Chapter 6 - Stress and Strain Transformation

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 Derivation of General Equations for Plane

Stress Transformation
 Mohr’s Circle for Plane Stress
 Absolute Maximum Shear Stress
 Derivation of General Equations for Plane
Strain Transformation
 Mohr’s Circle for Plane Strain
 Absolute Maximum Shear Strain
 Strain Rosettes
 Generalized Hooke’s Law
Plane-Stress Transformation
 General state of stress at a point is
characterized by 6 independent normal
and shear stress components.
 It can be analyzed in a single plane of a
body, the material can said to be subjected
to plane stress.
Stress components from one orientation of
an element can transform to an element
having a different orientation.

Normal stress components
Assume that the thickness of the element is 1 and apply
equations of force equilibrium to determine unknown stress
+ Fx’ = 0;
 x' AC  1   xy BC  1 cos    y BC  1 sin    xy AB  1 sin 
   x AB  1 cos   0
However AB  AC cos  and BC  AC sin 
Hence ;
 x' AC   xy AC sin   cos    y AC sin   sin    xy AC cos   sin     x AC cos   cos   0
 x'   x cos 2    y sin 2    xy  2 sin  cos  
Simplify the equations using trigonometric identities sin2 = 2 sin cos,
sin2 = (1  cos2)/2, and cos2 =(1+cos2)/2

x y x y
 x'   cos 2   xy sin 2 1
2 2

If y’ is needed, substitute ( =  + 90) for  into Eqn (1).

x y x y
 y'   cos 2   xy sin 2  2
2 2
Shear stress components
Using similar assumptions the equations of force
equilibrium to determine
unknown stress components:

+ Fy’ = 0;
 x' y ' AC  1   xy BC  1 sin    y BC  1 cos    xy AB  1 cos     x AB  1 sin   0
 x' y ' AC   xy AC sin   sin    y AC sin   cos    xy AC cos   cos     x AC cos   sin   0
 x' y '   x sin  cos    y sin  cos    xy cos 2    xy sin 2 
 x' y '   x   y  sin  cos    xy  cos 2   sin 2  

Simplify the equations using trigonometric identities sin2 = 2 sin cos,

sin2 = (1  cos2)/2, and cos2 =(1+cos2)/2

x y
 x' y '   sin 2   xy cos 2  3
Example 6.1
The state of plane stress at a point on the surface of the
airplane fuselage is represented on the element oriented as
shown. Represent the state of stress at the point on an
element that is oriented 30°clockwise from the position
Solution 6.1 (Fundamental):
Based on the free-body diagram of the segment,
applying the equations of force equilibrium in the x’ and x’
y’ direction, y’
  Fx'  0;  x' AC  1   25  BC  1 sin    50  BC  1 cos  A x’
  25  AB  1 cos    80  AB  1 sin   0 x’y’
80 MPa
30o C
However AB  AC sin  and BC  AC cos  B 25 MPa
50 MPa

 x' AC   25 AC cos 30 sin 30   50 AC cos 30 cos 30

  25 AC sin 30 cos 30   80 AC sin 30 sin 30  0
 x'  4.15 MPa (Ans)

  Fy '  0;
 xy  AC 1 -  25  BC 1 cos30 o -  50  BC 1 sin30 o   25  AB  1 sin30 o -  80  AB 1 cos30 o  0
 x'y' AC   25  AC cos 30 cos 30   50  AC cos 30 sin 30
 
 25  ACsin30 o sin 30   80  AC sin 30 cos 30  0
 x'y'  68.8 MPa (Ans)
Solution 6.1 (Equations): A x’
80 MPa x’y’
x y x y
 x'   cos 2   xy sin 2 1 B
30o C
25 MPa
2 2
 80  50   80  50 
   cos  2  60     25  sin  2  60  50 MPa
2  2 
 15  32.5  21.7   4.2 MPa

x y x y
 y'   cos 2   xy sin 2 1
2 2
 80  50   80  50 
   cos  2  150     25  sin 2  150 
2  2 
 15  32.5  21.7   25.8 MPa

x y
 x' y '   sin 2   xy cos 2  3
 80  50
 sin  2  60     25  cos  2  60 
 68.8 MPa
Example 6.2

