Green Belt Project Storyboard

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Green Belt Project Storyboard

Executive Summary
Executive Summary

Business Case     Project Results

What are the measureable process improvements/wins?
What is the importance of doing this project? (State in lost dollars, productivity loss,
customer dissatisfaction, cost avoidance, risk, etc.)

Order Lead Time has reduced from 28 minutes to 15 minutes

Cycle Time improvement in our food orders for lunch would result in an enhanced client Sandwich Lead Time dropped from 14 to 10 minutes on average
experience. Cycle time improvement could also translate into monetary benefits because we
may turn tables quicker and seat more customers, which will increase revenue. Customers reporting higher levels of satisfaction
Lunch order volume has increased 18%

Root Cause Analysis    

What are the critical findings/root causes that were discovered?
Graphical Display of Improvement
Data showed sandwich prep time took too long, lots of time spent searching for items, prep
area is disorganized, not stocking enough of key items and running out during noon rush and
packaging process is disorganized and causing pick-up delays.
Lunch Order Cycle Time - Before & After


Solutions Implemented     Solutions

List key solutions that were implemented to address root causes

1. Created new order form - Standard Work

2. Created a Work Cell in the prep area
3. Used Takt Time to create Workload Balance in the kitchen 24
4. Created a Just-In-Time system with Kanbans
5. Conducted 5S in prep area (ongoing audits)
6. Added labels to bins for visual management
7. Conducted Cross-Training for front of house flexibility 19

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Take Away: The project was a great success! Profits are up, customers are
happier and so is the Bahama Bistro staff!
Key Words (Specific to Bahama Bistro)
• Order Lead Time: Total cycle time from the moment the customer
places their order to the moment they receive their food.
• Lunch Time: Key lunch ordering hours from 11am to 2pm
• Customers: Business people and vacationers
• Packaging Process: All tasks related to placing food into take-out
containers, selecting utensils, napkins and condiments and then
placing them all into a bag
• Stock Items: All raw food items and food packaging items
• Condiments: Mini-bottles of hot sauce, limes, salt and pepper
Define Phase
Project Charter Project Charter

Lunch Order Cycle Time

Problem Statement Business Case & Benefits

In the last 3 months we have been receiving customer

Cycle Time improvement in our food orders for lunch
complaints about how long the food is taking to be
would result in an enhanced client experience. Cycle time
delivered during lunch time. Current cycle time average is
improvement could also translate into monetary benefits
28 minutes. If this continues we may lose our business
because we may turn tables quicker and seat more
customers who are on a tighter vacation schedule than
customers, which will increase revenue.
our vacationers. We could lose revenue

Goal Statement Timeline

Phase Planned Completion Date Actual
Reduce the cycle time to deliver sandwiches, salads and Define: January 14th  January 18th
soups from an average of 13 minutes to 11 minutes or Measure: January 30th  March 10th
less. Reduce the time to deliver entrees from an average Analyze: April 10th  April 12th
of 28 minutes to 20 minutes or less by May 10th Improve: May 10th  May 12th
Control: June 4th  June 20th

Scope In/Out Team Members

1st Process Step Customer arrives or calls Position Person Title % of Time
Last Process Step Deliver order (or pickup) Team Lead Julius Green Belt 20%
       Sponsor Elisabeth Manager 20%
In Scope: Food items served, process steps, length of Team Member Scott Chef 15%
cook time, reallocation of staff resources
Out of Scope: System upgrades and additional hiring, vendor Team Member Tracy Host 15%
  processes and food delivery schedules. Team Member Sean Busboy 15%

Take Away: Excellent buy-in – project is worth doing.

