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Research Framework

Copyright © 2003 John W ile y & S ons , Inc. S e ka ra n /RES EARCH 4E FIGURE 6.1

Research Designs
Meaning :

 A detailed plan & structure of investigation so

conceived as to find answers to the research

 A blueprint for the smooth conduct of research.

 RD not only anticipates

and specifies the countless decisions
connected with data collection , processing &
analysis but it presents a logical basis for
these decisions.

Three tenets of research designs

1. Convert the research question and stated

assumptions /hypotheses into operational
variables that can be measured;

2. Specify the process that would be followed to

complete the above task, as efficiently and
economically as possible; and

3. Specify the ‘control mechanism(s)’ that would be

used to ensure that the effect of other variables that
could impact the outcome of the study has been
The Research Design


Purpose of the Types of Extent of researcher Study setting Measurement DATA

study investigation interference and measures ANALYSIS

Exploration Establishing: Minimal: Studying 1. Feel

– Causal relationships events as they normally Contrived Operational for data
– Correlations definition
Hypothesis testing occur Noncontrived
– Group differences, Scaling
Manipulation and/or

ranks, etc. control and/or simulation

2. Goodness
of data

Unit of analysis Sampling Time
(population to be Design horizon
studied) 3. Hypothesis
Individuals testing
Dyads Probability/ One-shot
Groups nonprobability (crosssectional)
Organizations Sample size (n) Longitudinal
Classification of research designs

Research Design

Exploratory Conclusive
Research Research
Design Design

Descriptive Causal
Research Research

Cross –

Single Multiple
Cross – Cross –
Sectional Sectional
Design Design
Exploratory research

An exploratory study is undertaken when

not much is known about the situation at
hand or no information is available on
how similar issues have been solved in
the past
 New product and market
Provides preliminary information for full-
fledged study
Exploratory Research

Initial research conducted to clarify and

define the nature of a problem
Does not provide conclusive evidence
Subsequent research expected
Descriptive research
1. Understands the characteristics (of variables) of group in a
given situation
2. Offer ideas for further probe and research
3. Help make certain simple decision
4. Based on some previous understanding of the nature of
the research problem
Eg: A bank manager wants to have a profile of the individuals
who have loan payments outstanding for 6 months and more.
It would include details of their average age, earnings, nature
of occupation, full-time/ part-time employment status, and the
This might help him to elicit further information or decide right
away on the types of individuals who should be made
ineligible for loan in the future.

DESCRIPTIVE--- Customer profile, Market trend,

Consumer perception etc.

In organisations, these studies help them to

learn about and describe the characteristics of a
group of employees. eg. Age, educational level,
job status etc.; to understand the characteristics
of organizations that follow certain common
practices like QMS, EMS etc.

Explanatory (Causal)

EXPLANATORY--- undertaken when relationship

among different variables is to be established.

Explanatory--- Cause & effect relationship is estd.

through these studies. eg. Relationship between
expenditure on advertising & sales

Degree of Problem Definition
Exploratory Research Descriptive Research Causal Research
(Unaware of Problem)(Aware of Problem) (Problem Clearly Defined)

“Our sales are declining and “What kind of people are buying “Will buyers purchase more of
possible situation

we don’t know why.” our product? Who buys our our products in a new package?
competitor’s product?”
“Would people be interested “Which of two advertising
in our new product idea?” “What features do buyers prefer campaigns is more effective?”
in our product?”
Types of Explanatory Study
Explanatory studies are conducted to arrive at
the nature of relationship among different
variables. They try to establish cause &
effect relationship between variables. This
is done in two ways.

1) Ex-post facto study

2) Experimental study
a) Field expt.
b) Lab expt.

Ex Post Facto Studies

It is an empirical enquiry for situations that have

already occurred. Investigator has no control over
the variables in the sense that he is not able to
manipulate them. He can only report what has
happened & establish cause & effect relationship.

eg. Market failure of a product , Sudden rise of a

share’s market price ,

Contents of Research Proposal
 Need for study
 Review of Related Literature
 Objectives of the study
 Definitions of the terms
 Delimitations of the study
 Concept Map
 Hypotheses
 Research Design
 Tools & Techniques of data collection
 Sampling design
 Data collection procedures
 Proposed techniques of data analysis
 Budget
 Time schedule


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