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Care of Adolescent

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Maria Fe Burato.
Lady Wilhelmina Burgos .
Rossel Ann Del Rosario.
Nhesie Mae Cabacungan.
• Origin From latin word – adolescere – to grow into
• Phase of human encompassing the transition from
childhood to adulthood.
• WHO – age period of adolescentbetween 10 -19 years for
both sexes, married, unmarried.

• Adolescence : 10 – 19 yrs old

• Early Adolescence : 10 – 13 yrs old
• Middle adolescence : 14 – 16 yrs old
• Youth : 17 – 19 yrs old
• Young people : 10 – 24 yrs old
Growth and Development of an Adolescent

 By the age of 13, the  Growth spurt begins earlier in

adolescent triples his birth girls 10 – 14 years, while it is 12
length. – 16 in boys.
 Males gain 10 to 30 cm in  Male gains 7 to 30 kg, while
height. female gain 7 to 25 kg.
 Females gain less height than Trunk broadens
males as they gain 5 to 20 cm.
 Growth in height ceases at 16
or 17 years in females and 18 to
20 in males.
• Bones, organs and body system: Changes in size and capacity. Lung
Performance improves, limbs grow, and bones increase in thickness
and volume. The chest and shoulders get broader in boys. In girls, the
hips and pelvis get wider.

• Hygiene: Sweat glands in the armpits and groin area activated for the
first time during puberty, and this can lead to increased body odour.

• Acne and skin problems: Glands in the skin on the face, shoulders
and start to become more active during puberty, producing more oil.
This can lead to skin conditions such as pimples and acne.

• Puberty is a stage of the life span in which child

develops secondary sex characteristic.
• Is the time at which individual first becomes
capable of sexual reproduction.

The average age for the girls : 10 – 12 yrs old

The average age for the boys : 12 – 14 yrs old
Secondary Sex Changes

• Secondary
sex characteristics refer to
other visible changes that
mark adult maturation
such as changes in height
and body shape.

• A girl begins to menstruate

usually at the age of 13.
• A boy begins to produce
• These events usually occur
between ages 11 to 14 years.
Sexual maturation according to Tanner Stages:
Developmental Milestones

• This is a time of changes for how teenagers think, feel, and

interact with others, and how their bodies grow. Most girls will
be physically mature by now, and most will have completed
puberty. Boys might still be maturing physically during this time.
Your teen might have concerns about her body size, shape, or
weight. Eating disorders also can be common, especially among
girls. During this time, your teen is developing his unique
personality and opinions. Relationships with friends are still
important, yet your teen will have other interests as he develops
a more clear sense of who he is. This is also an important time to
prepare for more independence and responsibility; many
teenagers start working, and many will be leaving home soon
after high school.
Here is some information on how teens
Emotional/Social Changes

• Children in this age group might:

• Have more interest in romantic
relationships and sexuality.
• Go through less conflict with parents.
• Show more independence from parents.
• Have a deeper capacity for caring and
sharing and for developing more intimate
• Spend less time with parents and more
time with friends.
• Feel a lot of sadness or depression, which
can lead to poor grades at school, alcohol
or drug use, unsafe sex, and other
Emotional Development
• Identity Versus Role confusion
- The task of forming a sense of identity is for adolescent to
decide whom they are what kind of person they will be.

• Body image
- as adjustment to normative developmental changes
(e.g., puberty) can influence and be affected by body image.
Given the increased emphasis on peer relationships and
acceptance during adolescence, body image concerns may
negatively impact social development.

• Self esteem
- Like the body image, may undergo major changes during
the adolescence year,
• Value system
- Children's value systems develop through youth and
influence attitudes and actions. But there is a lack of
appropriate measures for children and adolescents.  

• Social coupling
- In early adolescene, individual tends to dress and behave
similarly to other members of peer group

• Career Decision
- Career decision-making is the method ofunderstanding,
analyzing and appreciating a variety
of careers or career options through
exploration, guidance and planning.

• Emancipation From Parents

- Emancipation from parent canbecome a major issue during
the middle and late adolescent years for two reason. Some
parents are not yet be ready for their child totally independent
and some adolescent may not yet sure what they want to be on
their own.
– This stage takes place during young adulthood between the ages of
approximately 19 and 40. The major conflict at this stage of life centers
on forming intimate, loving relationships with other people. Success at
this stage leads to fulfilling relationships. Struggling at this stage, on the
other hand, can result in feelings of loneliness and isolation.

– Socialization is the process through which people are taught to be
proficient members of a society. It describes the ways that people come to
understand societal norms and expectations, to accept society’s beliefs,
and to be aware of societal values. Socialization is not the same as
socializing (interacting with others, like family, friends, and coworkers);
to be precise, it is a sociological process that occurs through socializing.

