The Teacher in The Classroom Community: Reporter Jeramie S. Sumaot
The Teacher in The Classroom Community: Reporter Jeramie S. Sumaot
The Teacher in The Classroom Community: Reporter Jeramie S. Sumaot
2.2 Makes the physical environment 2.2.1 Maintains a safe, clean and orderly
safe and conducive to learning classrooms free from distractions
2.2.2 Arranges challenging activities given the
physical environment
2.3 Communicates higher 2.3.1 Uses individual and cooperative
learning expectations to each learning activities to improve
learner capacities of learners for higher
2.3.2 Encourages learners to ask
2.3.3 Provides learners with a variety
of learning experiences
2.3.4 Provides learners with a variety
of learning experiences
2.3.5 Communicate and maintains
high standards of learning
2.4 Establishes and maintains 2.4.1 Handles behavior problems quickly
consistent standards of learners and with due respect to children's rights
behavior 2.4.2 Gives timely feedback to reinforce
appropriate to learners behavior
2.4.3 Guides individual learners requiring
development of appropriate social and
learning behavior
2.4.4 Communicates and enforces school
policies and procedures for appropriate
learner behavior
2.4.5 Encourages free expression of ideas
from students
2.4.6 Creates stress-free environment
Domain 3. Diversity of Learners
• This domain of Diversity of Learners emphasizes the
idea that the teachers can facilitate the learning
process in diverse learners by recognizing and
respecting individual differences, then using
knowledge about students differences to design
diverse sets of learning activities ensure that all
students can attain desired learning goals.
Strands of Desired Teaching Performance Performance Indicators
4.1 Demonstrates mastery of the 4.1.1 Delivers accurate and updated content
subject knowledge using appropriate
methodologies, approaches and strategies
7.1 Takes pride in the nobility of 7.1.1 Maintains stature and behavior that
teaching as a profession upholds the dignity f teaching