05-Planit - BHA Story3 No Sound
05-Planit - BHA Story3 No Sound
05-Planit - BHA Story3 No Sound
The contents of this presentation are for training purposes and internal use ONLY and are NOT
to be used for customer presentations or external use as it may contain sensitive information.
Sperry-Sun 2004
SlickBore Modeling
Planit Output
SlickBore® Analysis
The SlickBore® matched drilling system consists of a pin down
motor, a bit, and associated modeling. Most of the problems we
have with the SlickBore ® system are related to the bit design, the
modeling or the execution of the job.
The use of long gauge bits generate higher bit torque than
conventional bits and this represents one of the key issues for the
bit design. As a result, the gauge OD is slightly undergauge,
usually 1/8” to 1/32”, depending on the formations, the mud type
and the hole size. Full-gauge sleeves should never be used with
SlickBore® system BHA’s.
Bit to Stb1 Dist. Effects
O.52 and 0.64 – 0.12”
increased deflection
BHA / Bit
Bit Tilt -0.056 to 0.086 and to 0.160 for SlickBore. Reduced bend to 0.78˚ 0.164
Note above the force
interference at the
6.3’ Bit to Stb1 bit to keep the BHA
centralized has the
0.8’ Bit to Stb1 ability to build
SlickBore BHA
2. Line #2 PDM
a. 6.3/4” Sperrydrill …..
b. OD = Motor Diameter – (6.75)
c. ID should be automatic (4.465)
d. Select detail Y/N – enter the standard
FTC bearing Ft – Bend to Btm Motor
e. Check STAB with a distance of 0.1 to
represent the Bit Sleeve with a blade OD
of 1/16” UG (SlickBore Bit = Bit+Sleeve)
SlickBore® Analysis
3. Bend angle should be set one setting
below what was run previously or the
same as in an offset well. If no previous
information is available then use one
bend size less than you would use for
the required build rate expected with a
conventional steerable assembly.
8. Run the “Force Analysis” calculation, oriented – highside making sure the
WOB and other parameters are realistic (as programmed in the drilling plan).
Rerun later at higher values as required for Inclination and Formation Index
and see how these affect the results.
SlickBore® Analysis - Force
9. The profile should show the BHA centered in the hole and no contact between
the bend and the wellbore. Also the BHA should not exceed the wellbore
limits. The black vertical “stabilizer” line in the graphic is the heel of the
SlickBore® bit which acts as a fulcrum.
SlickBore® Analysis - Force
10. The bending moment will be high and concentrated at the bit sleeve, which is
right where you want it to be. This is the force that makes steering of the
SlickBore® system possible. Note also that there are no indications of any
abrupt changes in the bending forces over the rest of the BHA (apart from a
deflection at the second motor top stabilizer) which is relatively relaxed.
SlickBore® Analysis - Force
11. The slope curve change at the bend should be nearly equally distributed
across the zero point of the Y axis. If this shows a change in slope that is too
negative, there is a serious bend or stabilization problem that needs to be
addressed. Check the bit displacement and interference calculation.
13. In most applications, the “Equilibrium Rate” will be near to neutral, indicating
neither a build or drop tendency while rotating. If a build or drop tendency
while rotating is desirable, this is where you can make the necessary
adjustments to “balance” the assembly. This BUR can most effectively be
adjusted by making slight changes to the gauge and / or position of the
second stabilizer – 8.0” to 8.1/4” altered the tendency from build to drop.
SlickBore® Analysis - Equilibrium
14. Finally check the Oriented Highside build rates. These should be compared
to build rates on previous runs and the Formation Index can then be changed
to reflect this difference but remember this also affects the rotary rates and
you may have to change the top stabilizer again. This is a repetitive system
and it will take a number of iterations to complete your analysis. Once that is
complete, you need to run Whirl and check Vibration.
SlickBore® Analysis – Force – 2 String Stbs
b) Any time you change the BHA configuration, you must re-run the model
c) Small input changes can create large changes in the output and this is true in practice too.
d) If you are limited by stabilizer placement, then model this to know what can be expected.
a) Low WOB and controlled drilling should be planned for the first 90-180 ft or so, to get the
assembly to establish its build tendency – this is true of all assemblies, not just SlickBore.
b) Expect to see gradual increases in build tendency until it reaches Equilibrium around the 15-
20 inclination range.
SlickBore® Analysis – Field Application
3. Stabilizers
a) Straight bladed stabilizers should be avoided since they do not provide full diameter support
for the BHA. The gaps between the blades create low spots especially when drilling in
oriented mode and the DLS response can not be planned.
b) Watermelon style stabilizers are also not recommended as they induce whirl into the system
c) The preference is to use spiral integral bladed stabilizers to maximize the support of the BHA.
4. Bit Selection
a) Bit selection is critical. Maximize the number of blades on fixed cutter bits and reduce the
aggressiveness using smaller cutters – this will reduce bit bounce, whirl and vibration.
b) Over aggressive bits will also cause toolface control issues. Work with Security-DBS on this.
5. Dimensional checks
a) Double check the bit sleeve diameter – it should be 1/8 to 1/32” Undergauge (profiled).
Do not be in too much of a hurry to improve the bit with only one run – it is not
economic to do so and adjusting the BHA may improve the performance without any
changes to the bit. By changing the bit and the BHA you introduce too many variables
on the next run. The bit should only be considered for modification if it is trashed or
causes related problems with equipment due to vibration and high torque. Again small
changes affect results but significantly increase costs and supply delays due to
production times.
It may take a number of runs in a field to find the solution to the hole section and
formation types. Once the model is calibrated for Formation Index and drilling
parameters, adjustments to the stabilizers-bends will be more accurate.
Always remember SlickBore modeling must be performed for ALL planned runs:
directional or vertical. Cutting corners only damages the reputation of the system
which works well and is a “Game Changer”.