Space Mining: 奥萨马, Muhammad Osama
Space Mining: 奥萨马, Muhammad Osama
Space Mining: 奥萨马, Muhammad Osama
Because a large portion of a rocket is propellant at time of launch, proponents point out several advantages of using a
propellant depot architecture. Spacecraft could be launched unfueled and thus require less structural mass
If used in conjunction with a mining facility on the moon, water or propellant could be exported back to the depot,
further reducing the cost of propellant
An exploration program based on a depot architecture could be cheaper and more capable, not needing a specific
rocket or a heavy lift such as the SLS to support multiple destinations such as the Moon, Lagrange points, asteroids,
and Mars
Reduced critical path mission complexity.
Launch every few months rather than once every 12–18 months
Tens of billions of dollars of cost savings to fit the budget profile
4) The Concept
1) Why Mining? 2) Why Space Mining? 3) IN-SETU Resource Utilization 5) Tech Requirements 6) Mech.Eng needed Conclusion PAGE 10
5) Tech Requirements
1) Why Mining? 2) Why Space Mining 3) IN-SETU Resource Utilization 4) The Concept 6) Mech.Eng needed Conclusion
To remove the factor of bringing minerals to earth we should use
the resources from Space in Space.
Minerals to produce Zero-Immision fuel such as Hydrogen fuel
used in Spacecraft propulsion system can be recreated in space.
NASA Artemis program to Harvest water in Moon.
China,US,Europe and India are all looking for ways to mine water in
Moon already to create a fueling station on Moon.
According to NASA, "in-situ resource utilisation will enable the
affordable establishment of extraterrestrial exploration and
operations by minimizing the materials carried from Earth.“
The lunar Resource Prospector rover was designed to scout for
resources on a polar region of the Moon, and it was proposed to be
launched in 2022
Most important resources that could be mined from Moon and Asteroids is perhaps the
most common, Water. Water can be and is used as Rocket Propellant by NASA space
launch programs. Water molecules can be electrolyzed to break the bounds and create
Oxygen and Hydrogen. Both the Oxygen and Hydrogen are cooled (cryogenically).Oxygen
is used in space stations as life source for humans in space and Hydrogen as fuel.
Hydrogen Fueled vehicles already exists on Earth already and Hydrogen as Fuel is nothing
This process require a lot of energy. That is why NASA has planned to first launch Solar
powered satellites to extract immense amounts of solar energy and then launch ISRU
projects so that they can be used to make Hydrogen Fuel on space. This fuel would than
sent to Propellant Depots to fuel other Sattlites and rockets. If you have been focusing on
this presentation you would see that they are all linked!.
Solar Power Satellites. Washington, D.C.: Congress of the U.S., Office of Technology Assessment. August 1981. p. 66. LCCN 81600129
Collection at Earth's poles can take place for 24 hours per day, but there are very small loads demanded at the pole
"MHI Successfully Completes Ground Demonstration Testing of Wireless Power Transmission Technology for SSPS“
"In-Situ Resource Utilization". NASA Ames Research Center. Retrieved 14 January 2007.
This Is How SpaceX Will Explore Mars and Beyond Archived 2016-10-22 at the Wayback Machine
Optical Mining of Asteroids, Moons, and Planets to Enable Sustainable Human Exploration and Space Industrialization by Joel Sercel
(TransAstra Corp)
Mini Bee Prototype to Demonstrate the Apis Mission Architecture and Optical Mining Technology by Joel Sercel(TransAstra Corporation)
Detailed Livestreamed videos definitely worth the watch for future ideas and innovation in space