Group5 - Wonder Pedicabs-Leisure Rickshaw Rides - BM

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Wonder Pedicabs-

Leisure Rickshaw Rides

S U B M I T T E D BY: G R O U P 5
U T K A R S H B H AT T ( P G M A 1 9 4 2 )
Case Overview
Wonder Pedicabs Overview Wonder Pedicabs Leisure Challenges Faced
Rickshaw Rides 1. Chandni Chowk, being a male-
1. A venture initiated by two young 1. Enable a leisure rickshaw ride through
Delhi girls, Ritu and Taruna Offer a dominated area, made operations
the Old Delhi lanes and covers major difficult. Uneducated rickshaw pullers
tour which is unique and help visitors attractions which includes Tour of resisted working under a woman. Most of
discover the real culture at Delhi religious places, a Muslim mosque, a them were habituated to drinking and
2. The company was initiated in the Hindu temple, a Jain temple, a Sikh chewing tobacco while on duty. Major
year 2011 Gurudwara and a Christian church; Kids challenge was to train them in English
3. Targets niche customer segment tour - visit to kite factory; Food tour; language and mannerisms.
Spices and scents tour; Shopping tour; 2. Obtaining licenses from MCD and
of Heritage tourism, catering to
and hidden gems tour meeting prerequisites of the local police
foreign and domestic tourists 2. The designs were modified under the
4. Offers private and customized 3. Hotels discouraged foreign visitors
guidance of MCD which made it more from going to Old Delhi for roads being
tours to culture and flavors of Old mechanically sound and attractive
filthy and surrounded by beggars.
Delhi with tie ups with the most 3. More comfortable and safer while
4. Domestic tourist were not aware of the
luxurious hotels of Delhi and then being tourist friendly and convenient
tour company and product offered
shifting to the Golden Circuit Triangle Rickshaw drivers were well trained to be
of North India properly uniformed and well groomed
Wonder Pedicabs- A
brand launch or product
Pedicabs is a brand launch initiated by "When in
India". This is a brand launch for the following
• There are several rickshaw service provider in
India whereas Wonder Pedicab provides feature
loaded rickshaw services
• Differentiates itself through comfortable,
cushioned seats and spacious while being cautious
towards safety with improved breaks, seat belts,
holding bars and first aid kit; Mechanically sound
with better suspension and balance; Tourist
friendly asit is having transparent roof/collapsible
to facilitate upper view of monuments; and
Bottle/Camera Holder for better experience.
Market Opportunity
Customer Segmentation
• Basis of psychographics ( tourists, explorers, travel enthusiasts and
behavioral pillars.)

• Local rickshaw pullers,
• No such formal competition

Customer Missing
• No convenient mode of transportation which matched the comfort
and reliable;
• Local rickshaw pullers rip off, language barrier exists
• Unable to fetch attention of the Domestic customers ad the higher
age group segment

Political Economical Social Technological Legal Environmental

• Government of India • G-20 declaration • Skill Development • Government of India has • Obtaining Licences from • Eco-friendly vehicles on
initiated a cost-effective recognised tourism program initiated named launched Tourist Visa on MCD, Delhi and Delhi the street of Delhi for
proposition for Tourism sector as a vehicle for “Hunar se Rozgar Tak” Arrival enabled with Police Sight Seeing
Sector job creation and for Youth. Electronic travel
• Government has economic growth for authorization scheme
launched Incredible development
India campaign for easy
search of new
destination and
improvement in new
• New in the market • Limited Operations
• no formal competition, • Due to Premium pricing unable
• Good reviews and accolades to attract domestic travelers
• Organized and specialized tours • Unable to attract the higher
• Specially designed rickshaws age group people

Strength Weakness

Opportunities Threat
• Other heritage cities across INDIA and Globe • Rising competition other cab
along with different tourist packages companies can launch such services.
Also, local rickshaw pullers.
Hotels discouraging foreign visits
from going to Old Delhi
Less insurance assistance for pedicabs
• Introduction of E Rickshaw
Red color indicates the
passionate love , so the
When In India have used
this color in their
rickshaws & employee
Relationship Personality

Friendly atmosphere with

Trust, excusive &
services provided like
water, chargers

Indian culture, not
Reflection showing the city life of
Rich, elegance, with a Delhi, but showcasing the
high social position ancient culture of the
society which it is really
known for.

History lover, passionate
What could have been done to
make it a superior brand
The key qualities and benefit that the brand has got to offer in the direction
that forms a friendly service-oriented brand voice before the launch
Build a brand story and messaging giving answers to
1. Who you are 2. What you offer 3. Why people should care
• Social media marketing for curating relevant content, SEO, engagement and
community building, paid advertising, etc. would be a good idea so spread
faster and more effective way.
• Reach out to influencers and give promotional discounts while increase
customer segmentation
• They would also have taken part in the event of the Delhi Tourism which
would have given them exclusive exposure and recognition
• Build a logo and tagline for the brand
• Try connecting with Tourism Ministry to get featured on their social page and
create awareness
A good launch with respect to identifying the missing gap and formulating a
service for it.
Ques.1 What are the customer's missing?
•Small roads make it impossible to see, and rickshaws are the
best means of travel

Brand •The scale and attention of small communities is not taken into

Program- •Rickshaws helps to visit the cultural heritage near by

•A broad path - hard to walk down.
Key Ques.2 What is brand vision of product category?

Questions •Ordered Old Delhi Experience

•Sightseeing untouched
•Customized for convenience, comfort and protection
•Enjoy warmth, hospitality, tradition and special convictions
Ques.3 What does brand want to change in people's lives?
• Letting people know about history with a thrilling and
Brand rewarding experience
• Enables rickshaw pullers to have peaceful and respectful jobs
Program- • Help tourists learn about the actual Delhi, which cannot be

Key found in guide books and cannot be told by tourist guides

• Offer them an exploration of a nation and its charms with an

Questions unforgettable experience

Ques.4 What will the brand not compromise on?
• Customized focus
• Rickshaw pullers uniformed and trained
• Value of authentic personalised experience
• Video location history brochures and audio support
Ques.5 What are the brand unique capabilities?
• Nice Vision - Collapsible translucent roof
Brand • Nice - Camera keeper and bottle

Program- • Porters are well cared for and reliable

• Quite appealing styles - branding and
Key convenient, bright and spacious coated seats

Questions Ques.6 What product and service categories will

brand operate in?
• Tourist & Travel
• Organized visits

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