Visitors ID No Logo
Visitors ID No Logo
Visitors ID No Logo
“Security is everyone’s “ is committed to prevent, recognize and “Security is everyone’s “ is committed to prevent, recognize and
responsibility” responsibility”
mitigate threats to the security of our mitigate threats to the security of our
processes, facilities and the supply chain, processes, facilities and the supply chain,
such as smuggling, trafficking in arms, such as smuggling, trafficking in arms,
ammunition, explosives, people, as well ammunition, explosives, people, as well
as theft, acts of vandalism or terrorism. as theft, acts of vandalism or terrorism.
xxxxx is also committed to the xxxxx is also committed to the
prevention and reduction of the risk of prevention and reduction of the risk of
contamination of our import and export contamination of our import and export
shipments by prohibited goods. These shipments by prohibited goods. These
commitments will be honored by training commitments will be honored by training
involved personnel and through the involved personnel and through the
implementation of our security policy, implementation of our security policy,
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