Sand and Surki (1) (IUBAT)
Sand and Surki (1) (IUBAT)
Sand and Surki (1) (IUBAT)
CEN 213
US standard sieves are 1.5in, 3/4 in, 3/8 in, #4 (4.75mm),
#8 (2.36 mm), #16 (1.18mm), #30 (0.6mm), #50
(0.30mm), and #100 (0.15 mm)
Classification of Sand based on
Fineness Modulus
=1.95 (fine sand)
sieve Size Materials % M.R Cumulative %finer
(mm) retained %M.R.
1.5in 0
¾ in 14
3/8 in 46
#4 4.75 55
#8 2.36 65
#16 1.18 10
#30 0.60 30
#50 0.30 50
#100 0.15 60
= (type of sand)
Gradation Curve
Grading Curve
The results of a sieve analysis can be grasped much more easily if
represented graphically and for this reason, grading charts are very
extensively used. By using a chart, it is possible to see at a glance
whether the grading of a given sample conforms to that specified, or
is too coarse or too fine, or deficient in a particular size.
o Gap grading caused uneconomical mix
o Uniformly grading causes lot of voids
o More finely grading causes less workability, low strength concrete
o More coarsely grading caused segregation
o Uniformly grading caused segregation
Combine Grading
Mixed grading of CA and FA. FA fills up the voids left in CA
For a bridge construction project, the recommended FM for sand is 2.6.
From a market, two sand samples (sand-1 and sand-2) were collected and
were sent to a nearby Concrete Laboratory for sieve analysis. The sieve
analysis data are given below:
Desirable Properties of Sand
• Inert completely (i.e., should not have any
chemical activity)
• Grains sharp, strong and angular
• Not contain hygroscopic salt
• Should not contain clay & silt, which are the
harmful ingredients
• No organic matter
Functions of Sand in Mortar /
• Offers requisite surface area for the film of binding
material to adhere and spread
• Increase the volume of mortar and consequently makes
mortar more economical
• A well-graded sand adds to the density of mortars and
• Prevents excessive shrinkage of mortar
• Since inert material, it renders structure more resistant
against atmospheric agencies.
Tests of Sand
Test for silt and clay: