GoodGovernance Group Assignment One

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Amhara National Regional State Leadership


Governance & Accountability PPL6432

Group 5
assignment one
Group 5 members
1. Tsega Wubie I.D ALA 0021/12
2. work Alelgn I.D ALA 0022/12
3. Yalemselam Getu I.D ALA 0023/12
4. Yihenew Wale I.D ALA 0025/12
5. Melaku Alemneh I.D ALA 0027/12
Group 5 assignment one Question no. 2

Concepts, criteria, and principles/ indices/ of Good Governance

• Participation
• Rule of Law:
• Transparency
• Responsiveness
• Broad Consensus
• Equity and Inclusiveness
• Effectiveness and Efficiency
• Accountability
• Strategic Vision
Contents of the topic
Concepts of good governance
Criteria of good governance
Principles /indices/ of good governance
Besides the above contents of good governance our group
has discussed and added the following parts of good
governance such as:
 Importance of good governance
 Characteristics of good governance
 Indicators of good governance and
 Good governance assurance
What is good governance
mean to you ?
Good governance is acknowledged to be
essential for the success of any organization
and is now more important than ever.
In this topic we can see the concepts,
importance, characteristics,
principles(indices), criteria, indicators, actors
and assurance of good governance.
Concepts of good governance
The term good governance was created several years ago
(around 1980s) and was initially rooted on the historical
situations set by international donor agencies, countries and
institutions to connect aid qualified reforms on how state
affairs are run in the receiver country.
Throughout the historical period of the 1980s and the
1990s, donors such as the International Monetary Fund, the
World Bank, and the United States, have been insisting upon
performance and good governance as a precondition for aid.
…con’t Concepts of Good governance
At the beginning, it needs to be appreciated that the
concept of good governance emphasizes certain value
assumptions because of the word ‘good’.
The word good implies what is right against what is wrong;
what is fair against what is unfair; what is moral against what is
immoral; such that fair, right or moral is termed as good.
With its value emphasizes, good governance is the right or
fair or moral judgments made by those exercising authority
in the public interest.
• The processes for making and implementing decisions. It’s
not about making ‘correct’ decisions, but about the best
possible process for making those decisions.

• A managerial approach, aimed to reach efficiency,

sustainable growth and better satisfaction of citizens need.

• An ideal governing system uses for political, economic,

social and cultural development of a country.
• Focusing on the organization's purpose and on outcomes for citizens and
service users.

• Performing effectively in clearly defined functions and roles.

• Promoting values for the whole organization and indicating the values of
good governance through behavior.

• Taking informed, transparent decisions and managing risk’

• Developing the capacity and capability of the governing body to be effective.

• Participating stakeholders and making accountability real.

