The "Madness" of The Prophet: Dec Emb Er, 2 009
The "Madness" of The Prophet: Dec Emb Er, 2 009
The "Madness" of The Prophet: Dec Emb Er, 2 009
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B A L A K ’ S AT T I T U D E
Reasons why Balak was afraid of Balak’s methods to convince
Israel: Balaam:
Because it was a large people and God had He sent Balaam money and
already shown His power. They couldn’t do expensive presents. He flattered
anything against that power. him : “I know that those you
Nevertheless, God gave Israel clear instructions bless are blessed, and those
about not approaching Moab’s land. you curse are cursed” (Numbers,
22: 6).
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DONKEY: When she saw DONKEY: She saw the
DONKEY: When she saw
the angel of God with his angel of God again on a path
the angel of God on a very
with stone walls at both
sword (to kill Balaam), she sides, so she pressed close to
narrow path, she lay down
turned off the road into a because she couldn’t avoid
the wall to pass. She crushed
field. him.
Balaam’s foot against it.
Donkey : “What have I done to you to Balaam: “You have made a fool of me! If I
make you beat me these had a sword in my hand, I would
three times?” kill you right now.”
Balaam was so blind that he didn’t surprise when his donkey spoke to him. The one who
boasted about his ability to destroy a nation cursing it was incapable of killing his own
Donkey : “Am I not your own donkey, which you have Balaam: “No”
always ridden, to this day? Have I been in the
habit of doing this to you?”
The animal reasoned coherently when she told him that it wasn’t her usual behaviour.
When Balaam accepted that, God opened his eyes and showed him the threatening angel.
Numbers, 22: 32-35
“Why have you beaten your donkey these three times? I have come here to
oppose you because your path is a reckless one before me. The donkey saw
Angel : me and turned away from me these three times. If she had not turned away, I
would certainly have killed you by now, but I would have spared her”
“I have sinned. I did not realise you were standing in the road to oppose me.
Now if you are displeased, I will go back”
Angel : “Go with the men, but speak only what I tell you”
FIRST TRY Where: Bamoth Baal.
Numbers, 22: 41-23: 12
What did he see: Part of the people of Israel.
Offering: They built seven altars and offered seven
bulls and seven rams.
Balaam’s attitude: He went aside to ask for God’s