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 Heart disease or cardiovascular diseases is the class
of diseases that involve the heart or blood vessels (
arteries and veins).While the term technically refers
to any disease that affects the cardiovascular system
 it is usually used to refer to those related to 
atherosclerosis (arterial disease). These conditions
have similar causes, mechanisms, and treatments.
Cardiovascular disease include:

 Coronary heart disease
 Cerebrovascular disease
 Raised blood pressure
 Peripheral artery disease
 Rheumatic heart disease
 Congenital heart disease and heart failure
Major cause of Cardiovascular disease

 Tobacco use
 Physical inactivity
 Unhealthy diet

 Cardiovascular diseases are the #1 cause of death (by
means of heart attack and stroke)
 An estimated 17.5 million died from cardiovascular
diseases in 2005, representing 30% of all global deaths.
Of these deaths, 7.6 million are due to heart attacks
while 5.7 million are due to stroke.
 About 80% of these deaths occurred in low and middle
income countries. If current threads are allowed to
continue by 2015, an estimate 20 million people will die
from cardiovascular disease.
Causes of heart attack
and stroke
 A blockage in an artery can raise either a heart attack
or a stroke. When an artery that supplies blood to the
heart is blocked, a heart attack occurs. A stroke or
brain attack occurs when an artery that supplies
blood to the brain is blocked.
Causes of heart attack
and stroke
 Blocked arteries are usually caused by a buildup of
fatty deposits inside and medium-sized arteries. As
the walls thicken and harden with fatty deposits, the
passage for blood flow narrows or becomes
completely blocked . A lack of blood results in the
death of the heart muscle in the area where the blood
supply is cut off, or in the case of stroke, which is
bleeding from a weakened blood vessel in the brain.
Causes of heart attack
and stroke
 The buildup of plaque is called arteriosclerosis and is
associated with obesity, hypertension, diabetes, and
aging. Plaque is made up of cholesterol, lipids, and
cellular debris. The condition can cause either a total
blockage of an artery or a blood clot to form. A blood
clot can stop the flow of the blood through the artery
of break off and travel to a narrower artery, causing
a blockage there.
Causes of heart attack
and stroke

Sometimes, reduce in blood flow in an artery in the
brain or heart results in temporary symptoms. In the
heart, The condition can cause angina and usually
results in chest pain. In the brain, this is called transient
ischemic attack and may result in confusion, weakness
of an arm or a leg, difficulty with speech or other
neurologic symptoms lasting less than 24 hours.
Signs and symptoms of
 disease
Signs and symptoms of
 Pain and discomfort in the chest area and upper
extremities (arms, shoulders, elbows, etc..)
 Difficulty in breathing
 Faint due to nausea
 Pallor
 Vomiting
Signs and symptoms of

 Weakness and numbness on the side of the body
 Confusion
 Difficulty in speaking and seeing with one or both
 Difficulty in walking due to vertigo and loss of
Fat buildup in blood

The chemicals in tobacco smoke harm your heart and blood
vessels in many ways. For example, they:
 Thicken your blood and make it harder for your blood to
carry oxygen
 Increase your blood pressure and heart rate, which makes
you heart work harder than normal.
 Lower you HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) and raise
you LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol). Smoking also
increases your triglyceride level. Triglycerides are a type
of fat found in the blood. It disturbs normal heart rhythms.
Fat buildup in blood

The chemicals in tobacco smoke harm your heart and blood
vessels in many ways. For example, they:
 Damage blood vessel walls, makes them stiff and less
elastic. This narrows the blood vessels and adds to the
damage caused by unhealthy cholesterol levels.
Contribution to inflammation, which may trigger plaque
Smoking is a major risk factor for coronary heart disease.
CHD is a condition in which plaque builds up inside the
coronary arteries. These arteries supply your heart muscle
with oxygen-rich blood.
Fat buildup in blood

 Plaque is made up of fat, cholesterol, calcium, and other
substances found in the blood. When plaque builds up in
the arteries, the condition is called arteriosclerosis.
 Plaque narrows the arteries and reduces blood flow to
your heart muscle. The build up of plaque also makes it
more likely that blood clots will form in your arteries.
Blood clots can partly or completely block blood flow
 Over a time, smoking contributes to atherosclerosis and
significantly increases your risk of having and dying
from heart disease, heart failure, or a heart attack.
Key messages to protect
 Heart attacks and strokes – major but preventable
 Occur almost equally in men and women – anyone
of us might be a victim, no one’s an exception
 However, cardiovascular risk of women is high
particularly after menopause. So learning to protect
and care for our hearts is not only for ourselves but
also for our loved ones, particularly our mothers,
aunts, and grandmothers.
Key messages to protect
 Tobacco use, unhealthy diet, ad physical inactivity
increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
 STOP SMOKING – to all smokers out there, and for
those who haven’t tried yet, don’t you dare. Because
cessation and avoidance of tobacco use reduces the
chance of a heart attack or stroke
 Diabetes increases the risk of heart attacks and
stroke, so make extra efforts to control your blood
pressure and blood sugar to minimize your risk.
Key messages to protect
increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes. That’s
why you really have to take regular physical activity
and eat a healthy diet. With this, you an have a more
presentable physique and a healthy heart at the same
 Heart attacks and strokes can strike suddenly and
can be fatal if assistance is not sought
 Always remember that prevention is better than cure
Key messages to protect
-Gain an understanding and grasp the seriousness
of the physiology of stress. This is important because
most people do not “get” or understand the
stress/heart health connection. BOTTOM LINE: you
can control how stress affects you.
Key messages to protect
 Eat a replenishing diet
-Eat fresh organic foods to help replenish and rebalance your body. Fresh
foods contain life-giving enzymes which actually get depleted as we age.
-Eat fresh fruits and veggies, and a fresh green salad everyday. You’ll
notice a difference within a week in how you feel and look.
TIP: instead of orange juice, squeeze fresh oranges for enzymes and nutrients
especially vitamin C, folic acid, and potassium. Get a juicer and sip on fresh
fruit and vegetable juices.
-drink green drinks with super foods like chlorella, alfalfa, wheat grass,
and barely grass to feed the cells and rebuild healthy energy. PLUS! Green
foods help replenish your adrenal glands which have been depleted because
of stress.
Key messages to protect
 Eat a replenishing diet
-Eat mineral-rich foods like seaweeds, leafy greens,
beans, nuts ad seeds to help replenish depleted minerals
like magnesium.
-Drink plenty of pure water . Stress causes dehydration
and dehydration can promote stress- an endless cycle.
Staying hydrated is important for healthy brain function.
-Sip green tea and peppermint tea throughout the day
to ward off stress. To relax and encourage sleep, drink a
cup of chamomile tea in the evening.
Key messages to protect
 Eat a replenishing diet
-Healthy snacks only! Fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, and
whole grain crackers.
TIP: Start your day with a nibble of fresh parsley and boost
serotonin- a “feel good” hormone
-Create a pleasant relaxing atmosphere for meals. Try to eat
outside when at work. Use mealtime for pleasant conversations
and to socialize with friends and family. Socialization works
wonders for stress, especially for women.
-Stay away form processed foods, alcohol, caffeine, salt, and
Key messages to protect
 Manage and control your stress
-Incorporate proven stress-reducing meditative therapies.
Note: you don’t have to wait until you think you are having a
stress event. These techniques not only help repairing damage
done over the years, they also help set you up so you are
better able to handle stress.
-Practice meditation. Recent studies confirm the fact that
transcendental meditation can not only relieve stress, it can
also promote a healthy heart and cardiovascular system,
reduces high blood pressure. Just 20 minutes a day can
change your life, for the better.
Key messages to protect
heart health

 Manage and control your stress
-Practice stress management techniques. The
Institute of HeartMath has developed a system for
stress management which provides immediate relief
from tension, worry, and frustration. Try the
Appreciation Break several times a day.
-Practice deep breathing exercises for deep
breathing reduces stress and helps you to relax. It also
helps you sleep better at night, plus it makes your lungs
Key messages to protect
-Walk briskly for half-an-hour outside.
-Start your day with a quick stretch and warm-up. A 10-20 minute
rejuvenating routine wakes up your lungs, glands, the brain and your
heart. It also boost the hormone production of serotonin and dopamine.
TIP: Be sure to stretch in the morning. It helps break and release toxins as
well as boosting the circulation.
-Go outside during short breaks.
-Dance! Put on your favorite music and go for it. Ten minutes will get
you to a higher state.
-TIP: Take some time off and get yourself into natural surroundings for the
benefit of fresh air and sunshine. This activity may refresh you for days.
Key messages to protect
-Go to bed earlier and wake up early. It is believed that
the sleep you get before midnight has a better quality. So
go to bed by 9 or 10.
-Drink a cup of chamomile tea with dinner.
-Create a peaceful sleep space that is completely dark.
This includes the production of the lovely sleep hormone,
-wake up gently with a Zen clock
-Listen to a relaxing music before bed
Key messages to protect
-One of the fastest ways to affect the mood is
through the sense of smell. Organic essential oils are
potent therapies for reducing stress, encouraging focus,
lessening depression, and building energy.
Key messages to protect
-Did you know that what we focus on expands? What
do you want to expand in your life? Try to look at obstacles
as only bumps in the road. Focus on the positive aspects in
your life. Stay away form your people or situations that
bring you down. Make conscious choices to put yourself in
environments that are stimulating and nurturing. Make the
best of situations. For example: Stuck in traffic? Look at it
as a gift of free time. Listen to the music you’ve been
missing or learn from books or courses on tape.

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