Summary Proceedings Under Order 37 of Civil Procedure CODE, 1908
Summary Proceedings Under Order 37 of Civil Procedure CODE, 1908
Summary Proceedings Under Order 37 of Civil Procedure CODE, 1908
CODE, 1908-
1. This order applies to- High Courts, City Civil Courts and
Courts of Small Causes and other courts
2. The High Court may restrict, enlarge or vary the categories
of suits to be brought under this Orders it thinks fit.
3. Summary suit is filed in a court having pecuniary
jurisdiction upon the subject matter
Summary procedure applies to following kinds of suits [O
37 R 1]
5. The plaintiff gets entitled to a final order granting him the sum as
mentioned in the plaint along with interest at the specified date
and costs if the Court thinks it appropriate.
Procedure for appearance of defendant
[O37 R3]
1. Where the defendant enters an appearance within the prescribed
time, the plaintiff is required to serve on him the summons for
judgement in Form no. 4A accompanied with-
an affidavit verifying the cause of action and the amount which is
claimed in the plaint
a statement to the effect that there is no defence to the suit.
2. Then, the defendant may apply for leave to defend the suit within
10 days from the date of service of summons, disclosing by way
of an affidavit facts which may entitle him of the right to defend
3. The Court shall not refuse permission to the to defend the suit
unless it believes that the disclosure by the defendant does not
show that he has any substantial defence to raise or that it is
Passing of Decree in summary suits
The Court has the power to set aside the decree or grant stay
or set aside execution or to grant any leave to the
defendant to appear to the summons and to defend the suit,
if it seems reasonable to the Court.
Procedure in suits [order 37 rule 7]
A. Ashok ,
S/o ………,
………… Plaintiff…..
R. Rohit,
S/ o…………,
…………… Defendant….
Body of the plaint
4. Territorial Jurisdiction
5. Valuation of the suit and court fees
6. Limitation
Place: Signature
In the above-named plaintiff do hereby verify that the
contents of the Para's no. 1,2,3 and 4 are true to my
knowledge and the contents of remaining Para's are
according to legal advice from my advocate which I
believe to be true.