Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made
laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and
property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in
the first place. [Federic Bastiat, The Law]
In Private property, the rules are organized around the idea that
individual have the right to decide.
For Locke, the natural law is the constellation of rights and duties
that God has built into the fabric of the universe. It is binding on all
human beings, and the content is accessible to them through the use
of their rational faculties.
The first and most fundamental precept of this natural law is that
human beings, as God’s creation, are to be preserved. Individuals
are therefore bound by the duty to preserve themselves, and they
must help others for the same.
This duty is equally created for all human beings, therefore each
person is equally entitled ‘to use of those things, which were
serviceable for subsistence and provide person with means of self
Principle of charity
It is not about utilitarian idea, or social contract based individual rights. Instead it focuses
our attention on the ways in which property contributes to the development of the self or
Radin states that there is a great relationship b/w person and property. This relationship
has commonly been both ignored and taken for granted in legal thought. The premise
underlying the personhood perspective is that to achieve proper self-development-to be a
person-an individual needs some control over resources in the external environment.
Radin cites these examples where she explains the importance of property: b/w There is
direct connection between property and privacy [4th USA Constitutional amendment;
Katz v. United States, 1967
Property and Liberty [ right in property are basic civil rights has been long recognized
[Lynch v. Household Finance Corp., 1972]
Explanation: Hegel’s account of property is right-based theory
rather than consequentialist theory.