Chap 1 - Artificial Intelligence

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Emerging Trends In Computer &

Information Technology
ESE – 70M *# (90 Min)
PA - 30
1. Artificial Intelligence (6M)
2. Internet of Things (18M)
3. Basics of Digital Forensics (8M)
4. Digital Evidence (10M)
5. Basics of Hacking (12M)
6. Types of Hacking (16M)
Artificial Intelligence
• Introduction of AI
– Concept
– Scope of AI
– Components of AI
– Types of AI
– Application of AI
• Concept of Machine Learning & Deep Learning
Introduction of AI
• AI = “Artificial can be considered as Man
Made” & “Intelligence is commonly
considered as the ability to collect knowledge
to solve complex problems”
• In 1955, standford
coined the term AI
during Dartmouth
– To find how to make
machines use
language, form
concepts, solve kind
of problems now
reserved for human
and improve
• Its an approach to make a computer, a robot,
or a product to think how smart human think.

• Its a study of
how human brain think, learn, decide and work,
when it tries to solve problems.

This study outputs intelligent software systems

• In other words, it can be defined as programming such

machines which can think and act with some level of
human intelligence is known as artificial intelligence.
“The science and engineering of making
intelligent machines, especially intelligent
computer programs” – John McCarthy

With Artificial Intelligence you do not need to

pre-program a machine to do some work,
despite that you can create a machine with
programmed algorithms which can work with
own intelligence.
– With the help of AI, you can create such software
or devices which can solve real-world problems
very easily and with accuracy such as health
issues, marketing, traffic issues, etc.
– With the help of AI, you can create your personal
virtual Assistant, such as Cortana(Cortana is
Microsoft’s digital assistant), Google Assistant,
Siri, etc.
– With the help of AI, you can build such Robots
which can work in an environment where
survival of humans can be at risk.
– AI opens a path for other new technologies, new
devices, and new Opportunities.
• Examples of tasks which requires human
intelligence are visual perception, speech
recognition, decision-making, and translation
between languages.
– Real Life A.I. Examples
❏ Self Driving Cars
❏ Navigation Systems
❏ ASIMO (robot created by Honda in 2000)
❏ Chatbots
❏ Human vs Computer Games
Exists today System that could resolve
Able to perform single any general task creatively
task: review whether, play and imitate human
chess etc behavior
Types of AI


Based on
Based on

Weak AI or Reactive Limited Theory of Self-

General AI Super AI
Narrow AI Machines Memory Mind Awareness
Type 1
• Weak or Narrow AI:
– able to perform a dedicated task with intelligence.
– cannot perform beyond its field or limitations, as it is only trained for one specific
– Eg: Apple Siriis, playing chess, purchasing suggestions on e-commerce site, self-
driving cars, speech recognition, and image recognition
• General AI:
– General AI is a type of intelligence which could perform any intellectual task with
efficiency like a human.
– Currently, there is no such system exist which could come under general AI and can
perform any task as perfect as a human.
• Super AI:
– level of Intelligence of Systems at which machines could surpass human intelligence,
and can perform any task better than human with cognitive properties.
Type 2
• Reactive Machines
– No memories or do not store past experiences for future actions
– These machines only focus on current scenarios and react on it as per possible best action
– Google's Alpha Go is also an example of reactive machines
• Limited Memory
– can store past experiences or some data for a short period of time.
– Self-driving cars are one of the best examples of Limited Memory systems. These cars can
store recent speed of nearby cars, the distance of other cars, speed limit, and other
information to navigate the road.
• Theory of Mind
– understand the human emotions, people, beliefs, and be able to interact socially like
– are still not developed
• Self-Awareness
– is the future of Artificial Intelligence
– These machines will be smarter than human mind.
• Solve problems • System may • ML branch that
by following acquire imitates the
manually knowledge human learning
programmed directly from process.
procedures via data. • Uses layers of
rules neural n/w and
• Machine to
established and algo to process
programmed by
a person learning,
algorithm must • Provides
• Eg: Deep advancement in
be used to
Blue(super human speech
computer by
analyze data,
and visual
IBM to play and then make recognition of
chess) a prediction. objects.
Scope of AI
• In the field of education
– Artificial intelligence can automate basic activities in
education, like grading
– Educational software can be adapted to student needs
– It can point out places where courses need to improve
– Students could get additional support from AI tutors
– AI-driven programs can give students and educators
helpful feedback
• Language understanding:
– The ability to "understand" and respond to the
natural language. To translate from spoken
language to a written form and to translate from
one natural language to another natural language.
1. Speech Understanding
2. Semantic Information Processing
(Computational Linguistics)
3. Question Answering
4. Information Retrieval
5. Language Translation
• Problem solving
– Ability to formulate a problem in a suitable
representation, to plan for its solution and to
know when new information is needed and how
to obtain it.
– Inference (Resolution-Based Theorem Proving,
Plausible Inference and Inductive Inference)
– Interactive Problem Solving
– Automatic Program Writing
– Heuristic Search
• Robots
– A combination of most or all of the above abilities with
the ability to move over terrain and manipulate
– Exploration
– Transportation/Navigation
– Industrial Automation (e.g., Process Control, Assembly
Tasks, Executive Tasks)
– Security
– Other (Agriculture, Fishing, Mining, Sanitation,
Construction, etc.)
– Military
– Household
• Games
• For emergency services
• For Entertainment
• For providing services to customers

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