S IPOC: Lunc h Orde r to De live ry

S upplie rs Inputs Pro c e s s Outputs Cus to me rs

Customer Arrives or
Delivered Lunch Patron
Patrons A Lunch Order Lunch Order

Food Ingredients,
Grocery or Farmer, the Order
Raw Foods, Spices
Vendor, Distributor

Deliver to Kitchen

Paper Goods Prepare and Cus to me r Re quire me nts

Manufacturer Packaging: Bags,
Cook Order
cardboard holders Ac c urate
(food delivered should match what was ordered)
Package On-Time
Order (Delivery in 16 minutes or less - 20 minutes or less
for entrees)
Rig ht Te mpe rature
(Soup delivered at 155-160 degrees)
Deliver order Available
(or pickup) (Regular menu items 100% available)

Take Away: The scope of the project is from the moment we receive the
customer order to the moment they receive their lunch order.
“As-Is” Detailed Map Segment

Take Away: The team learned about the wait during the lunch order process
walk – customers were not happy!
“As-Is” Detailed Map Segment

Take Away: A 5S effort showed the waste of motion – it also included kitchen
staff which resulted in increased employee engagement.
Measure Phase
Data Collection Plan

Take Away: Since this is a cycle time project, all of the measures turned about
to be continuous measures of different segments of time.
Baseline – Project Y

40 Baseline Cycle Time of Lunch Orders - Feb - March

30 27.16


Take Away: Lots of variation in the process and the average time to serve lunch
is 27 minutes which is very high!
Analyze Phase
Fishbone Diagram
Fis hbo ne Diag ram

Pla c e Foo d Ty pe s

Sandwiches take more

Too much movement and than 10 min. to prep
Prep time takes longer because we steps to prepare food
have to take time to re-stock food
items during the rush Some items take too

Some items have a cook

The prep area is not very organized

Fo o d Ord e rs
Take To o
Lo n g fo r
Lu nc h
Too many Cu s to m e rs
Customers are too
orders at once

Too many choices Short-staffed

on the menu kitchen Server doesn't pick up food from
the kitchen right away
Packaging items for
pickup takes too long
Too many Chef can't keep
different foods to up with volume

Servers don't turn the

orders in right away

Pro c e s s Pe o ple

Take Away: The biggest areas to analyze further where prep time, sandwich
area, packaging and server habits.
Map Segment Showing Analysis
Value-Added Flow Analysis

Name: Tracy Process Name:Lunch Order to Delivery

Date: 10-Mar Time Measured In: Minutes Hours Days

(select units)
Step Label (VA, NVA,
# Process Step Value Added Time Required Work NVA - Wait Time

  Walk the customer order to the kitchen NVA   2  

  Check if it's readable NVA   2  
  If not readable, bring back to the waitress NVA   2  
  Ask the waitress to clarify the order NVA   2  
  Walk the customer order back to the kitchen NVA   2  
  Prep cook passes the order to the chef NVA   2  
  Chef assesses the order NVA-r   2  
  Ingredients assembled VA 2    
  Order cooked or prepared VA 7    
  Order plated NVA-r 1  
  Order placed on the warmer/staging NVA     1
  Order waits for pickup NVA     10
  Waitress picks up order NVA     2
  Customer Receives the order VA 1    
Time % of total

Total Value-Added Work Time 10 26.32% 76

Total Non-Value-Added or NVA-r Work Time 15 39.47%

NVA - Wait Time 13 34.21%

Total Cycle Time 38 100.00%

Take Away: Biggest opportunity to remove wait time is the pick-up area but
there are also too many steps checking and clarifying the order.
Map Segment Showing Analysis

Take Away: Process analysis showed a potential for removing time wasted
during packaging.
Root Cause Hypotheses
Root Cause Hypothesis

Possible Root Cause (x) Root Cause Hypothesis Result Verification

(1 or 2-Word Descriptor) (Theory of how "X" is influencing the Project "Y") (True/False) (How did you prove/disprove this theory?)

