Transient Ischemic Attack: - Time Based Definition: (Old Definition) Harrisons Principle of Medicine 19 Edition

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Transient Ischemic Attack

• Time based definition: (old definition)

Harrisons principle of medicine 19th edition

TIAs are episodes of stroke symptoms that last only briefly; the
standard definition of duration is <24 hours, but most TIAs last <1 hour.
Adams and victor’s princlples of neurology 8th edition
the arrest and then regression of the neurologic deficit in almost all
except the fatal strokes. At one extreme of rapid regression is a focal
syndrome that reverses itself entirely and dramatically over a period of
minutes or up to an hour
• American heart Association (old definition)

brief episode of neurologic dysfunction <24 hours resulting from

focal temporary cerebral ischemia
• Tissue based definition: (new definition)
American Heart Association (revised tissue based definition)

Transient episode of neurological dysfunction caused by focal brain,

spinal cord, or retinal ischemia, without acute infarction

Any transient episode, regardless of duration, associated with a

clinically appropriate lesion by MRI be defined as Stroke.
There is vascular stenosis and ulceration as a result of
atherosclerosis* and thrombus formation.

Embolization of fibrin-platelet material from

atherosclerotic sites.

The involved cerebral tissue to be at least partially

damaged by embolism, leaving some residual signs.

When blood flow is completely restored, brain tissue can

recover fully
Signs and Symptoms
Symptoms vary with arterial territory involved.
• Transient mononuclear blindness- ischemia in central retinal artery
• Limb weakness, sensory loss and aphasia-territory of Carotid
• Visual field loss or cortical blindness – TIA in posterior circulation
Guidelines for
Transient Ischemic
Attack (TIA) and
Mild Stroke –
Stroke Society of
the Philippines
Guidelines for
Transient Ischemic
Attack (TIA) and
Mild Stroke –
Stroke Society of
the Philippines
Risk of Stroke
following TIA

ABCD score
Differential Diagnosis
Transient focal neurologic symptoms are ubiquitous in neurologic practice.

Meningioma and Subdural Hematoma

• Transient aphasia or speech arrest lasting from 2 min to
several hours
• Sensory symptoms with or without spread over the body,
arm weakness
• Hemiparesis
Multiple Sclerosis
• Transient global amnesia
• Migraine
• syncope
 Harrison’s principle of medicine 19th edition
 Adams and Victor’s principle of neurology 8th edition
 American heart association
 Stroke Society of the Philippines, CPM 5th edition
 Merritt’s Neurology 11th Edition
Pre Hospital Management of Stroke
1. Public health leaders, along with medical professionals and others, should design and implement public
education programs focused on stroke systems and the need to seek emergency care (by calling 9-1-1).
2. Activation of the 9-1-1 system by patients or other members of the public is strongly recommended. 9-1-
1 dispatchers should make stroke a priority dispatch, and transport times should be minimized.
3. To increase both the number of patients who are treated and the quality of care, educational stroke
programs for physicians, hospital personnel and EMS personnel are recommended.

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