Principal stresses/ maximum and minimum normal


x y x y 
 1/ 2       xy 2 ............ 4 
2  2 

Plane of Principal stresses (No shear stress acts on the

principal planes)
2 xy
tan 2 P  .......... .. 5 
 x y 

Maximum in-plane shear stress

 y 
 max   x    xy 2 ................. 6 
 2 
Example 6.3
The state of plane stress at a point is shown on the element.
Determine (a) the principal stresses and (b) the maximum
in-plane shear stress and average normal stress at the
point. Specify the orientation of the element in each case
60 MPa

30 MPa

45 MPa 45 MPa

30 MPa

60 MPa

Determine also the state of stresses at the point on an element that is

oriented 25°counter clockwise from the position shown.
60 MPa

Solution 6.3 30 MPa

Principal stresses/ maximum and minimum normal 45 MPa

stresses 2
x y  y 
 1/ 2    x    xy 2 ............ 4 
2  2 
 45    60  
45  60
     30
2  2  P
68 M
 1  53 MPa;  2  68 MPa

Plane of Principal stresses (No shear stress acts on the Pa

53 M
principal planes) 2
tan 2 P  xy
.......... .. 5  15o
 x y 
2 30 
  2 p  30 o   p  15 o
 45    60  
Maximum in-plane shear stress

 45    60  
 y

 max   x    xy 2     30  60.5 MPa

 2   2 
Mohr’s Circle—Plane Stress
Plane stress transformation is able to have
a graphical solution that is easy to



2 ave 1
Example 6.1
The state of plane stress at a point on the surface of the
airplane fuselage is represented on the element oriented as
shown. Represent the state of stress at the point on an
element that is oriented 30°clockwise from the position
shown by using Mohr’s circle method.
Solution 6.1 (Mohr’s circle)

-26,69 

-80,25 25
15 50 
-80 0
-25 50,-25

Example 6.4
Solution 6.4 (equations)
Solution 6.4 (equations)
Solution 6.4 (Mohr’s circle)
Solution 6.4 (Mohr’s circle)
Solution 6.4 (Mohr’s circle)
Example 6.5
Solution 6.5 (Mohr’s circle)
Solution 6.5 (Mohr’s circle)
Example 6.6
The state of plane stress at a point on a body is
represented on the element. Represent this stress state in
terms of the maximum in-plane shear stress and
associated average normal stress.
Solution 6.6 (equations)

Since  x  20,  y  90, xy  60 we have

  x   y  / 2
tan 2 s    s 2  21.3,  s1  111 .3
 xy

The maximum in-plane shear stress and

average normal stress is

  x  y 
 max in -plane      xy 2  81.4 MPa (Ans)
 2 
 x  y
 avg   35 MPa (Ans)
Solution 6.6 (Mohr’s circle)

We first construct of the circle,  x  20, y  90 and  xy  60

 20  90
The center of the circle C is on the axis at  avg   35 MPa

From point C and the A(-20, 60) are plotted, we have;

R  60 2  552  81.4 MPa

Max in-plane shear stress and average normal stress are

 max in -plane  81.4 MPa ,  avg  35 MPa (Ans)

The counter-clockwise angle is

 20  35 
2 s1  tan 1    21.3 (Ans)
 60 
Example 6.7
When the torsional loading T is applied to the bar it
produces a state of pure shear stress in the material.
Determine (a) the maximum in-plane shear stress and
the associated average normal stress, and (b) the
principal stress.
Solution 6.7
From the sign convention we have,
x  0 y 0  xy  

a) Maximum in-plane shear stress is

  x  y   x  y
 max in -plane      xy 2    avg   0 (Ans)
 2  2

b) For principal stress,

 xy
tan 2 p    p 2  45,  p1  135
 x   y  / 2
2 
 x  y   x  y   
 1, 2       xy 2   (Ans) 0
2  2 
Example 6.8
An axial force of 900 N and a torque of 2.5 Nm
are applied to the shaft. The shaft diameter is
40 mm, find the principal stresses at a point P
on its surface.
Solution 6.8
The stresses produced at point P is

