College of Arts Department of Applied English: Advanced Reading Sami Al-Heeh

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Department of Applied English

Sami Al-Heeh

Advanced Reading
Language Learning Skills
How many language learning skills are there?
There are four.
1. Listening
2. Speaking
3. Reading
4. Writing
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How can the language learning skills be sub-
Into two:
A) Productive including speaking & writing
B) Receptive including reading and listening

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Skills vs. Strategies & Tactics
How can these terms be defined?
They are all defined as mental plans.
Are there any differences between them?
Yes, there are.
• A Skill is defined as an automatic, sub-conscious, long-
term mental plan.
• A strategy is a deliberate, conscious, long-term mental
• A tactic is a deliberate, conscious, but short-term
mental plan.
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Language Learning Strategies
How can language learning strategies be used?
They are used for:
1. READING to comprehend texts, i.e. to
understand what is read.
2. LISTENING to comprehend what is said.

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So what?
The strategy sounds RECEPTIVE.
They can only be:
A) Strategies of reading for comprehension
B) Strategies of listening for comprehension

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What are main strategies of reading for comprehension?
1. Skimming for main ideas
2. Scanning for specific details
3. Using dictionaries
4. Making use of word formation
5. Making use of visuals
6. Making use of text features, such as headings and
7. Keeping meaning in mind.
8. Asking questions

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How can strategies of reading comprehension be
1. Cognitive strategies that help you learn
knowledge. They provide knowledge
2. Metacognitive strategies that help you learn
how to learn. They help you reach knowledge.
3. Affective or Social strategies that you get
knowledge through asking others.

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Purposes of Reading
Why do we read texts?
• For entertainment
• For comprehension
• For writing
• For analysis
• For critique

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What is a text or a discourse?
A unit of language above that of a paragraph

What can a text be?

Spoken or written

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