By Group 10 - Section B

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By Group 10 | Section B
Kunal Sadhwani 19P089
Lokesh Raizada 19P091
Mansi Mangla 19P092
Mithilesh Verma 19P095
Shubham Jain 19P115
Vamsi Krishna 19P117
Introduction to TiVo

● Average Household has 2.4 TV’s and spent 7.4 hrs/day watching it
● Average adult spending 4.3 hrs/day in watching TV
● Avid consumers were ironically called couch potatoes
● Popular shows between 8 to 11 pm with audiences larger than 25 million viewers
● Technology changes with TV have been slow
● Founders Jim Barton and Michael Ramsey focus shifted from home network technology to TV
● Fourteen months into launch of TiVo penetration was only about 0.04%
● Need to change customer rituals on a mass scale
What TiVo does
Takes feed and turns it into digital video

Reduction of marketing and consumer research costs 20-30 perecent in coming years

Enables pause/fast forward/record

TiVo box provided four quality pre-sets from “best” to “basic”

TiVo can track and record their favourite shows without help from the viewer

EPG options include live TV and “Now Playing”

● Box pricing: $499 - $999 (based on recording capacity)
● Subscription: $9.95/month, $99/year, $199 for life time
● To access TiVo’s system of personalized suggestions and automatic recording of favourite shows subscription was

● TiVo established partnerships with SONY and PHILIPS, to manufacture the black box distribution and promotion
to the retailers.
● Made nationally available through Best Buy in Sept 1999.
● By Oct 1999, Circuit city and Sears started carrying black box
TiVo as a threat

For Networks:

● With TiVo, commercial space at 2:45 a.m. might be just as valuable as commercial space at 8:15 p.m.
● Networks lose the ability to position a popular show at prime time and then count on enough consumer inertia to put
a new show behind it to promote it.

For Advertisers:

● The conventional way that advertising agencies sold media space to marketers—on the basis of reach—would be
● TiVo also the gave the option to fast forward the commercials and allowed consumers to be exposed to commercials
only on an opt-in basis.
TiVo as an opportunity
For Networks:
● Networks could track how many people were scheduling a show for future recording.
● Networks could also establish audience size and characteristics in advance, in order to market advertising slots more
● The season pass guaranteed that viewers would not miss any episodes of their favourite show, increasing regular
network viewership and loyalty.

For Advertisers:
● Advertising can become more relevant and interesting because of personalization and targeting that TiVo offered
● TiVo could help advertisers track and predict the television audience
● Advertisers could know how many people fast forwarded the commercial and the aggregate profile of those who
Customer Analysis
71% 56%
40% 30%
Friends or Publicatio
Store staff Television
relatives n and
advertising advertising

● 62% TiVo owners watched more TV than without

● According to 31% owners TV was the primary source of entertainment
● 59% said that they watched programs that were once unavailable to them because of inconvenient scheduling and there was a
31% decrease was also observed in channel surfing
● Children’s programming and dramas were the most recorded programs with the situation comedies following closely.
● TiVo’s data showed that subscribers were fast forwarding through 90% of commercials. This proved that they didn’t
particularly like 30 second commercial that were not specially available to them
Competitor Analysis
Criteria Replay Network Microsoft Ultimate TV TiVo
Brand Leverage Low High Low
Distribution National coverage started in Nationally available through BestBuy
Channel 2000 and electronic chain
Service fee Nil Subscription based Subscription based model with
additional charges
Collaborators Was its own manufacturer Thomson and Sony Sony and Philips
Direct Tv
Features Quick Skip Watching/recording 2 shows simultaneously, EPG gave access to previews for
recording pay per view movies, 30 sec skip shows that could be scheduled for
and fast forwarding upto 300 times the normal recording
Pause live tv, search tool and TiVo produced video magazine and an
ability to record programmes Offering Satellite TV on collaboration with on screen guide
through an electronic Direct TV and advanced features, interactive
program guide TV and personal video recording Season Pass and thumbs Up and
Thumbs Low button
Surfing and sending email through TV

Other Competitions-
● Jovio: It had announced its intentions of launching a free service that would be similar to TiVo's
● Seagate Technology and Thomson Multimedia: Announced a joint venture to put their own hardware inside the television set
● Miscellaneous: Conventional VHS video recorders and DVD Players were already present in the market at lower prices.
SWOT Analysis

• Innovative Product • Lack of Brand Awareness
• Brand Equity • Confusion regarding brand
• Interactive Services • Lack of Marketing
• Customer Loyalty • Expensive
• Product Quality • Over reliance on partners

• Diversification • Low Barrier to Entry
• Advertising • Inability to skip ads
• High Market Growth • Many heavy weight competitors
• Unique features • Over reliance on single supplier
Perception Map High Price

DVD- Video Recorder

Replay TV

Low TiVo High

Functionality Functionality
Ultimate TV


Low Price
How effective their Communication Strategy was?
Point of Parity:
● Similar to VCR in terms of watching videos at own will and recording video

Point of Differentiation:
● Pause live TV
● Record digital video of better quality
● Skip commercials

Result of this:
● All the ads were based on humour and engagement instead of conveying the point of differences
● This led to confusion among the customers as to exactly what TiVO is
Problems Faced:
Hard for nonusers to understand – Complete new category of product, Inability to change TV
consumption habits of the consumer

Time taking in store marketing process to explain the product and the features to the customer

Networks and Advertisers fear that customers will skip the commercials

Increasing competition

Getting to the right price for the product

Very low early adoption : Improper targeting & positioning

Decisions available to TiVo:
Should TiVo be bundled with DirecTV/AOL?

How to correctly price the product so as to maximize profits and the market share? ($999 or $399)

Which consumer segment to target? (Early Adopters/ Trend Setters or Mass market/ Everyday

How to market the product to that customer segment?

● Focus towards more on everyday customer by using lower prices and price the product at $399, focus on increasing the market share than
the revenue per customer, since only 0.04% of market is captured and there is huge potential in the market. Also, since the consumers are
not familiar with the product, prices need to be low to encourage adoption and can be increased subsequently when enough percentage of
the total market have adopted the product.
● Also, initially 3-month subscription can be provided to buyers of TiVo to let them experience the full benefits of the products and post that
usual subscription prices can be charged. This will help in increased word of mouth marketing in initial months if complete package of
benefits are provided. Also, since it’s a new service, giving the customer an experience is important in order to let them decide whether this is
valuable to them or not.

● Focus on training the workforce to provide sufficient support and knowledge to prospective customers

● Integrated Communication for creating better brand awareness through:

1. Lifestyle commercials on TV
2. Feature in print media
3. Demos on websites and popular places like malls, large retail stores etc.
Thank You!

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