Risk Assesment
Risk Assesment
Risk Assesment
To : Dr Loai Tawalbeh
From : Muna Ahmed
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Main topics
What is Risk & Risk management?
Risk Management Cycle
Risk Identification
Primary sources of Risk Items
What is Risk Assessment ?
How to assess the risks ?
Risk Assessment methodologies
Methods of Risk Assessment
Who is responsible in risk assessment?
Two Case Studies
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What is Risk & Risk
Risk : The is an object, person or other entity that
represent a danger, harm or loss to an asset
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Risk Life Cycle
Threat Agent
Leads to
And cause an
Can be
١٤٤٢/٠٢/١٠ countermeasured by a 4
Risk Management Cycle
Risk Assessment
Identify Risks
Risk Control
Evaluate and
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Risk Identification
What is the purpose of this phase ?
The aims of this phase is to identify , classify and
prioritizing the organization’s information assets
( Know ourselves) and identify all important types
and sources of risk and uncertainty (know our
enemy), associated with each of the investment
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Information Assets
People at
Authorized Sensitive
trusted Process OS Net Work
Staff Procedures
Other staff Strangers Storage
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Primary sources network
based attacks
of Risk Items ,virus infection
unauthorized access
Human Threats
,Power failure
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Risk Assessment
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? What is Risk Assessment
Assessing risk is the process of determining the likelihood of
the threat being exercised against the vulnerability and the
resulting impact from a successful compromise , i.e determine
the relative risk for each of the vulnerabilities
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Methods of Risk Assessment
There are various methods assessing risk,
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econd : Qualitative Risk Assessment
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Third :Quantitative and Qualitative
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Quantitative risk measurement is the standard way of measuring
risk in many fields, such as insurance, but it is not commonly used
to measure risk in information systems.
Thus, most of the risk assessment tools that are used today for
information systems are measurements of qualitative risk.
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How to assess the risks
Risk is assessed by following the following
steps :
Identifying threats
Identifying vulnerabilities Evaluate
for each
Relating Threats to Vulnerabilities determining therisk
determining the likelihood Relating
to Vuln Threats
Evaluate impact for each risk Identifying ies
ying th
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Identifying Risk
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Identifying Vulnerabilities
Identifying Vulnerabilities : how each of the threats that are
possible or likely could be perpetrated , and list the organization’s
assets and their vulnerabilities
Likelihood is :
the estimation of the probability that a threat will succeed in
achieving an undesirable event
is the overall rating - often a numerical value on a defined scale
(such as 0.1 – 1.0) - of the probability that a specific vulnerability
will be exploited
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Defining Impact
impact (Value)
Using the information documented during the risk
identification process, assign weighted scores based on
the value of each information asset, i.e.1-100, low-med-
high, etc
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However, in order the risk assessment to be
meaningful, reusable and easily communicated,
specific ratings should be produced for the entire
organization as below example .
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Sample Risk Determination Matrix
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Some Common Risk
Assessment methodologies
The following methodologies and tools were developed for
managing risks in information systems:
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National Institute of Standards &
(NIST) Methodology
NIST Special Publication (SP) 800-30, Risk
Management Guide for Information Technology
Systems is the US Federal Government’s standard.
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Summary of Risk Assessment Practices and
Related Benefits
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Case Study
Risk Assessment
”Regulatory Organization“
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Regulatory Organization
The organization’s objectives in its’ risk management plan are : :
To face any risk
concerned with loss of customer confidence, as well as monetary and productivity
Risk assessments have always been a part of doing business that leads to determine the
level of risk associated with a business function or process in order to determine the
applicable security controls.
regional offices throughout the United States with , who facilitates the process in its
geographic area; and individual business units are responsible for conducting the
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Risk Assessment Process
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Conducting and Documenting the Assessment
The central office has incorporated these elements into a set of detailed
guidelines for conducting information security risk assessments ,
complementary training manual elaborating on the guidelines and
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providing more detailed step-by-step procedures.
Determining Risk Level
Risk Assessment Table
After completing the matrix, the team summarizes its findings by
assigning a composite risk level to each of the five areas of
vulnerability on the matrix.
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Identifying Needed Controls Based
on Predetermined Requirements
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Reporting and Ensuring That
Agreed Actions Are Taken
After determining the minimum set of
controls, the team compares those required
controls with controls already in place and
identifies any gaps.
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Goals of Security Plan
Main Goal :Protect information and data
Details Goals :
Protect the security and confidentiality of Protected Information;
Protect against anticipated threats or hazards to the security or integrity of
such information
Protect against unauthorized access to or use of Protected Information
Provides for mechanisms to: Identify and assess the risks that may threaten
Protected Information maintained by Arizona State University;
Designate employees responsible for coordinating the program;
Design and implement a safeguards program
Manage the selection of appropriate service providers
Adjust the plan to reflect changes in technology, the sensitivity of Protected
Information, and internal or external threats to information security; and
reference related policies, standards, and guidelines.
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Identification and Assessment of
Risks to Customer Information
Arizona State University recognizes that it has both internal
and external risks. These risks include, but are not limited to:
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Who has the responsibility of
assessing the risk
The University Technology Officer, in consultation with an advisory
committee, is responsible for the maintenance of information security
and privacy.
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Design and Implementation of Safeguards Program
Minimizing risk and safeguarding covered data and information security can be
achieved by Employee Management and Training
Physical Security can be achieved by limiting access to only those employees who
have a business reason to know such information and requiring signed
acknowledgement of the requirement to keep Protected Information private
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Summary notes
The knowledge of the following are important to do the useful risk
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Very Important Note
Since risks and threats change over time, it is
important that organizations periodically
reassess risks and reconsider the suitability
and effectiveness of the policies and controls
they have selected.
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