Weeks 5 Topic 5
Weeks 5 Topic 5
Weeks 5 Topic 5
Audit Plan
- Details the audit procedures to be used when testing controls and when conducting detailed
substantive procedures
Inherent Risk
- The susceptibility of an assertion to a misstatement that could be material, either individually
or when aggregated with other misstatements, assuming there are no related controls.
Control Risk
- The risk that a client’s system of internal control will not prevent or detect a material
Audit Risk
- The risk that an auditor expresses an inappropriate audit opinion when a financial report is
materially misstated.
Test of Controls
- The audit procedures designed to evaluate the operating effectiveness of controls in
preventing, or detecting and correcting, material misstatements at the assertion level.
Substantive Procedures (Substantive Testing or Test of details)
“Audit procedures designed to detect material misstatements at the assertion
1. Occurrence – transactions and events that have been recorded have occurred and pertain to the entity.
2. Completeness – all transactions, events assets, liabilities and equity items that should have been
recorded have been recorded.
3. Accuracy – amounts and other data relating to recorded transactions and events have been recorded
4. Cut-off – transactions and events have been recorded in the correct accounting period.
5. Classification – transactions and events have been recorded in the proper accounts.
7. Rights and Obligations – the entity holds or controls the rights to assets, and liabilities are the
obligations of the entity.
8. Valuation and allocation – assets, liabilities and equity interests are included in the financial report at
appropriate amounts and any resulting valuation or allocation adjustments are appropriately recorded.
Designing Substantive Procedures
The auditor “must plan and perform the audit to reduce the audit risk to an
acceptably low level that is consistent with the objective of an audit (ISA 200).
The audit risk depends on: Inherent, Control and Detection Risk.
The design of Substantive Procedures will depend on the level of the detection
risk. A low level of detection risk will require a predominantly substantive audit
Relationship between audit strategy, detection risk and level of substantive procedures
Designing Substantive Procedures
Assessing control risk for account balances
Internal control systems usually applies controls at the time the relevant transaction is first
recognized and recorded. Consequently, control risk is assessed by reference to transaction
classes, i.e. the substantive procedure is applied to account balances.
Relevant control risk assessments for transactions classes affecting the cash balance
Designing Substantive Procedures
Designing Substantive Procedures
Refers to the type and effectiveness of the auditing procedures, i.e.
Analytical procedures
Tests of details of transactions
Tests of details of balances
Analytical procedures
These involve detailed, analytical controls. For example in a hotel audit, where most revenue
is billed to many customers and in many instances, appropriate tests should be applied,
although they may be tedious and costly. At an aggregate level these can be estimated a a
multiple of room occupancy and average customer spending. At a detailed level it may be
necessary to conduct sample audits to specific time periods and departments.
Designing Substantive Procedures
Designing Substantive Procedures
- comparing this year's closing balance in the control account with the prior year's balance, a
budgeted amount or other expected value;
- using the closing balance to determine the percentage of trade receivables to current assets
for comparison with the prior year's percentage or industry data;
- using the closing balance to calculate the trade receivables' turnover ratio for comparison with
the prior year's ratio, industry data or other expected value;
In the case of trade receivables, it is common to apply each of the three types of substantive
procedure to some extent. For other accounts only one or two of the types of test may be
performed in obtaining sufficient evidence to meet the planned level of detection risk.
Designing Substantive Procedures
Examples of analytical procedures for auditing Sales Revenue
In practice, the sales revenue account may show only daily, weekly or monthly totals posted
from the sales journal. In either case, to determine that sales revenue is true and fair,
auditors may obtain evidence from any of the following:
In many cases, both analytical procedures and tests of details are applied to the sales revenue
account to achieve the acceptable level of detection risk. In some cases, analytical
procedures may suffice
Designing Substantive Procedures
Most entities have similar year ends (31st December, 30th June or 31st March). Consequently
the preceding few months are a “busy” period for the auditors. To reduce the pressure
auditors may try to perform as much work as possible in “quieter” periods. In such cases,
certain procedures (typically test of details of transactions and/or balances) can be performed
several months before closing, followed by a roll-forward test to verify account balances at
year end.
The amount of evidence obtained can vary by changing the extent of substantive procedures.
The extent relates to the size of the samples selected.
Designing Substantive Procedures
Risk components and the nature, timing and extent of substantive procedures
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