The Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013

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The Enhanced Basic

Education Act of 2013

(K to 12)
Peter Ryan Garcia
High School
(2 years)

Junior High
High School
(4 years)
Primary Education
(6 years)


G1 G2
G2 G3
G3 G4
G4 G5
G5 G6
G6 G7
G7 G8
G8 G9
G9 G10 G11 G12
G10 G11 G12
 Kindergarten and the
 12 years of Elementary and Secondary Education.

 Kindergarten refers to the five-year old child that

takes a standardized kindergarten curriculum

 Elementary Education refers to primary schooling

that involves six years of education (Grades 1 to 6)

 Secondary Education refers to

 four years of Junior High School (Grades 7 to 10)
 two years of Senior High School (Grades 11 to 12)
 Republic Act 10533

 Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013

 Approved May 15, 2013

 An Act Enhancing the Philippine Basic Education

System by Strengthening its Curriculum and
Increasing the Number of Years for Basic Education,
Appropriating Funds and Other Purposes

 encompasses at least one (1) year of kindergarten

education, six (6) years of elementary education,
and six (6) years of secondary education
Why K to12 ?

 A 12-year program is found to be the adequate period for

learning under basic education.

 A standard for recognition of students and professionals abroad

 The Philippines is the last country in Asia and one of only three
countries worldwide (the other two being Angola and Djibouti)
with a 10-year pre-university cycle.
Why K to12 ?

 After going through kindergarten, elementary, junior

high and specialized senior high school program,
every K to 12 graduate is ready to go into different
paths – higher education, middle skills development,
employment or entrepreneurship.
 K to 12 graduates are also expected to the equipped
with 21st century skills like information, media and
technology, skills, learning and innovation skills,
effective communication skills and life career skills.
 Despite of many criticism, DepEd still pushed for the
K to 12 implementation
Why K to12 ?
(other reasons)
 In international examinations, the Philippines perform poorly as
revealed in 2013 TIMSS ( Trends in International Mathematics and
 Grade IV Science and Math – the Philippines ranked 23 out of 25
participating countries
 High School Science II – the Philippines ranked 43 out of 46 participating
 In Math – ranked 34 out of 38 participating counties

 Reasons?
 Congested basic education curriculum
 Others countries teach in 12 years while in the Philippines is just 10 years
 Adding 2 years would make possible of the curriculum
Why K to12 ?
(other reasons)
 WithK to 12, Filipino professionals would have
the same competitive edge with professionals in
other countries having gone through 12 years of
basic education
Employability of Filipino high school
 The K to 12 curriculum prepares the graduates into : higher
education, employment, entrepreneurship, middle level skills (TESDA)
 As early as Grades 7 and 8 , student is made to explore at least 8
subjects in the 4 (four) ares of Technology and Livelihood Education :
HE, ICT, IA, Agri and Fishery arts,
 Grade 10 and 12 , the student is supposed to have obtained a National
Certificate (NC)
 NC I and II make a Grade 12 graduate employable
 Before: 10 years of education, students will graduate at the of 15,
Now because of the K to 12, graduates of SHS is 18 years old who is
The K to 12 Curriculum

 Section 5 of the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013,

stipulates the following curricular standards :
 (a) the curriculum shall be leaner-centered, inclusive and
developmentally appropriate;
 (b) the curriculum shall be relevant, responsive and research-
 (c) the curriculum shall be culture-sensitive;
 (d) the curriculum shall be contextualized and global;
 (e) the curriculum shall use pedagogical approaches that are
constructivist, inquiry-based, reflective, collaborative and
The K to 12 Curriculum

 Section 5 of the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013,

stipulates the following curricular standards :
 (f) the curriculum shall adhere the principles and framework of
 (g) the curriculum shall use the spiral progression approach to
ensure mastery of knowledge and skills after each level;
 (h) the curriculum shall be flexible enough to enable and allow
schools to localize, indigenize, and enhance the same based on
their respective educational and social contexts.
Thank you for
cooperation ! 

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