Importance Of Good Governance

• Equal Participation
• Promotion Of National Cohesion
• National Integration
• Institution Supremacy
• Independent Judiciary
• Constitutional Supremacy
• Rule Of Law
• Political Stability
• Free Media
• Equal Educational Opportunities
… con’tImportance Of Good Governance
• Socio-economic development
• Equal distribution of resources
• Welfare state with provision of social
• Strong write of the Government of all fronts
• Public participation
Characteristics of good governance
1. Strategic vision:
2. Voice and Accountability
3. Securing Property
4. Balanced allocation of Resources
5. Control of Corruption
6. Law and Policy Formulation (capability to formulate effective and
implementable laws and policies.)
7. Rule of Law
8. Transparency
9. Predictability
10. Accountability
Characteristics of good governance
Principles/indices / of good governance
The main principles/indices/ of good governance are:
1. Participation
2. Broad consensus orientation
3. Strategic vision
4. Responsiveness
5. Effectiveness and efficiency
6. Accountability
7. Transparency
8. Equity and inclusiveness
9. Rule of Law
Principles of good governance
1.Legitimacy and Voice
• Participation –it is a corner stone of good
governance. all stakeholders should have a voice in
decision-making, either directly or indirectly.
• Broad consensus orientation –mediating different
interests in to reach a broad consensus on what is in
the best interest of the group and, where possible, on
policies and procedures. Example Renaissance dam,
…con’tPrinciples of good governance
2. directions
•Strategic vision – leaders and the public
have a broad and long-term perspective
on good governance and human
development. Example 10 years plan. Or
the new educational road map.
Principles of good governance cont…
3. performance
• Responsiveness – institutions and processes
try to serve all stakeholders within a
reasonable time frame.
• Effectiveness and efficiency – processes and
institutions produce results that meet needs
while making the best use of resources.
Principles of good governance con’t…
4 Accountability
• Accountability – decision-makers in government, the private sector
and civil society organizations are accountable to the public, as well
as to institutional stakeholders. Multi layered accountability.
• Transparency –built on the free flow of information or all
Processes(rules, regulations, decisions), institutions and information
are directly accessible for stakeholders. No secrecy in decision
making . Open government.
• For example: Formulation of public policy had limitations of
Principles of good governance con’t…
5. fairness
• Equity and inclusiveness – all stakeholders and interest groups have
opportunities to improve or maintain their wellbeing. Respect for diversity,
voice to marginalized, minority, less in equal growth. example the
distribution of resource during the TPLF regime in our country had
• Rule of Law – legal frameworks should be fair and enforced impartially,
particularly the laws on human rights. Independent judiciary, timely justice,
accessible and affordable justice.
Example now a days TPLF, and other illegal groups don’t follow rule of law.
• N.B –Participation, Consensus Orientation, Equity and Rule of Law are
human rights besides good governance principles.
Criteria of good governance
1) Participation, equity, and inclusiveness,
2) Rule of law ; It implies that every person is
subject to the law, including people who
are law makers, law enforcement officials and
3) Separation of powers;  is an approach
to governing a state.
…con’tCriteria of good governance
4) Free, independent, and responsible media
5) Government legitimacy
6) Accountability
7) Transparency
8) Limiting the misleading effect of money in
Indicators of good governance

• Legitimacy of the political system which can be

best achieved through regular elections and
political accountability. This implies limited and
democratic government.
• Freedom of association and participation by
various socio-economic, religious, cultural, and
professional groups in the process of
Indicators of good governance con’t…

•An established legal frame work based on

the rule of law and independence of the
judiciary to protect human rights, secure
social justice, and guard against exploitation
and abuse of power.
•Bureaucratic accountability, including
transparency in administration.
... Con'tIndicators of good governance
Freedom of information and expression needed for
knowing governmental policies and their evaluation.
A sound administrative system leading to efficiency and
Cooperation between the government and civil society
In summary , the concept of good governance as associated
with efficient and effective administration in a democratic
frame work.
Good governance assures
corruption is minimized,
the views of minorities are taken into account
the voices of the most vulnerable in society are heard in
It is also responsive to the present and future needs of society.
Assures a worthwhile pattern of good results while avoiding
an undesirable pattern of bad circumstances.
It also includes the various means used to shape society to a
desired end/objective
Actors of Good Governance

• Government is one of the actors in governance

• Other actors involved in good governance vary depending on the level of
government that is under discussion.
• In rural areas, for example, other actors may include influential land lords,
associations of peasant farmers, cooperatives, NGO, research institutes,
religious leaders, finance institutions political cooperatives parties, the
military etc.
• In addition to the above at the national level there are other actors such as
media, activists, international donors, multi-national corporations, etc.
• All actors other than government and the military are grouped together
as part of the civil society.
To achieve Good Governance the Government shall be on a
mission to follow clarity, conviction (belief), deep awareness
and consistency in governance which are conditions to
achieve the principles and vision of good governance. Clarity
promotes transparency, participatory and efficient
governance. Conviction promotes accountable and effective
governance. Deep awareness promotes consensus oriented,
equitable and inclusive governance. Consistency promotes
responsive governance modernizes itself according to the
needs and changes of the society upholding the guiding
principles of the Constitution.
• The Government shall act as a facilitator for the people,
market and civil society and remain a prudent regulator to
ensure social equity and fair competition in the society.
• The primary task of the government shall be to ensure
efficient and responsive services, making it easy for the
people to gain essential information from the government
and ensure that they have recourse to mechanisms that
punish wrongdoing. Charters shall be introduced to
improve the quality and effectiveness of public services.

Thank you for your

attention !!

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