Regular and Irregular Past Participles
Regular and Irregular Past Participles
Regular and Irregular Past Participles
past participles.
Boring Bored
(Aburrido) (Aburrido)
Interesting Interested
(Interesante) (Interesado)
Confusing Confused
(Confuso) (Confundido)
Amazing Amazed
(Asombroso) (Asombrado)
Annoying Annoyed
(Molesto) (Molesto)
Exciting Excited
(Emocionante) (Emocionado)
Participio presente Participio pasado
6.When used with other words such as “though”, “If”, “so”, or “when”:
-Even though it was cloudy, we went to the park
-Even If I study a lot, I will never understand chemistry
-He knew I was a good idea. Even so, he drove home after having several
-Even when things seemed the worse, she was still optimistic
1. She has left.(Ella se acaba de ir).
2. I have seen this movie (Ya he visto esta película).
3. They got married (Se acaban de casar).
4 .We have eaten (Ya hemos comido).
5. The train has left (El tren ya se ha ido).
6. They haven't arrived (Aún no han llegado).
7. I’ve woken up (Acabo de despertarme).