Air Customs Chennai International Airport Welcomes You
Air Customs Chennai International Airport Welcomes You
Air Customs Chennai International Airport Welcomes You
- Immigration clearance
Indian currency:
Export of Indian currency is prohibited. Indian residents while going abroad may
carry Indian currency upto Rs.25000/- while going abroad.
Foreign currency:
No limit for carrying foreign currency by outgoing Indian residents provided they are
purchased from authorised foreign exchange dealers.
Tourists while leaving India are allowed to take with them the foreign currency not
exceeding an amount brought by them at the time of arrival in India.
Foreign exchange in excess of 10000 US dollars (5000 USD in cash & 5000 USD in
Travellers cheques) is required to be declared by Tourists of foreign origin, Non
Resident Indians etc. at the time of arrival into India.
For this purpose a Currency Declaration Form is available in the arrival hall.
Common examples of prohibited
goods(Not permitted for import):
•Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic
•Pornographic material
•Counterfeit and pirated goods and
goods infringing any of the legally
enforceable intellectual property
•Fake Indian Currency Notes
Common examples of restricted goods (can be imported subject to
•Firearms and ammunition (can only be imported under Transfer of
Residence subject to other conditions like valid arms license from local
authorities, possession of the fire arm for a minimum period of one year
abroad, non disposal of the fire arm after import & facility available only
•Live birds and animals including pets ( import of pets (only cats and
dogs) upto two numbers per passenger is allowed in baggage only under TR
after two years of stay abroad and subject to production of health certificate
from country of origin and examination of the said pets by the Animal
•Plants and their produce i.e., fruits & seeds (permitted for personal
consumption subject to a monetary ceiling of Rs.2000/-)
•Endangered species of plants and animals, whether live or dead
(subject to clearance by plant / animal quarantine)
•Any goods for commercial purpose – for profit, gain or commercial
usage (have to be subjected to penal action)
•Radio transmitters / drones not approved for normal usage
•Gold and silver, other than ornaments (permitted only for eligible
Examples of house hold / Office / items that be cleared on
payment of duty:
Television sets,
DVD / Blue Ray Disc players,
Home theatre systems,
Dish washer,
Music systems,
Air conditioner,
Deep freezer,
Microwave oven,
Video camera,
Fax machine,
Personal Computer,
Portable Photo copying machine,
cooking range,
printers etc.
X-ray scanning:
•Fire arms
Offences under the Customs Act and other
allied acts