COVID-19 Corona Virus: Prepared By: Sarah Magdy 17 March 2020

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Corona virus
Prepared by: Sarah Magdy
17 March 2020
Corona virus has the shape of a cluster surrounded by
spikes of proteins in which these spikes gives it the
shape of a crown that’s in latin is called CORONA

It originated back in 2003 in china as SARS – severe

acute respiratory syndrome that has a high mortality

Once again, it came back in 2012 in Saudi Arabia to
be known as Middle east respiratory syndrome (MERS)

The symptoms ranges from simple common cold like

symptoms to life threatening pneumonia and
respiratory failure.
How the infection may transmit

 The transmission might be

through droplet infection
from the infected person ,
this infected person passed
it to either family
members, and healthcare
workers in WUHAN, China,
Dec. 2019 *
 The virus lives on the
surfaces for hours till days
that might varies according
to the surface type,
temperature and humidity
Can The virus spread
through animals ?
 Back in 2003– there are animal recervoirs
that might transmit it like cats,bats
 2012 , Camels where the animal recervoirs
in Saudi arabia
 Animal recervoirs are not identified yet,
regarding COVID-19

 For pet owners, (dogs esp.) do not act as a

host or reservoir , it was found that dogs
were quarantined for 14 days and no
positive results were obtained – WHO 12
March 2020
How long the virus is incubated?

 The incubation period of COVID-

19 points out to the period from
the infection time till the
symptoms develop
 This might range from one day
till 14 days.
NO, there are no treatments or vaccine but it
is under development, expected to be
released in April (vaccines)
Are there
Supportive care measures are only done for
any maintenance and recovery

treatments Antibiotics are not recommended for

available treatment, they are for use iin only bacterial


NOW? Please be noted to be used only under

medical supervision
Symptoms of COVID-19
 Combination of: Lopinavir,ritonavir,ostelimivir
along with chloroquine/ hydroxychloroquine

 Or a combination of : lopinavir and ritonavir

(17 March 2020,1:40 PM)
Drugs that might
treat COVID-19  Remdesivir which is a long acting antiviral –
used for EBOLA (under clinical trials, FDA)
 Favilavir ---- used in china, over 70 patients and
they are cured
High Risk
 Elderly (>65 yo)

 Auto-immune disease patients

 Cancer patients

 Pregnant women

 Seriously ill patients ( heart

disease, lung disease , diabetes,
Supportive care for COVID-19

 Fluids, to reduce the risk of dehydration

 Medications to reduce Fever any NSAIDs except IBUPROFEN (Brufen®) or its


 Supplemental oxygen in severe respiratory distress

 Staying in Quarantine

 For non- infected patients, Staying at home and limitation to peoples

How to prevent your
self from being
 Proper personal hygiene is highly recommended
 Wash your hands with soap and water , for at least 20
seconds in the proper manner.
 Keep sanitizers in your pockets, work station , workplace
and to avoid contamination of your hands to be alcohol
based not less than 60%
 Fingerprint machine should be disinfected daily after
each use , or it can be replaced by a paper only these
weeks as an exception.
 Clean using disinfectants all items that may be touchable
like doorknobs, elevator buttons, faucets, tables and
 Avoid touching your face and mucous membranes with
your hands it might pass the infection.
 Use proper sanitary tips in case of coughing or sneezing ,
use tissues.
Is it necessary to use
face mask ?
 According to WHO- guidelines for
COVID-19 it is not necessary to
use face mask if you are not infected
with any respiratory disease.
 Only use the face mask once , and
through it away
 Use it if you are a health care worker
or at a source of contamination.

Thanks for your time

keep your self safe and your beloved ones

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