Introduction To Islam

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What do you KNOW about Islam?

You have 5 minutes to think and

read the opening lines of
Qur’an preferably from an
English version
retell the life and times of
Prophet Muhammad
 explain: The core teaching of
Islam is there is only one God
and Muhammad is His final and
greatest messenger.
 conduct a panel discussion on
Muslim beliefs and practices
(when possible invite a Muslim)
“In the name of Allah,
the Most Gracious, the
Most Merciful:

All Praise is due to Allah,

Lord of the Universe,
The Most Gracious, the
Most Merciful.
Owner of the Day of
Judgment, You alone
do we worship, and
You alone we return
to for help.
Guide us to the straight
path; The Path of those
on whom You have
bestowed your Grace,
Not (the way) of those
who have earned your
anger; Nor of those who
went astray.
Muslims do not use
SYMBOLS in the way that
followers of some other
religions do. When a
symbol is needed for
Islam, the one most often
used is a star and crescent
• Second most
widespread religion,
next to Christianity
• Muslims (those who
practice Islam)
• Mosque
• Muhammad
Understanding Muhammad:
His Life and Times
The Life of Muhammad:
The early years
• Muhammad was born in Mecca around
the year 570 (A city of western Saudi
• Mecca was not a kind, friendly culture
• These tribes all worshiped many
different gods (polytheistic)
• Muhammad began working as a
merchant and was known for his
• Muhammad and Khadija (wife) had 4
daughters and 2 sons
The Life of Muhammad:
The Visions and the Message
• Fifteen years after his marriage, he began to have
visions and hear mysterious voices
• When Muhammad was about 40 years old an angel
appeared to him in the form of a man
• This revelation was soon followed by others about
the one true God
– The key message:
• Unlike Jesus (who Christians believe was God's son)
Muhammad was a mortal, albeit with extraordinary
• He preached a strong social justice message about
equality and poverty
The Life of Muhammad:
The Trouble
• Muhammad slowly began to attract
some followers, most of them young
and of modest social standing
• The ruling elite feared Muhammad
and his followers and began to
persecute them
• Muhammad's prestige grew much
larger after the war and the
subsequent surrender of the Meccans
The Life of Muhammad:

• Muhammad's life was cut

short by his sudden death on
June 8, 632 at about 60 years
• Within 100 years, Islam
spread across the world,
occupying more territory
than the Roman Empire
Muhammad’s ascension into
The Five Pillars

Shahada (Creed)
Salat (Prayer)
Zakat (Charity)
Sawm (Fasting on Ramadan)
Hajj (Pilgrimage to Mecca)
Koran (or the Qur'an)
It consists of 114 chapters
(surahs), each consist of verses
Meccan surahs- shorter chapters
believed to have been revealed
to Muhammad in Mecca
Medinan chapters- longer
Tafsir-the proper interpretation
and intellectual interpretation
of Qur’an

Ummah-the term for Muslim

What Muslims believe
• Muslims believe that there is one God, whom
they called ALLAH.
• They believe that Allah is ETERNAL which means
he was never born and will never die. He made
everything, knows everything and is all-powerful,
so human beings must worship him.
• Muslims believe that Allah sent PROPHETS to
teach people how to live.
• A prophet is someone who tells people what God
Points to know
Muslims do not worship Muhammad. They
believe that only Allah should be worshipped
and Muhammad was not Allah. However,
Muhammad is given great respect as Allah’s
most important prophet and to show this
whenever they mention Muhammad’s name
Muslims add the words peace be upon him.
What did I LEARN about Islam?

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