LR Parsing

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CS 671 – Spring 2008

Precedence Relations

In operator-precedence parsing, we define three

disjoint precedence relations between certain
pairs of terminals.

a <. bb has higher precedence than a

a =· b b has same precedence as a
a .> b b has lower precedence than a

The determination of correct precedence

relations between terminals are based on the
traditional notions of associativity and
precedence of operators. (Unary minus causes a
CS 671 – Spring 2008
Using Operator -Precedence Relations
E  E+E | E-E | E*E | E/E | E^E | (E) | -E | id

The partial operator-precedence id + * $

table for this grammar id .
> .
> .
+ <. .
> <. .
* <. .
> .
> .
$ <. < . < .
Then the input string id+id*id with the precedence
relations inserted will be:

$ <. id .> + <. id .> * <. id .> $

Handle of a string: Substring that
matches the RHS of some production
AND that can be reduced to the non-
terminal on the LHS
CS 671 – Spring 2008
Set ip to point to the first symbol of w$
Repeat forever:
if $==topofstack and ip==$ then accept
Else { a=topofstack; b=ip;
if a<.b or a.=.b then push(b);advance ip;
if a.>b then repeat pop() until the top stack
terminal is related by <.
else error

CS 671 – Spring 2008

$ id + id * id$ $ <. id
$ id + id * id$ id >. +
$ + id * id$ $ <. +
$+ id * id$ + <. id
$ + id * id$ id .> *
$+ * id$ + <. *
$+* id$ * <. id
$ id .> $
$ + * id
$ * .> $
$+* + .> $
$+ $
$ accept
A sequence of pops
corresponds to the
application of some of
the productions
CS 671 – Spring 2008
LR Parsing

CS 671 – Spring 2008

LR Parsers
• The most powerful shift-reduce parsing (yet efficient) is:

LR(k) parsing.

left to right right-most k lookhead

scanning derivation (if k is omitted  it is 1)

• LR parsing is attractive because:

• LR parsing is most general non-backtracking shift-reduce parsing, yet
it is still efficient.

• An LR-parser can detect a syntactic error as soon as it is possible to do

so a left-to-right scan of the input.
LR Parsing Algorithm
• A parsing program
• A parsing table
• A stack
• An input tape
• An output tape
A Configuration of LR Parsing Algorithm
• A configuration of a LR parsing is:

( So X1 S1 ... Xm Sm, ai ai+1 ... an $ )

Stack Rest of Input

• Sm and ai decides the parser action by consulting

the parsing action table. (Initial Stack contains
just So )
LR Actions
action[sm,a] = shift s
execute a shift move:
(s0X1s1X2s2 .. Xmsm, ai ai+1 .. an$)
shifted current input ai and next state s
onto stack
(s0X1s1X2s2 .. Xmsmais, ai+1 .. an$)
action[sm,a] = reduce a
execute a reduce move:
(s0X1s1X2s2 .. Xmsm, ai ai+1 .. an$)
pop 2r symbols
Push A and s onto stack
no change in input
(s0X1s1X2s2 .. Xm-r sm-r A s, ai ai+1 .. an$)where
LR Actions
3. Accept – Parsing successfully completed

4. Error -- Parser detected an error (an empty

entry in the action table)
Transition Diagram for LR Tables
id * id + id

In S0 with input symbol

id, shift the symbol
onto the stack and enter
state S5
id * id + id

S5 with input symbol *

using grammar
id * id + id

S5 with input symbol *

using grammar
id * id + id


Reduction exposes S0
and goto of S0 gives
next state for the
leading non-terminal, T.
The next state is S2
id * id + id
id * id + id
id * id + id
id * id + id

Reduction exposes S7
and goto of S7 gives
next state for the
leading non-terminal, F.
The next state is S10
Pop 6

Insert LHS

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