Epidemiology: By: Nosheen Mustafa
Epidemiology: By: Nosheen Mustafa
Epidemiology: By: Nosheen Mustafa
•Human population
Scope of Epidemiology
•Originally, Epidemiology was concerned with investigation &
management of epidemics of communicable diseases.
1. Elucidation of natural history of diseases
2. Description of health status of population
3. Establishing determinants of diseases
4. Evaluation of intervention effectiveness
Types of Epidemiology
•Two major categories of Epidemiology
1.Descriptive Epidemiology
•Primary prevention
Targeted at healthy people (Objectives are Promotion of health,
Prevention of exposure and Prevention of disease).
•Secondary prevention
Targeted at patients (Objective is to stop or slow the
progression of disease and to prevent or limit permanent
damage through early detection & treatment).
•Tertiary prevention
Targeted at people with chronic diseases & disabilities that
can’t be cured (Objective is to prevent further disability or death
and to limit impacts of disability through rehabilitation)
Comparison Between Clinical Medicine and
Area Epidemiology Clinical Medicine
OBJECTIVES To identify the source, Mode of transmission, To cure the patient.
etiological factors,
EXAMINATION Group of people or community Individual case
CONCERN WITH Sick and healthy Sick
DIAGNOSIS By survey, research Individual test done
WHERE TO GO? Experts goes to community Patient goes to hospital
AREA CONCERN Mainly concern to prevention and promotion Mainly in curative field
through intervention
CONCEPT Bio-statistical Bio-medical
PRESENTATION OF By tables, charts and diagrams By laboratory and others
RESULT reports
TIME Long process Short time sometimes long
OUTCOME Planning, implementation and health Cured or disability or death
Example – Typhoid Fever
S. Typhi
Young Age,
more in males,
Low immunity
water, open
power, Lack of
Dynamic Of Diseases
• Reservoir (Case, Carrier, Animals, Reservoir of non- living Things – Soil etc)