Swot and BMC Analysis

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SWOT is the internal assessment of the company
where company can influence and formulate in
their objectives and strategies

SWOT Analysis is a very effective way of
identifying your Strengths and Weaknesses, and of
examining the Opportunities and Threats you face.

helps you to concentrate your activities into areas
where you are strong and where the greatest
opportunities lie.
 Examples of SWOT analysis can be used to assess:
 A business idea
 A company (its position in the market, etc.)
 A new market or launching a new product
 A method of sales distribution
 Launching a new product or brand
 Etc.

List your
List your
+ advantages
+ disadvantages, limitations
+ unique and low cost resources
What could you improve
+factors mean that you “get the
+factors lose you sales

List your
List your
+ external trouble for the
+ chances to improves business
+ obstacles do you face
+good opportunities can you
spot + what your competitors are


- Your specialist marketing expertise - Lack of marketing expertise
- A new, innovative product or - Undifferentiated products or services
service - Location of your services
- Location of your business - Poor quality goods or services
- Any other aspect of your business - Damaged reputation
that adds value to your product or
- A developing market such as the - A new competitor in your home
internet market
- Mergers, joint ventures or strategic - Price wars with competitors
alliances - A competitor has a new, innovative
- - moving into new market segments product or service
that offer improved profits - Competitors have superior access to
- A new international market channels of distributions
- A market vacated by an ineffective - Taxation is introduced on your product
competitor or services
•In looking at your strengths, think about them in relation • To carry out a SWOT Analysis write down answers to the
to your competitors - for instance, if all your competitors following questions.
provide high quality products, then a high quality • What could you do to improve them?
production process is not a force in the market, it is a • What do you miss badly?
requirement. • What you should avoid?

•What competitive advantages do you have? • Look at this from an internal and external basis:
•What do you do well and naturally? • Do other people seem to perceive weaknesses that you
•What resources do you have access to? do not see?
•What do people see as your strengths? • Are your competitors doing any better than you?
• It is best to be realistic now, and face any unpleasant
•Consider this from your own point of view and from the truths as soon as possible.
point of view of the people you deal with.
•Don't be overly modest. Just being realistic.
•If you are experiencing any trouble with this, try
writing down a list of your characteristics. Some of these
will hopefully be strengths!

strength weakness

• To hold out a SWOT Analysis write down solutions to the • To hold out a SWOT Analysis write down solutions to the
following queries. following queries:
• Where are the good opportunities facing you? • What obstacles did you face?
• What are the interesting trends you are mindful of? • What is your competition doing differently?
• Are the required specs for your job, products or services
• Useful opportunities can arrive from such things as: changing?
• Changes in technology and markets on both a broad and • Is changing technology threatening your status?
narrow scale • Cause you have bad debt or cash-flow problems?
• Changes in government policy related to your line of • Could any of your weaknesses seriously threaten your
business job?
• Changes in social practices, population profiles, life
style alterations, etc. • Bearing out this analysis will often be illuminating - both
• Local Events in terms of pointing out what needs to be managed, and
• A useful approach to looking at opportunities is to look at in putting problems into perspective.
your strengths and ask yourself whether these open up
any opportunities. Instead, attend at your weaknesses and
ask yourself whether you could open up opportunities by
doing away with them.

opportunities threats
• What is BMC?
• Business Model Canvas is a strategic management and
lean startup template for developing new or
documenting existing business models. It is a visual
chart with elements describing a firm's or product's
value proposition, infrastructure, customers, and
• https://strategyzer.com/canvas/business-model-
• https://canvanizer.com/new/business-model-canvas
Benefits of BMC
• It helps structures discussions
• It’s fast
• It’s great for developing a portfolio of ideas
• It intuitively makes sense
• The value proposition
The Business Model Canvas
Customer Relationships
Key Partners Key Activities Value Proposition • How do we get, keep and Customers
• Who are our key • What key activities do our • What value do we deliver grow customers? • How do we get, keep and
partners? value propositions require? to the customer? • Which customer grow customers?
• Who are our key • How you do what you do? • Which one of our relationships have we • Which customer
suppliers? customers’ problems are established? relationships have we
• Which key resources are we helping to solve? • How are they integrated established?
we acquiring from our • What bundles of products with the rest of our business • How are they integrated
partners? and services are we model? with the rest of our
• Which key activities do offering to each segment? • How costly are they? business model?
partners perform? • Which customer needs are • How costly are they?
we satisfying?
• What is the minimum Text Goes Text Goes
viable product? Here Here
Key Resources
• What are the most important
assets required to make the Channels
business model work? • How to reach your
• Physical: machines, vehicles
• Financial: raising money, credit
• Through which channels do
• Human: programmers,
our customer segments want
designers, managers to be reached?
• Determine distribution
channel (virtual or physical)

Cost Structure Revenue Streams

• What are the most important costs inherent to our business model? • strategy the company uses to generate cash from each customer segment.
• Which key resources are most expensive? • For what value are our customers really willing to pay?
• Which key activities are most expensive? • For what do they currently pay?
• What are the costs to operate the business model? • What is the revenue model?
• Fixed: rent, machinery • What are the pricing tactics?
• Variable: wages, utilities, materials
Sample of BCM

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