The Lumiere Brothers - The Founders of Cinema

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The Lumiere brothers - the founders of cinema

Performed by Yana Maksyura


Disposal Розпорядження, вручення

Tape Стрічка (кіно-)
Film Плівка для камери
Patent application Заявка на патент
Abandon Кинути якусь справу
Newsreel Кінохроніка
Feature films Ігрові, художні фільми
Anticipation Передчуття
Session revenues Доходи від сеансів
Full-fledged Повноцінний
The Lumiere brothers are the legendary “fathers” of
the French film industry, who opened the way for
mankind to enter the world of cinema. They shot the
first commercials and projected them onto the
screen. The French Cinematheque stores about
1,800 tapes shot by the famous brothers.
Childhood and youth

Louis and Auguste Lumiere were

born in Besançon (France). Their
father was a professional artist and
was interested in photography. In
1870 the family moved to Lyon,
where Auguste and Louis
graduated from a technical school.
After moving from Besançon, their
mother gave birth to another son
and 3 daughters.
Childhood and youth

Charles-Antoine (father) opened a small

factory for the production of photographic
materials. In 1892, his father retired, and
the entire factory remained at the
disposal of the Lumiere brothers.

The inventor of the technique called "cinematograph"

was the younger brother, Louis, who was officially
the owner of the family factory at that time. His project
was partially funded by his elder brother Auguste, and
after the creation of the camera, both brothers actively
participated in the creation of the first films. Together
with the Lumieres, the engineer Jules Carpentier
worked on the new technology, who designed the first
projection device to demonstrate their tapes.

Jules Carpentier (1851 –1921)

The patent application for the invention of the cinematograph was filed on February 13,
1895, almost two years after the Edison kinetoscope was patented in the United States
for individual viewing. Although the Lumieres were familiar with Edison's invention and
probably used some of his ideas, the fact that their cinematography was intended for
mass viewing allows them to be considered the creators of modern cinema.
First screening of films

The first public show was held in Paris on

March 22, 1895, but the cinema's
birthday is officially December 28 of the
same year, when the first commercial
screening of Lumière films took place at
the Grand Café on Boulevard des

"The exit of workers from the factory"

Shows of a new invention

In the first half of 1896,

demonstrations of the new
technology took place in
London, Rome, Cologne,
Geneva, Madrid,
St. Petersburg and New York, in
September in Melbourne, and in
January 1897 in Japan.
Variety of cinematography

Already the first 50-second films

of the Lumières laid the foundatio
n for the genre diversity of cinem
a, including both documentary
("The exit of workers from the Lu
miere factory", "Arrival of a train
at La Ciotat station", as well as th
e first newsreel "Arrival of delegat
es to a photo congress in Lyon"), s
o and feature films (among the sa
mples of which the comedy "The
Watered Waterer" was especially
popular with the public).
Leaving the cinema
The brothers were actively involved in
filming films until 1898. After that, Louis
Lumiè re abandoned his further film career,
focusing on improving the technology of
color photography.
Later, the Lumières continued to produce
35 mm celluloid film, which was also used
in newer cinema cameras, but the
production of cameras was discontinued.
In total, session revenues and camera sales
accounted for only 15% of the company's
revenues even during the boom years,
between 1896 and 1900.
Movie poster

Also, the world's first movie poster is associated with the Lumiere
brothers. This was the poster that announced the first film screening on
December 28, 1895.

The 2nd famous movie

poster is a poster
advertising the 1895
film "The Watered
Waterer". This film is
considered the first full-
fledged "short film" to
Anticipation of the first earn a poster.
public film show
In honor of the Lumiere brothers

Is named the asteroid (775) Lumiere, discovered in 1914.

A star was opened on the Hollywood Walk of Fame (1960).
Monuments were installed in Lyon next to their former
family home.
In La Ciotat where their first films were filmed (1958).
In Yekaterinburg in 2012.
In 2017, the city of Ekibastuz (Kazakhstan) named their
only cinema.
Checking your feedback

1.How many tapes made by the famous brothers are kept by the
French Cinematheque?
2. In what year did their father retire and hand over the factory to
his two sons?
3. Which of the brothers founded the technique of
4. Where and when was the world's first film shown?
5. What did Louis Lumiere focus on after giving up his futher
career in cinema?

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