Course Work: Polymer Technology

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Guided by

Dr. Nimish Shah

Chapter 1 :
Prepared by
Desai Harsh M.

• Introduction
• Classification of Polymers
• Functionality and Degree of Polymerization

• A word polymer is a combination of two Greek words, “Poly” means “many” and
“Meros” meaning “parts or units”.
• A polymer is a large molecule of which is formed by repeated linking of the small
molecules called “monomers”.
• More monomer molecules joined in units of long polymer.

• Polymer science or macromolecular sciences is a subfield of material

science concerned with polymers.
• Polymer sciences has been the backbone for the development of new
formulations. Development of several applications in pharmaceutical
• Monomer - is the smaller molecule(s) that are used to prepare a polymer.
• Polymerization : The process of linking the repeating units (monomers) is
termed as polymerization

1. Classification based on SOURCE

Depending on their Origin, Polymers can be classified as:

• Natural Polymers : - Polymer that results from only raw materials that
are found in nature.
Egample:- Proteins, Cellulose, Starch, Rubber.

• Synthetic polymers : - Polymers synthesized from low molecular

weight compounds are called synthesis polymers.
Egample:- Polyethylene, PVC, Nylon

2. Classification based on BACKBONE

• Organic Polymers : - A polymer whose backbone chain is

essentially made of carbon atoms is termed an organic
polymer. Majority of synthetic polymers is organic.
Egample:- PE, PVC, Nylon

• Inorganic polymers : - On other side, generally inorganic

polymers contain no carbon atom in their chain backbone.
Egample:- Glass, silicone rubber etc.

3. Thermoplastic Vs. Thermosetting

• Thermoplastic : - Some polymers soften on heating and can be converted
into any shape that they can retain on cooling. The process of heating,
reshaping and retaining the same on cooling can be repeated several times.
Such polymers, that soften on heating and stiffen on cooling are termed as
Egample:- Polyethylene, PVC, Nylon etc.

• Thermosetting : - On other hand, some polymers undergo chemical change

on heating and converted themselves into infusible mass. They are like
yolk of the egg, which on heating sets into mass, and once shaped cannot
be reshaped. Such polymers, that become an infusible and insoluble mass
on heating, are called thermosetting.

4. Plastics, Elastomers, Fibres and Liquid Resins

• Depending on its ultimate form and use, a polymer can be classified as :

• Plastic : When, for instance, a polymer is shaped into hard and tough utility
articles be the application of heat and pressure, it is called as plastic. Eg. PS, PVC,
• Elastomer : When polymer vulcanized into rubbery products Eghibiting good
strength and elongation, they are called elastomers. Eg. Natural and synthetic
rubber, silicon rubber.
• Fibres : If polymers are drown into filament like material, whose length is at lest
100 times to its diameter, they are called as fibres. Eg. Nylon and terylene, cotton.
• Liquid resins : Polymers used as adhesives, potting compounds, sealants etc., we
can say in liquid form are called liquid resins. Eg. Commercially available epoxy
adhesives and Polysulphide sealants.

5. Classification based on STRUCTURE

• Linear polymers:- consist of long and
straight chains. Eg:- pvc
• Branched chain polymers:- contain
linear chains having some branches,
Eg. low density polymer (PE).
• Cross linked chain polymers:- formed
from bi-functional and tri-functional
monomers and contain strong covalent
bonds Eg. Bakelite, melamine.
• 3D-network:- Eg. Diamond

6. Biodegradable Vs. Non-biodegradable

• Biodegradable : -
 They are degraded in the body to the simple molecules like water and CO 2 which
are easily eliminated in the urine.
 Mainly used for parental drug delivery system and can also be
 used for oral drug delivery system like liposomes, nanoparticles, microspheres
Eg:- poly(glycolic acid)

• Non-biodegradable : -
 They are non bio degradable in the body.
 Used only for oral administration .
 They cannot be used for parental drug delivery of drugs.
Eg:- ethyl cellulose, methyl cellulose etc.

• As we know polymerization is a process which allows simple low molecular weight compounds to
combine and form a complex high molecular weight compound. But for this, each molecule of the
compound should have capability to react at least with two other molecules of the same or some other
compound. In technical word the molecule must be Bi-functional.
• Functionality of a compound must have a functionality depends on the number of reactive sites it has.
A compound depends on the number of reactive sites it has. A compound assumes functionality
because of the presence of reactive functional groups like –OH, –COOH, -NH2, -SH, -NCO, etc.
• Some compounds however do not contain any reactive functional group but the prances of double or
triple bonds provides polyfunctionality to them.
• In some compounds easily replaceable hydrogen bonds are available, which also affect the
functionality of compounds.

• The process, in which the monomers converted into polymer is called

• In polymerization, the polymer molecule formed contains a structural identity,
repeating itself several times. This repeating entities are called the repeating units
or monomeric units of polymer.
• So, the Degree of Polymerization (DP) significs that, how many time the
monomer unit/units repeat it self.
• The size of the polymer molecule is decided by the number of repeated units
present in it.
Thank You

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