Appraising and Rewarding Performance: Ma. Lota G. Figueroa MPA Student Magdalena Bautista Professor
Appraising and Rewarding Performance: Ma. Lota G. Figueroa MPA Student Magdalena Bautista Professor
Appraising and Rewarding Performance: Ma. Lota G. Figueroa MPA Student Magdalena Bautista Professor
MPA Student Professor
“Managers should give constructive feedback to
employees, so that they can improve their performance.”
- Sherry E. Moss & Juan I. Sanchez
Performance Appraisal is
the systematic evaluation
of the performance of
employees and to
understand the abilities of
a person for further
growth and development.
The supervisors measure the pay of employees and
compare it with targets and plans.
Benefits refer to both mandatory programs and
employer options.
of a Professional
Professional development encompasses a broad
spectrum of learning and advancement opportunities,
such as tuition reimbursement, mentoring and defined
Rewards Recognition
advancement tracks.
Recognition ranges from an individual
Job satisfaction.
5. Flexibility
Flexibility can be a reward for a job well performed, and many people have come to
expect flexibility from their employer.
However, if the work allows and your employee is meeting expectations, the
opportunity to work outside of normal business hours or the office can be rewarding
and motivating.
6. Recognize good
Recognizing your faculty and staff should not be
a one-size-fits-all technique.
Find out how each of your employees would like
to be recognized. Some may prefer to be
recognized publicly, others are more comfortable
with praise during a one-on-one conversation or
a personalized note.
Regardless, affirming good work is sure to
encourage more good work.
A reward is basically a token of
“Reward is benefits provided by appreciation, given by the employer to
the employers, usually money, the employee for his/her service to the
promotion or benefits and company. A well-designed reward
satisfaction derived from the job system motivates employees and
itself such as pride in one’s work, helps in building positive emotional
a feeling of accomplishment or response towards the job. It also leads
being part of a team.” – DeCenzo to higher and better performance of
employees which has a direct impact
and Robbins
on the productivity of the company.
Extrinsic and Intrinsic
The variety of rewards that employees can
receive in exchange for their contributions of
time and effort can be classified as either
extrinsic or intrinsic rewards.
Intrinsic Rewards
An intrinsic reward is intangible; it might be the
sense of satisfaction you get from mastering a
new skill or the successful completion of a
complex project or from working on a project
that has personal significance or meaning.
Often described as “self-administered” rewards,
because engaging in the task itself leads to their
receipt. It includes feelings of task
accomplishment, autonomy, and personal
growth and development that come from the
Extrinsic Rewards
Extrinsic rewards are the physical ones that come from
an external source (employers) only.
Extrinsic rewards can be financial (a bonus, incentive, or
commission) or non-financial (praise, a training badge, a
development opportunity, or a coveted project
Extrinsic rewards can also include intangibles such as the
ability to work remotely or an invitation to participate in a
mentoring program.
Money and Motivation: A
closer look
A recurring debate among managers focuses on
the issue of whether money is a primary
motivator. Some argue that most behavior in
organizational settings is motivated by money (or
at least monetary factors), whereas others argue
that money is only one of many factors that
motivate performance.
Role of Money in Motivation
Money plays an important role in
motivation. Managements make use of
financial incentives for example wages and
salaries, bonus, retirement benefits, health
insurance, medical reimbursement, etc. to
motivate employees.
Money will not always
Thus, we can say that
be a motivating factor to
people in higher
all people. To some
positions, who get
people, importance
higher monetary
money will be reduced
rewards, are not
after a certain stage. To
motivated by increased
those people, non
financial benefits. They
financial rewards are
may be motivated by
more important. They
money only if the
are motivated by money
increase is large enough
only up to the stage they
to increase their
are struggling for
standard of living and
physiological and safety
status in the society.
Money helps in satisfying the social needs of the
employees to some extent because money is often
recognized as a basis of status, respect and power.