Science, Technology and Society (Ge7) : Partido State University
Science, Technology and Society (Ge7) : Partido State University
Science, Technology and Society (Ge7) : Partido State University
Introduction to the Course 10/12/2020
• The course is divided into three major parts: The first part
seeks to understand the construct of the self from various
disciplinal perspectives: philosophy, sociology,
anthropology, and psychology--- as well as the more
traditional division between the East and West--- each
seeking to provide answers to the difficulty but essential
question of “What is the self?” And raising, among others,
the question: “Is there even such a construct as the self?”
• Google classroom will be the official learning platform for this class. All students are required to enroll using the class codes
generated by the application, provided in your enrolment forms. Regular attendance and punctuality in all cases are important
obligations of the students.
• Required online outputs should be submitted promptly based on the set deadlines in the google classroom. In cases when
there’s no way the students can send them online, students should find a way to submit a hard copy of the assigned
• All students are required to wear the prescribed uniform and school ID during face to face interactions (if any).
• Students are obliged to observe the code of conduct and discipline contained in the student handbook.
• Students under the influence of liquor are not allowed inside the school compound.
• Plagiarism and vandalism are strictly prohibited and punishable.
• Students are expected to always be responsibly ready for the topics to be discussed. They should have advanced readings on
topics presented in the course outline provided.
• Short quizzes will be given via google forms. Studnets should exert effort to take the online quizzes.
• Special exams during face to face interactions shall only be given to absent students with reasonable excuses such as serous
Introduction to the Course 10/12/2020 8
health condition, supported by a medical certificate issued by licensed heath professional.
Grading Requirements:
T h e s t u d e n t ’s g r a d e f o r t h i s s u b j e c t w i l l b e d e t e r m i n e d a s
Class Participation – 40% The student is expected to participate in all class activities such
as quizzes, recitation, assignments, group dynamics, reflection
papers, reporting, etc. and to submit things accordingly as
Midterm Exams – 30% The midterm exam is an objective written assessment of how
the students have mastered the theories and how their detailed
knowledge of each theory can be integrated into a holistic and
profound knowledge that exhibits mastery of the highest level.
Final Requirement – 30% • TBA
Introduction to the Course 10/12/2020 9
Course codes
BET AT1A- ngdxfsi
Introduction to the Course
BET AT1B- swvu6mk
BSHM3- iqfa5rv
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