Steam Nozzles: - Mass Flow Rate Is Remains Constant

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- is a device of varied
cross – sectional area in
which the heat energy of
the steam is converted into
kinetic energy.
mass flow rate is
remains constant
Types of nozzles:
o convergent
The cross sectional area of the nozzle decreases from the entrance to exit.
The outlet pressure of the nozzle will be equal or higher than the critical
The critical pressure is the pressure which will accelerate the flow to a velocity equal to
the local velocity of sound in the fluid.
 Pressure ratio : 0.58 when using saturated steam

Mach number is the ratio of the speed of a body to the speed

of sound in the surrounding medium.
Types of nozzles
Convergent – divergent:

The area of the cross section decreases from entrance to throat and afterwards
increases from throat to exit.
Divergent portion increases the pressure drop and accelerates the flow.
The narrowest section of the C-D nozzle is called throat .
Flow through nozzle depends on throat and exit areas at a given pressure drop
Flow of steam through nozzles
The expansion of steam through a nozzle is considered as
There is no work done during flow of steam.
ie Q = 0: W = 0
Apply the steady flow energy equation,
For a flow of 1 kg/sec,
h1 + C12/2 + Q = h2 + C22/2 + W
For flow through nozzle,
h1 + C12/2 = h2 + C22/2
C1 is negligible, when compare with C2, then

C2 = √ [2(h1- h2)x1000] = 44.72 √(h1- h2).

C2 = 44.72 √(h1- h2) (m/s)

Effect of friction in steam nozzle:(frictional reheating)
During the flow of steam through the nozzle, loss would likely occur
due to internal friction of steam itself , friction between nozzle surface
and steam and shock losses.
This reduces the nozzle efficiency considerably occur more in
divergent portion of the nozzle.
Enthalpy drop is reduced resulting in lower exit velocity
dryness fraction of steam and specific volume are increased
Discharge Through an Isentropic Nozzle
Flow through the nozzle is isentropic

Gain in kinetic energy = Work done during expansion

Work done during expansion = Work done during flow process
Conditions for Maximum Discharge
Maximum discharge occur at critical pressure ratio

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