Green Belt Project Storyboard
Green Belt Project Storyboard
Green Belt Project Storyboard
Executive Summary
Executive Summary
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Take Away: The project was a great success! Profits are up, customers are
happier and so is the Bahama Bistro staff!
Key Words (Specific to Bahama Bistro)
• Order Lead Time: Total cycle time from the moment the customer
places their order to the moment they receive their food.
• Lunch Time: Key lunch ordering hours from 11am to 2pm
• Customers: Business people and vacationers
• Packaging Process: All tasks related to placing food into take-out
containers, selecting utensils, napkins and condiments and then
placing them all into a bag
• Stock Items: All raw food items and food packaging items
• Condiments: Mini-bottles of hot sauce, limes, salt and pepper
Define Phase
Project Charter Project Charter
S upplie rs Inputs Pro c e s s Outputs Cus to me rs
Customer Arrives or
Delivered Lunch Patron
Patrons A Lunch Order Lunch Order
Food Ingredients,
Grocery or Farmer, the Order
Raw Foods, Spices
Vendor, Distributor
Deliver to Kitchen
Take Away: The scope of the project is from the moment we receive the
customer order to the moment they receive their lunch order.
“As-Is” Detailed Map Segment
Take Away: The team learned about the wait during the lunch order process
walk – customers were not happy!
“As-Is” Detailed Map Segment
Take Away: A 5S effort showed the waste of motion – it also included kitchen
staff which resulted in increased employee engagement.
Measure Phase
Data Collection Plan
Take Away: Since this is a cycle time project, all of the measures turned about
to be continuous measures of different segments of time.
Baseline – Project Y
Take Away: Lots of variation in the process and the average time to serve lunch
is 27 minutes which is very high!
Analyze Phase
Fishbone Diagram
Fis hbo ne Diag ram
Pla c e Foo d Ty pe s
Fo o d Ord e rs
Take To o
Lo n g fo r
Lu nc h
Too many Cu s to m e rs
Customers are too
orders at once
Pro c e s s Pe o ple
Take Away: The biggest areas to analyze further where prep time, sandwich
area, packaging and server habits.
Map Segment Showing Analysis
Value-Added Flow Analysis
Take Away: Biggest opportunity to remove wait time is the pick-up area but
there are also too many steps checking and clarifying the order.
Map Segment Showing Analysis
Take Away: Process analysis showed a potential for removing time wasted
during packaging.
Root Cause Hypotheses
Root Cause Hypothesis
Some of the lunch items have a cook time longer than 20 See Histogram - shows range of cook time
2 Cook time FALSE
minutes from 8.5 to 12 minutes
3 Preparation Time Prep area not very well organized TRUE See Spaghetti Chart
Take Away: Data confirmed all the hypotheses except for cook time – it does
not contribute significantly to late lunch orders.
Improve Phase
Selected Solutions
Solution Selection Matrix
Project Goal
Please rank each solution for each criteria
Enter Goal Statement below:
(As stated on Project Charter)
by using the 1-5 Scale as indicated below
Cost to Time to
Potential Solution Potential to Implement Stakeholder Implement
Customer Total Implement?
(Provide Brief Description) Meet Goal (1 = $$$ Buy-in (1 = Long
Impact Score Yes/No
& 5 = $) 5 = Quick)
Weighted Criteria 10 9 8 7 5
Take Away: There was no buy-in to reduce the take-out menu so the team
focused first on cross-training which resulted in better staff relationships.
Required – Insert one or more project-specific maps showing improvement
Take Away: Process changes including cross-training and 5Sing the Sandwich
prep area made the difference.
“To Be” Map Segment
S pag he tti Map
Bread Meat
Condiments Veggies
Totals 1 0 0
Total Cyc le Time (minute s ) Walking Time (minute s ) Walking Dis tanc e (fe e t)
1 0 0
Take Away: The “U” shape wastes the least amount of motion. Every item is
within hands reach with the new setup.
Run Chart Showing Improvement
Lunch Order Cycle Time - Before & After
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Take Away: Improvements had a big impact on lunch order cycle time!
Control Phase
Project Closure
Project Closure
Take Away: Ended up with some hard savings/increase in revenue and the
Process Owner is thrilled!