd
BOD of incoming sewage (L) = 250 mg/l
organic loading (U) = 550 kg/ha/day
detention time (t) =12 days
We know,
107 Numerical continued…
Detention time (t) = 1/k log10[La/Lt ]
or, Lt = La (10-kt)
=250 * 10-0.1*12
=15.77 mg/l

Effluent BOD =15.77 mg/l

Efficiency =(250-15.77)/250*100

Discharge (Q)= 2500*225= 562500 l/d

=562.5 m3 /d

volume of pond (V)= Q * t

=562.5* 12= 6750 m3
108 Numerical continued…

BOD applied (W)= Q * La =5.625* 105 * 250=140.625 kg/d

As = W / U= (140.625/550)= 2556.82 m2
so, effective depth (d)= (v/As)
So ,d=1.5 m
Area= V/d= 6750/1.5=4500 m2
L:B= 2:1
or, Area = 2B*B
or, 2B2 = 4500
hence, B= 47.434 m, L=2B=94.87 m
109 Numerical continued…
Check for org loading;
U= W/As =312.5 kg/ha(<550kg/ha)(ok)

so., F.B. = 0.3 m

Overall depth= F.B.+ d =1.5 + 0.3= 1.8m

110 Stabilization ponds In Nepal
plant type Capacity status Remarks
Dhobighat Non- aerated 15.4 Not Needs
lagoons operational rehabilitation

Kodku Non- aerated 1.1 Partial Needs

lagoons operatonal rehabilitation

sallaghari Aerated 2 Partial Needs

lagoons operational rehabitaional





1. B.C Punima and Ashok Jain, “Wastewater Engineering”

2. K.N. Duggal ,”Elements of Environmental Engineering”
3. www.Wikipedia.org
4. Slideshare.com
5. S.K. Neupane


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