Lecture 1 Summary: This Short Video Will Give You A Metaphorical Explanation of What Is EA?

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Lecture 1 Summary


This short video will give you a metaphorical explanation of

what is EA?
Lecture Outline Analysis
1. Definitions: Architecture, Stakeholder, Enterprise, Enterprise Architecture (EA)

2. What is EA? EA = Strategy + Business + Technology

3. Organising influence of EA

4. What is EA? – as a governance concept

5. EA as a Meta Discipline

6. EA Architecture Approach: framework of methodology, standards, best practices

&v artefacts

7. EA Process Groups: EA Management Program + Current EA & Future Scenario

Analysis & Design

8. EA Management Program
• Purpose – Strategic alignment  by aligning resource & capability
requirements to enterprise strategy plans
9. EA Analysis & Design work
• Purpose – document EA analysis findings and design proposals for current
and future EA scenarios
Slide 1 Slide 2

What is EA?

Slide 4 Slide 3
How is EA conducted?
How is EA conducted?
Management Program perspective

EA management program processes involve:

• Strategic alignment of corporate-level,

business units’ and organisational projects’
goals, activities and resources

• Compliance to corporate to project governance requirements, especially

standardized and corporate to business governance compliant policies for
identifying, procuring, using, developing, integrating and configuring, and
optimising enterprise resources

• Clarifying visible strategic, business and ICT decision criteria for making ICT
resource decisions at any level of corporate, business unit, project and design
or problem solving decision making

• Create consistency in ICT project management and development lifecycles, to

enable clarity of their alignment to strategic business and operating financial
management cycles
How is EA conducted?
EA Analysis & Design perspective



EA (Implementation)
Management Plan
How is EA conducted?
EA Analysis & Design perspective


Management Plan SCENARIOS

How to transform
Specified in Specified in


current into desired

future EA?

Specified in
1. Analyse future business
1. Analyse current business and scenarios considered by business
document/model its EA
artefacts 2. Agree with business one or more
Compliance business scenarios to model –
to EA Mgt including the planning
2. Identify business
Program assumptions for each scenario
improvement opportunities
3. Identify EA documentation 3. Identify and document/model
gaps each future business scenario’s
EA artefacts
What are the modelling areas in
EA analysis & design?

How the EA artefacts are

“bundled” to give an enterprise
functional perspectives of its
strategic, business & ICT integrated

Specific EA Artefacts
What is EA3?
EA3 is a proprietary EA framework

There are other best practice & proprietary EA frameworks

which you will learn some in future lectures eg TOGAF, Zachman

Not all EA frameworks are complete in having or equally

good/strong in defining a methodology, best practice features,
standards specifications and artefacts – you will need to research
and understand each one is good or weak in what components
of a EA framework model in future lectures
Class Discussions
The question “What is EA?” requires you:
1. Describe EA as a strategic, business & ICT management function, which
requires one to :
• Plan how strategy, business and ICT requirements can be integrated
to represent current and future business scenarios
• Execute this plan via a number or projects and in compliance to EA
(and also projects’) governance requirements
• Track & report EA execution progress, correct variances and non
compliance activities where needed, to ensure achievement of the
EA (implementation) management plan.

2. You may decide to get a glimpse of what are the 2 major management
process groups involved, ie the EA management program and EA analysis
and design work – this part 2 is NOT the complete answer to the

Use the contents of your lecture notes, this tutorial summary and references
to construct the answer by following these guidelines.
Class Discussions
Examine the EA3 framework and discuss
1. What is its methodology?

2. What best practice and standards it aim to achieve or already uses?

3. What are its EA modelling artefacts and how are they coordinated to
define EA functions that specify the integration dimensions of strategic,
business and ICT alignment ?
Tutorial Exercises
1. What are some of the differences between enterprise architecture (EA) and a systems-level
planning approach?

2. Why is EA described as both a management program and an analysis and design method?

3. What are the four elements of an EA management program and the six elements of an EA
analysis and design method?

4. What are some of the EA components and documentation artifacts that would be included in
current and future views at each level of the EACube framework? 3

5. Can EA be used by all types of enterprises? If so, why?

6. How does an EA repository support the implementation methodology?

7. Choose a real-world large-size enterprise and determine:

a. Is information technology seen as a strategic asset?
b. Does an enterprise architecture program exist?
c. Are there gaps in business/technology performance that an enterprise architecture
program could help identify and correct?
Hint: you may refer to the “Danforth Manufacturing Company” Scene, given in the following pages.

8. Read the case study: Danforth Manufacturing Company. Do you agree with the need for an EA
Program? Discuss.
Some concepts to help you answer tutorial
Strategic Assets
Creates/Deepen Market Shares, Increases Profit$
Creates sustainable competitive advantage
Changes in Operations

Are Resources

People Networks
ICT Networks

Business Networks
Operating Assets
Improves Efficiency & Effectiveness  Better Margins
Supporting Operations

Are Resources

People Networks
ICT Networks

Business Networks
Strategic  Operational ICT

Portfolios Strategies are

implemented via org.
Programs project management

Strategic ICT Operational ICT

Create new market shares Improves Efficiency

Increase existing market shares Improves Services
Gives sustainable competitive Improve/Increase
advantage Margins
What is a System Level Program ?
R&D Testing
1. Structurally is a collection
Supports A of projects and sub-
Business Purpose programs grouped
together to serve a
business purpose.

2. Process wise –like project

System Level management, includes
Program planning, execution
monitoring & variance
controlling activities

System System System

Projects Projects Projects
Why is EA Important?
R&D Testing

Supports A
Business Purpose
Not my

Managers System Level

Not my

System System System Project Managers

Projects Projects Projects
& Their Teams
Why is EA Important?

Result in
Q8 Danforth Manufacturing Case Study

Why EA?
Q8 Do you agree with the need for an EA program in the case study?

Sales & Inventory Tracking System Integrate info across

(SITS) – ~2 years RoI, $3mio++ • Sales
• Inventory
Capacity to compete with competitor • Production
Mitigate production inefficiency
Kate Jarvis

Rob Danforth Gerald Montes

(CEO) (Chief Council)

Decision Options: Buy 1, Buy 2?

Improve cost management

Cost Accounting Module

Jim Gorman 18 months RoI, <$600K
Sam Young

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