This step involves the ability

to think in abstract terms and
use the scientific method (i.e.
deductive reasoning) to arrive
at conclusions. The problems
that adolescent are asked to
solve in school depend on this
type of thought. Problem
solving in any situation
depends on the ability to think
abstractly and logically.

• Moral development describes the evolution

of these guiding principles and is
demonstrated by ability to apply these
guidelines in daily life.
• Spiritual development is the development of
the personality towards a religious or
spiritual desired better personality.

• Anadequate sleep, hygiene and excercise are

important health education topics for
adolescents as these become an adolescent's
responsibility rather than the responsibility of
the parent.
• Dress and Hygiene
• Care of Teeth
• Sleep
• Excercise
• Sun Exposure
Early adolescents may have many disagreement with parents
that stem partly from wanting more independence and partly
from being so disappointed in their bodies. It may be helpful to
counsel parents to appreciate that although it is not easy to live
with teenager, it is equally difficult to be teenager.

o When the child reaches about age 15 years, parents- child

friction tends to peak.
o By the time they are 16 years old, adolescence generally
become more willing to listen and talk about problems.
o Most 17 year old adolescents, who have stayed in school, are
usually high school seniors; most of them, this year is likely to
be stormy.
Adolescents who engage in sexual risk behavior can have un
intended health outcome, including unplanned pregnancies
and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) such as HIV.

o STALKING – refers to repetitive, intrusive, and unwanted

action such as constant and threatening pursuit direction
at an individual to gain the individual’s attention or to
evoke fear.
• Sexual desire increases
• Sexual activities begin.
Eg: Masturbation/ First sexual intercourse
• Curious to know about their own as well opposite
gender – experimentation
• Intimate relationship

BULLYING, which began during school age can easily continue

into adolescence and actually becomes more serious because
this can be the time the bullied child has ability to retaliate
through self- destructive behavior or school violence

HAZING, a form of organized bullying, refers to demeaning or

Humaliating rituals that prospective members have to undergo
to join sororities, fraternities, adolescent gangs, or sports teams.
Concerns Regarding Substance Abuse

• Substance abuse Refers to the use of chemicals to

improve a mental state or induce euphoria. This is
so common among adolescents that as many as
50% of high school seniors report having
experimented with some form of drug.
Types of Abused Substances

• Prescription and Over the Counter Drugs - Adolescent may begin drug
experimentation by taking sedatives, pain medication, or cough syrup
containing dextromethorphan, abbreviated DXM, prescribed for another
family members or a pet. Methylphenidate (Ritalin) is a drug frequently
prescribed for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Ketamine is an
anesthetic used in veterinary medicine that is also frequently abused.

• Tobacco - adolescent usually begin smoking because the habit conveys a

stamp of maturity; smoking may be viewed as especially desirable by those
who are having difficulty demonstrating maturity in other areas.
• Alcohol - As many as 90% of high school
seniors report having used alcohol.

• Performance-Enhancing drug abuse

Adolescents take steroids to enhance lean body
mass muscular development and so improve
their athletic ability or appearance.

• Marijuana. This residue results in synaptic

gaps that can delay electrical brain waves and
memory storage.

• Amphetamines The amphetamines are a

group of drugs sometimes used in the
treatment of hyperactivity and narcolepsy,
among other central nervous system disorders.
• Cocaine - Cocaine is one of the most popular drugs of abuse for young
adults and its use may begin in adolescents.

• Hallucinogens Examples of hallucinogens drugs used by adolescents are:

-Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)
-2,5-Dimethoxy-4-Methampetamine (STP)
-Phencyclidine hydrochloride (PCP)
-Methaqualone (Quaalude)
-A hallcinogens related to mescaline, Methylenedioxymethamphetamine
(MDMA or ecstasy)

• Opiates - Opiates are drugs such as heroin, meperidine (Demerol), and

morphine. At one time, These were not typically used by adolescents
because they are expensive, but they now are gaining popularity among
Concerns Regarding Depression and
Attempted Suicide
• Suicide - is deliberate self-injury with the intent to
end one’s life. Successful suicide occurs more
frequently in males than females, although more
females apparently attempt suicide than males
(about 8:1).
• Adolescents suicide are attempted most often in the
spring or the fall, Reflecting school stress at these
time of year, and between 3pm and midnight,
reflecting depression that increases with dark.
Suicide is so common in adolescents thatis rank third
as a cause of death in the 15-19 year old group.

In addition, Some homicides may be caused by

deliberately provoking another person in the hope of
being killed. Incest, abuse, marital instability in the
family, and poor problem-solving ability.
Concern Regarding Runaways

• A Runaway is commonly defined as a child between the

ages of 10 and 17 years who has been absent from home at
least overnight without permission of a parent or guardian.
The frequency of running away for adolescents may be as
high as one eight. Fortunately, most do not go far or stay
away long. About 1 in 20 adolescent runaways stays away
as long as 1 year; some never return home.

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