See Histogram - Average is 8 minutes and

1 Preparation Time Sandwiches take too long to prep TRUE
target is 5 minutes

Some of the lunch items have a cook time longer than 20 See Histogram - shows range of cook time
2 Cook time FALSE
minutes from 8.5 to 12 minutes

3 Preparation Time Prep area not very well organized TRUE See Spaghetti Chart

See Histogram - 80% of packaging time are

4 Packaging Time Packaging items for pick-up takes longer than standard TRUE
over standard

The server doesn't always turn the order in to the kitchen

5 Server FALSE Process Walk/Observation
right away

Take Away: Data confirmed all the hypotheses except for cook time – it does
not contribute significantly to late lunch orders.
Improve Phase
Selected Solutions
Solution Selection Matrix
Project Goal
Please rank each solution for each criteria
Enter Goal Statement below:
(As stated on Project Charter)
by using the 1-5 Scale as indicated below

Very Low Very High

Deliver lunch orders in less than 30 minutes by (less good) Moderate
end of May
1 2 3 4 5

Cost to Time to
Potential Solution Potential to Implement Stakeholder Implement
Customer Total Implement?
(Provide Brief Description) Meet Goal (1 = $$$ Buy-in (1 = Long
Impact Score Yes/No
& 5 = $) 5 = Quick)

Weighted Criteria 10 9 8 7 5

Don't include condiments with takeout 5 3 4 4 5 162 Yes

Change vendors 5 4 2 3 3 138 Yes

Cross-Train servers and cashiers 4 4 2 5 2 137 Yes

Rebuild Take-out assembly space 4 3 1 3 2 106 Yes
Add new labled bins for condiments 4 5 5 4 5 178 Yes
Reduce the takeout menu 3 3 3 3 2 112 No

Take Away: There was no buy-in to reduce the take-out menu so the team
focused first on cross-training which resulted in better staff relationships.
Required – Insert one or more project-specific maps showing improvement

“To Be” Map Segment

Take Away: Process changes including cross-training and 5Sing the Sandwich
prep area made the difference.
“To Be” Map Segment
S pag he tti Map

Wo rk S pac e : Kitchen Prep Area Name : Chef Scott

Pro c e s s o r Ac tivity:Making Sandwiches Date : July 30th

Wo rk Walk Dis tanc e Wo rkplac e Layo ut

Pro c e s s S te p
Time Time Walke d (add e quipme nt and furniture )
1 Remove selected bread type 0.2 0
2 Add selected condiments 0.2 0
3 Add cheese 0.2 0
4 Add selected veggies 0.2 0
5 Add selected meat 0.2 0

Bread Meat

Condiments Veggies


Totals 1 0 0

Total Cyc le Time (minute s ) Walking Time (minute s ) Walking Dis tanc e (fe e t)

1 0 0

Take Away: The “U” shape wastes the least amount of motion. Every item is
within hands reach with the new setup.
Run Chart Showing Improvement
Lunch Order Cycle Time - Before & After





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Take Away: Improvements had a big impact on lunch order cycle time!
Control Phase
Project Closure
Project Closure

Lessons Learned Customer Impact

Do's and Don'ts for Future Efforts   Positive Impacts on External Customer  
Remember to involve everyone early Customers are leaving nice comments
Don't just update people once - keep doing it throughout the life of Our rating on Yelp just went up!
the project
The Process Walk is always a big eye opener - make sure to  
include line staff and management too
Be sure to give credit to everyone who came up with good ideas -  
credit is free!

Final Calculations of Savings or Gains

Hard Savings/Profit Increase Soft Savings - Cost or Time
Production increased by 18% Time savings in prep areas due to new setup - staff available to
work on other tasks
Revenue has increased by an average of $3,467 per week Staff satisfaction has increased

Process Owner Hand-off Sign-off From Project Sponsor

Has been informed of process changes: The Bahama Bistro Team did a great job! - I'm offically giving my
Yes / No stamp of approval for documented improvements.
Agrees to continued monitoring of new process: - Elisabeth - Bistro Manager
Yes / No
Has received new process documentation:
Yes / No

Take Away: Ended up with some hard savings/increase in revenue and the
Process Owner is thrilled!

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