Tc 2.5 0.02 P 900

   198.9 kPa,     716.2 kPa
2  0.02 
J  4
A   0.02  2

The principal stresses can be found using Mohr’s circle,

0  716.2
 avg   358.1 kPa

Principal stresses are represented by points B and D,

 1  358.1  409.7  767.7 kPa (Ans)

 2  358.1  409.7  51.5 kPa (Ans)
Example 6.9
The beam is subjected to the distributed loading of w = 120
kN/m. Determine the principal stresses in the beam at point
P, which lies at the top of the web. Neglect the size of the
fillets and stress concentrations at this point. I = 67.4(10-6)
m4 .
Solution 6.9

The equilibrium of the sectioned beam is as shown where

V  84 kN M  30.6 kNm

At point P,

 My 30.6103 0.1
   45.4 (Ans)
I 67.410 

VQ 84  0.1075 0.175 0.015 

   35.2 MPa (Ans)
It 67.410  0.01

Thus the results are as follows,

Solution 6.9
The centre of the circle is  45.4  0  22.7

and point A is (-45.4, 35.2).

Thus the radius is calculated as 41.9, thus the principle stresses are

 1   41.9  22.7   19.2 MPa

 2   22.7  41.9  64.6 MPa

The counter-clockwise angle is

2 p 2  57.2   p 2  28.6
Absolute Maximum Shear Stress
The absolute maximum shear stress and
associated average normal stress can also
be found by using Mohr’s circle.

 max   min  max   min

 abs max   avg 
2 2
Example 6.10
Due to the applied loading, the element at the point on the frame is subjected to the
state of plane stress shown. Find the principal and absolute maximum shear stress
at the point.

 20  0
The centre of the circle is  avg   10 kPa
The controlling point is A (-20, -40).

The radius is R  20  10 2  402  41.2 kPa

Solution 6.10
Thus the Mohr’s circle is drawn accordingly.

Principal stresses are at the points where the circle

intersects the σ axis,
 max  10  41.2  31.2 kPa
 min  10  41.2  51.2 kPa
1  40 
From the circle, the counter-clockwise angle is 2  tan      38.0
 20  10 
Since there is no principal stress on the element in the z direction, we have

 max  31.2 kPa,  int  0,  min  51.2 kPa (Ans)

Solution 6.10
For absolute maximum shear stress,

 max   min 31.2    51.2

 abs max    41.2 kPa (Ans)
2 2
   min 31.2  51.2
 avg  max   10 kPa (Ans)
2 2
Plane Strain
General state of strain at a point in a body
is represented by 3 normal strains    
x y z

and 3 shear strains     .

x y z

A plane-strained element is subjected to

two components of normal strain (x, y)
and one component of shear strain, xy.
General Equations of Plane-Strain
Strain-transformation equations
x y x y  xy
 x'   cos 2  sin 2
2 2 2
x y x y  xy
 y'   cos 2  sin 2
2 2 2
 x' y' x y  
   sin 2  xy cos 2
2  2  2
Principal Strains
2 2
 xy x y   x   y    xy 
tan 2 p   1, 2       
x y 2  2   2 

Maximum In-Plane Shear Strain

Maximum in-plane shear strain and
associated average normal strain are as
x y 
tan 2 S   
  
 xy 
2 2
 max in -plane   x   y    xy  x y
      ,  avg 
2  2   2  2
Example 6.11
A differential element of material at a point is subjected to a state of
plane strain defined by  x  35010  ,  y  20010  , xy  8010 
6 6 6

which tends to distort the element. Determine the maximum in-

plane shear strain at the point and the associated orientation of the
Solution 6.11

Given that,  x  35010 6  ,  y  20010 6  , xy  8010 6 

Looking at the orientation of the element,

x y 
tan 2 s       350  200 
    80 
 xy 
  s  40.9 and 131

For maximum in-plane shear strain,

2 2
 max in plane   x   y    xy 
     
2  2   2 

  max in plane  556 10 6  (Ans)
Mohr’s Circle—Plane Strain
We can also solve problems involving the
transformation of strain using Mohr’s circle.
  x' y ' 
 x'   avg      R 2

 2 

2 2
x y   x   y    xy 
 avg  and R      
2  2   2 

Ithas a center on the ε axis at point C(εavg, 0)

and a radius R.
Example 6.12
Solution 6.12
Example 6.13
The state of plane strain at a point is represented by the components
 x  25010 6  ,  y  15010 6  ,  xy  12010 6 
Determine the maximum in-plane shear strains and the orientation of an element.

