Curled Metal Inc.-Case Discussion Curled Metal Inc. - Case Discussion
Curled Metal Inc.-Case Discussion Curled Metal Inc. - Case Discussion
Curled Metal Inc.-Case Discussion Curled Metal Inc. - Case Discussion
Case Discussion
Submitted By : Harshit Dixit, E022 Anshika Garg, E025 Prerna Gaur, E026
Number of operating hours/year 30 hours per week*25 weeks per 30 hours per week*25 weeks per
year = 750 year = 750
Number of feet per hour 20 20
Feet of piles driven annually 20*750*19500 = 292500000 26000*20*750= 390000000
Size of the market in sets 29250000/10000 = 29250 sets 390000000/10000 = 39000 sets
Size of the market in pads 29250*6 = 175500 39000*6 = 234000
Total Market Value in Dollars 165*175500 = 28957500 165*234000 = 38610000
Ques 3: How big is the potential market for this product, and what should be
CMI’s strategic and marketing objectives in introducing this product?
After Sales
Production Marketing Sales Distribution Finance
• Type of content: Make the buyer understand the value of the product in terms of time and cost savings
• Type of marketing: Word of mouth via architectural engineers, soil consultants, renting companies and
construction contractors
• Renting Companies: Value creation for them as customers will be happy and they will come repeatedly, hence long
term relations
• Marketing Tools: Direct mailers, pile driving and construction magazines and promotional video campaigns to gain
confidence of influencers
Ques 4: Develop an integrated strategic option for CMI—an option that specifies your price
but also specifies the many other choices facing CMI in formulating a strategy for its new
cushion pads (e.g., in marketing, sales, distribution, production, finance, and other functions)
• Comparatively overall low TCO
• Highly efficient as energy usage is better and its not wasted as heat
• Ease of use because it supports changeover at lower temperatures
• Time saving as it entails reduced time for changeover
• Value creation for contractors giving them happy customers and long term relations
• Overall safe and higher savings
Ques 4: Develop an integrated strategic option for CMI—an option that specifies your price
but also specifies the many other choices facing CMI in formulating a strategy for its new
cushion pads (e.g., in marketing, sales, distribution, production, finance, and other functions)
• Plough back profits after taxes for new business development
• Give increased dividends once sales increase and break even is achieved