1.2 Services - Reasons For Growth
1.2 Services - Reasons For Growth
1.2 Services - Reasons For Growth
DEPARTMENT -Management
Service Marketing
Faculty Name : Rajeev Prasher Ph.D.
Theory of
Course Outcome
CO Title Level
Number Shall be discussed in this
CO 1 students will be able to: Remember lecture
remember that the service sector is a
dominant sector of Indian economy and is
here to stay and grow further
Source :shutterstock.com 3
Growth in services sector
• Increased automation
• Growth in economy
• Time constraints
Services: Growth & Reasons
Reasons For Growth Of Services
One, of the key factors for the growth of demand for services is the
economic affluence . The size of the middle income consumer is raising
fast and the percentage of the very poor household’s declining. The rural
households in the upper income category are growing at a much faster
pace than the urban households in the corresponding categories. The
Economic liberalization Process has had a positive impact on the Indian
households. Their income as well as their expenditure has been pushed,
creating a demand for many goods and services
Changing Role of Women
Traditionally the Indian woman was confined to household activities. But with
the changing time there has been a change in the traditional way of thinking
in the society. Women are now allowed to work. They are employed in
defense services, police services, postal services, software services, health
services, hospital services, entertainment industries, Business Process
Outsourcing and so on.
The percentage of working women has been growing rapidly. The changing
role of women has created a market for a number of product and services.
Earning women prefer to hire services in order to minimize the innumerable
roles that they are required to perform. The demand by woman is forcing
service organizations to be more innovative in their approach.
Cultural Changes
Natural Resources
The growth. Of’ population, industrialization and indiscriminate consumptions
have affected the, natural resources, environment and the ecological balance.
Due to this there is an imbalance of the ecology various service organizations
have been promoted in order to take up social marketing. Thousands of crores
of rupees are being spent on safeguarding the rare animals and birds, water
pollution, conservation of oil & energy and research to develop new
technologies that can promote effective use of natural resources and safeguard
the environment.
Development of Markets
During the last few decades the wholesaler and the retailer
population has grown in the country. Urban India has become a
cluster of wholesaling and retailing business. In the Semi – urban
areas, retailing has spread to the nooks and corners of the streets
and in the rural areas retail business is significantly present. A new
breed of organizations, offering marketing services has come up.
The government also offers marketing services to the small-scale
agricultural farmers, artisans and other traditional business sectors
such ‘as promotion of regulated markets, export promotion
councils, development boards etc
Market orientation
The changing competitive situation and demand supply positions
has forced the manufacturing organization to shift their philosophy
from production orientation to market orientation. Market is a
service function that has been added in the organization. The
pressures in the market has further forced the manufacturing
organizations to have marketing research, accounting, auditing,
financial management, human resource management and
marketing research divisions – all of which are services functions.
Health-Care Consciousness