From the coordinates of point E, we have
 
x ' y ' max in plane


 208.8 10 6 
 
x ' y ' max in plane  
 418 10 6
 avg  5010 

To orient the element,

we can determine the clockwise angle, 2 s  90  2 8.35

 s1  36.7 (Ans)
Absolute Maximum Shear Strain
Absolute maximum shear strain is found
from the circle having the largest radius.
It occurs on the element oriented 45° about
the axis from the element shown in its
original position.

 abs max   max   min

 max   min
 avg 
Absolute Maximum Shear Strain
Plane Strain
For plane strain we have,

 abs max    x ' z '  max   max  abs max   x ' y '  max   max   min

Thisvalue represents the absolute maximum

shear strain for the material.
Example 6.14
The state of plane strain at a point is represented by the strain components,
 x  40010 6  ,  y  20010 6  ,  xy  15010 6 
Determine the maximum in-plane shear strain and the absolute maximum shear

From the strain components, the centre of the circle is on the
ε axis at
 400  200 6
 avg 
 
10  100  106  
 xy
Since  7510 6  , the reference point has coordinates A  40010 6 ,7510 6  
Thus the radius of the circle is

 
R    400  100   752  10 6  309 10 9
 
Solution 6.14
Computing the in-plane principal strains, we have

 max    100  309 106   209106 

 min    100  309 106   40910 6 

From the circle, the maximum in-plane shear strain is

 max in plane   max   min   209    409  106   618106  (Ans)

 
From the above results, we have  max  209 10 ,  int  0 ,  min  409 10
6 6
 
Thus the Mohr’s circle is as follows,
Material-Property Relationships
Generalized Hooke’s Law
For a triaxial state of stress, the general form
for Hooke’s law is as follow:

x 
  1
  1

 x  v y   z  ,  y   y  v  x   z  ,  z   z  v x   y  

They are valid only for a linear–elastic

Hooke’s law for shear stress and shear strain
is written as
1 1 1
 xy   xy  yz   yz  xz   xz
Material-Property Relationships
Relationship Involving E, v, and G
2 1  v 
Dilatation and Bulk Modulus
Dilatation, or volumetric strain, is caused only by
normal strain, not shear strain.
Bulk modulus is a measure of the stiffness of a
volume of material.

Plastic yielding occurs atE v = 0.5.

31  2v 
Example 6.15
The copper bar is subjected to a uniform loading along its edges. If it has a = 300
mm, b = 500 mm, and t = 20 mm before load is applied, find its new length, width,
and thickness after application of the load. Take Ecu  120 GPa , vcu  0.34

From the loading we have  x  800 MPa ,  y  500 MPa ,  x  80 ,  z  0
The associated normal strains are determined from the generalized Hooke’s law,
x v y v 
  y   z   0.00808 ,  y     x   z   0.00643 ,  z  z   x   y   0.000850
x 

The new bar length, width, and thickness are therefore

a '  300  0.00808 300  302.4 mm (Ans)

b'  50    0.00643 50  49.68 mm (Ans)
t '  20    0.000850 20  19.98 mm (Ans)
The state of plane strain at a point is represented by the strain components,
 x  40010 6  ,  y  25010 6  ,  xy  31010 6 
Determine the equivalent in-plane strains on an element oriented at an angle = 30o
clockwise from the original position. Sketch the deformed element due to these
strains within x-y plane.

Also, determine the principal strains and the maximum in-plane shear strain. In
each case specify the orientation of the element and show how the strains deform
the element within the x-y plane.
 y x y  xy
 x'  x  cos 2  sin 2
2 2 2
x y x y  xy
 y'   cos 2  sin 2
2 2 2
 x' y' x y   xy
   sin 2  cos 2
2  2  2

    
Ans :  x   103 10 6 ,  y   46.7 10 6 ,  xy   718 10 6 

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